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How to clip wings to keep chickens from flying

In the life cycle of chickens, depending on the breed and the course of physiological cycles, sooner or later there comes a period when the qualities inherent in the bird begin to appear. Nevertheless, some owners are worried about the fact that their birds ...

Blood on the shell and inside of chicken eggs

The presence of blood, found by farmers on the surface of the shell or inside the egg, not only lowers the potential cost of production, but also causes concern for buyers. Many of them consider the product unfit for consumption and ...

How to get rid of rats in a chicken coop

Rodents such as mice or rats in a chicken coop can be a real problem for the farmer. Among the harm they cause, poultry farmers note theft and damage of eggs, the transfer of infectious diseases and helminths, damage ...

Why chickens stopped laying eggs in the fall

Many poultry breeders are wondering why chickens stop laying eggs in the fall. The main reasons for this phenomenon are the season, changes in diet, breed, type of food, age. In other words, the factors that ...

Keeping laying hens at home in winter

Laying hens, pleasing to the eye of the owner and beneficial, have always been considered unpretentious and profitable pets of a private backyard. And remembering how many pleasant minutes the collection of tasty, fresh eggs from the nests brings, there is no doubt ...


