DIY winter bait for bream: recipes

Knowing the behavior of the bream in cold weather and the features of the reservoir where the fisherman will pass, you can prepare high-quality winter bait yourself. However, it is necessary to know exactly what is better to feed, what it is especially "led" to. Also, the composition of the mixture is influenced by the flow that may be present in the reservoir. In addition, you need to choose the right feeder so that the bait reaches the right place.

Diy winter bait recipes for bream

Features of bait bream in winter

In cold water, fish undergo processes that radically change their behavior. In particular, bream become less active, which affects the fish's appetite. In addition, their interest in protein foods awakens. However, this does not mean that you have to make a mixture exclusively of maggots and worms. The composition of the winter bait for bream primarily depends on the conditions in which the fishing will take place.

Important! The mix of open water bait may differ from the consistency used for ice fishing.

When fishing in open water

Winter bait for bream when fishing in open water

The absence of ice in the reservoir suggests that you will have to fish from the shore or boat. And if the use of special feeders is not provided, then the winter bait should be weighty and rather strong. A loose and inhomogeneous ball of bait simply crumbles in the water column. And since bream is prone to a bottom lifestyle, especially in winter, then for successful fishing the bait must definitely reach the bottom.

For this, the composition of the feed is added priming, making the bait not only heavy, but also greatly enhances its properties. This is noticeable in the behavior of the fish. Since bream leads a passive lifestyle in winter and eats reluctantly, therefore, its saturation with food occurs quickly. And a well-fed fish loses interest in food. In this case, the soil reduces the amount of food in the bait and makes it difficult for the fish to feed. Bream will have to make an effort to get the coveted ingredient and thereby awaken activity in himself.

In addition, in winter, the transparency of the water increases, and therefore the bait must have natural natural color. Bright colors can scare fish away, in addition, in the cold season, bream is cowardly and cautious. He may not return to the bait place at all if unnatural objects scare him off. In this case, the soil performs a camouflaging function, and the groundbait, which lies on the bottom, diluted with clay, will look natural.

Bait for winter fishing for bream

To make winter food for bream with your own hands with the addition of clay, you first need to sift the soil. This is done to remove water-insoluble substances from it. After sieving, the soil is homogeneous and does not contain foreign elements.

If the fishing takes place on calm water, then you can limit yourself to the usual mixing of soil and feed, having previously moistened them separately. The resulting mixture will acquire viscosity and will give the desired result in the future.

If the reservoir is present strong current, then you need a consistency of increased strength. For this, the feed mixture is mixed with dry soil, and the already obtained homogeneous mass is moistened to a state plasticine.

The soil to feed ratio also depends on the fishing conditions. The more clay is in the mixture, the stronger it will become.

Ice fishing

Winter fishing is good because you can fish right on the ice. Of course, provided that it is. However, moving away from the coast, the depth of the reservoir increases. Thus, the groundbait thrown into the water can simply fall apart and not fulfill its function. To prevent this from happening, it is appropriate to use special feeder, whose task is to deliver food to the right place. It is desirable to use such devices both in calm water and during current.

As for catching bream in a pond no strong current, then here you can use the so-called cone feeder.

Cone feeder for winter fishing

Scheme of a cone feeder for winter fishing
Winter cone feeder closed (A), open (B): 1 - pellet stopper; 2 - hairpin.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a cone feeder for winter fishing:

  1. The material of manufacture for such a device will be tin or sheet brass. But before designing the feeder, you still need to prepare the cardboard. A template is cut out of it, according to which the feeder itself is subsequently made directly.
  2. The cardboard is folded in such a way as to form a cone. And so that it does not fall apart, the resulting figure is fixed with ordinary paper clips. The edges of the template are processed with scissors to make the layout even. Then the cardboard cone unfolds, and the prepared material of the future feeder is already cut out along it.
  3. After cutting out the material, several holes are made in the resulting fragment. They are needed to fill the trough with water during a dive. But you also need to make another hole, which is punched in the bottom of the workpiece. It will serve to connect the housing to the lid.
  4. Further, the workpiece is rolled up and soldered, and a ring is attached to the top of the cone. The main task of the ring is to keep the feeder on the retainer after opening the device in the water.
  5. The cover is made of the same material as the body. However, it should be borne in mind that it must be larger than the bell of the feeder. The increased size of the workpiece is fundamentally important, since there will be holes in the lid for connecting the entire structure and fastening the latch.
  6. The cover is connected to the body with a ring, while it should open freely.
  7. The key element of the design is the latch, which not only keeps the lid closed, but also after opening it, keeps the feeder on the line.
  8. Copper wire is suitable for making the retainer. It is folded in half in such a way that from above a ring is obtained in diameter larger than the ring on the cone. As a result, a semicircle with two antennae should form.
  9. A nylon rope is threaded into the ring of the cone and tightly tied to a copper wire retainer. In turn, the latch is inserted into the hole in the cover, and its antennae move apart.
  10. As a result, the feeder, immersed in water, is closed. And to open it, you need to sharply pull on the fishing line, the end of which must be tied to a nylon rope. Thus, the tabs of the latch will pop out of the hole in the cover, and the device will open. And the feeder will remain hanging on the fishing line, since the retainer rests against the cone ring.

Making such a feeder is quite laborious and time consuming, so you can do something simpler and no less effective, but does not require special skills and materials. FROMwatch the following videos!

Video: DIY winter feeder

However with strong current such a feeder will demolish and the bait will not reach the desired place. In this case, at a distance of 3-4 meters from the main fishing point, additional hole... In relation to the current, it should be above the main hole. Then, the feed put into the water will be in the right place. However, in such conditions, the feed dump function is not required.

Bait bream on the current

Here you need feeder another configuration that can be done from nylon mesh with cells 4 × 4 mm.

Winter feeder made of nylon mesh

To do this, a square is cut out of the mesh, the two opposite sides of which are sewn with a strong thread. A non-tied knot is made every 2 cm. After that, another side is sewn in the same way. And a thin rope is wound into the unstitched edges, at the ends of which knots are made. The result is a mesh pouch.

In such a trough, the bait does not disintegrate, but at the same time it gradually dissolves in water, giving the desired effect. The upper part of the product, after placing the mixture in the feeder, is tightly tied. And so that the mesh bag is not carried away by the current, a small load is first put into it.

Video: which feeders are better to use on winter fishing

Ready mixes for feeding bream in winter

Among the variety of ready-made baits for bream, the company's products stand out Sensas.Specially formulated compounds for winter fishing are marked with "Ice"... Mixes of this series are available in both dry and wet consistency. In addition, choosing a ready-made product for a specific water body is not difficult, as Sensas offers various colors and corresponding smells.

  • BLACK - groundbait with the smell of dung worm, black;Ready-made winter bait for bream Sensas with the smell of dungworm
  • NATURAL - groundbait with the smell of natural cereals, light brown;Ready-made winter bait for bream Sensas with the smell of natural grains
  • RED - groundbait with the smell of bloodworms, red-brown.

Ready-made winter bait for bream Sensas with a bloodworm smellAlso, some of the best ready-made groundbaits for winter bream are:

  • Greenfishing;
  • Dynamite Baits;
  • Mondial-F;
  • Traper;
  • 100 bites.

How to feed bream in winter: ingredients

In the cold season, bream leads a passive lifestyle, and also tries to avoid muddy areas of water. This should be taken into account when preparing winter bait mixtures.

How to feed bream in winter

In winter bait for bream, you can use the following ingredients:

  • Animal supplements. In winter, in addition to the fact that the bream needs protein to maintain energy, the eggs of the females of this fish mature. And for its development, proteins and fats are simply needed. And here bloodworms and maggots can act as bait.Bloodworm
  • Oilcake. Carp individuals, in particular bream, respond well to the smell of sunflower product. And independent bait for bream in winter can be made from sunflower seeds, after grinding them in a meat grinder.Sunflower cake
  • Breadcrumbs. When adding this ingredient to the mixture, you should take into account the peculiarities of the reservoir where the fishing will take place. Although a large individual bites well on rye products, the dark color of the rusks can scare off fish.Breadcrumbs
  • Cereals. The main ingredient can be millet, semolina or oatmeal. And you don't need to cook anything. Even using rice, it should remain half-baked. This method of preparing cereals will avoid the appearance of turbidity in the water.Cereals
  • Sweets. Adding grated cookies, gingerbread or biscuit crumbs to the bait will make it more viscous, which will have a positive effect on the bream feeding procedure.Biscuits
  • Salt. With it, the bait will not freeze, and this is a very important property that is necessary for winter fishing. Besides, salt awakens appetite in fish.Salt

Video: the best winter bait for large bream

DIY winter bream bait: recipes

Winter Bream Bait Recipes

Consider the recipes for making winter catchy baits for bream, which can be made at home:

Recipe number 1. Ingredients: 100 g of cake, millet and bran, 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar, salt, three boxes of bloodworms.

Cooking method. In the already steamed millet, cake and bran are added. Bloodworms, salt and sugar are added to the stirred mixture. The resulting consistency is mixed with clay.

Recipe number 2. Ingredients: Sunflower cake - 100 gr, rice - 100 gr, bread crumbs - 200 gr, bran - 200 gr, maggot - 3 boxes, chopped coriander, salt.

Cooking method. All remaining ingredients are added to the semi-baked rice.

Recipe number 3. Ingredients: Crackers - 1 kg, 400 g of oatmeal, coconut flakes - 100 g, maggot 5 - 6 boxes, salt.

Cooking method. Ground rye crackers and crushed seeds are added to the steamed oatmeal. Then all the remaining components are put in.

Recipe number 4. Ingredients: Breadcrumbs - 800 gr, sunflower seeds - 100 gr, chopped peas - 100 gr, bloodworms - four boxes, flax seeds, salt.

Cooking method. The crushed seeds of plants, as well as all the remaining components, are added to the steamed peas.

Recipe number 5. Ingredients: Chopped biscuit - 200 gr, cake - 100 gr, rice - 100 gr, lard without salt - 50 gr, peanuts - 100 gr, 2 boxes of bloodworms, salt.

Cooking method. Finely chopped bacon is added to semi-baked rice, after which all remaining components are added to the resulting mixture.

Video: winter bait for bream

Since the bream is considered a bottom individual, the winter bait of bream with folk remedies is planned based on the characteristics of the reservoir. Moreover, it must necessarily reach the bottom, or at least begin to act not far from it. Therefore, it is important to study all the features of the reservoir, as well as measure its depth. After all, knowing all the subtleties of the chosen fishing spot, you can prepare a high-quality winter mixture.

Video: winter bait for catching bream

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