Growing parsley through seedlings: when and how to sow seeds, take care of seedlings

So, you've decided to grow parsley through seedlings. Likely, simple (classic) sowing seeds in the ground in spring you fail, although unlike dill parsley rises noticeably better. But it was not only failure that could have prompted you to sow parsley for seedlings - perhaps you are in a hurry to get early greens as soon as possible.

Well, then you will find out when and how to plant parsley on seedlings in order to get early and chic straight greens ... Or root crops, because through seedlings you can grow not only leaf parsley, but also root parsley.

By the way! If you end up enjoying growing parsley through seedlings, then you can continue right at home on the windowsill.

When to sow parsley for seedlings: optimal timing

As a rule, parsley seeds are planted for seedlings in March, in order to plant in open ground in the second half of April and early May, in other words, seedlings are planted on the garden at the age of one and a half months.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

Many gardeners often turn to the lunar calendar for specific dates for more discipline.

So, the most favorable days in 2020 for sowing parsley for seedlings are:

  • March - 2-8, 26-29;
  • April - 1, 2, 11-15, 17-20, 25-30;
  • May - 2-4, 6, 9, 10-12, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-29;
  • June - 2-4, 7-9, 11-14, 16-19, 30.

By the way! If you are going to plant parsley to the root (root), then for this completely different favorable dates according to the lunar calendar.

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, for planting root parsley in 2020 are:

  • in March - 8, 10, 16-19;
  • in April - 5-7, 9-15, 17-22, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-6, 9, 11, 12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in June - 7-9, 11-14.

However, it is not so important to sow greens or a vegetable on an auspicious day, how not to do it on an unfavorable one (the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign -italicized), and according to the lunar calendar, in 2020 it is:

  • in March - 9,19-21, 24;
  • in April - 8,15-17, 23;
  • in May - 7,13-14, 22;
  • in June - 5,9-11, 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

How to sow parsley seeds for seedlings: a step-by-step guide

Selection of containers and soil

As a planting container, it is very convenient to use special containers for growing seedlings (mini-greenhouses), sold together with a pallet and a plastic lid.

Similarly, you can use food plastic containers with a lid, and indeed any containers that you have.

The main thing - do not forget to make drainage holes in the planting tanks!

As a soil, you can use the most common soil for growing seedlings (purchased), which you can mix 1 to 1 with a regular garden one to save money, and add a little river sand to loosen it.

If you use garden land, then it is imperative to carry out soil disinfection, although this will not be superfluous for purchased soil.

Disinfect the soil in the following ways:

  • Carry out heat treatment - heat or steam in the oven, steamed or in the microwave.
  • Spill with fungicide solution - potassium permanganate or biological product Fitosporin(the second remedy will be much more effective).

Better yet, do both (first ignite, then cool and spill).

Seed preparation for sowing

Parsley seeds as well as others from the umbrella family (parsnip, celery, dill, carrot), are covered with essential oils that slow down their germination. If you want to improve the germination of planting material, it should be pre-treated, namely soaked to wash off the essential oils.

Advice! The site has a detailed article about how to carry out pre-sowing treatment of carrot seeds (for parsley everything is the same).

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing parsley seeds for seedlings:

  1. Prepare containers, soil and seeds.
  2. Fill the planting containers with soil.
  3. Spill well with water.
  4. Make small indentations or grooves literally half a centimeter (5 mm) deep.
  5. It is better to sow several seeds at once in one hole (so to speak, in nests) or thicker in rows, because. parsley does not emerge 100%.
  6. Gently sprinkle the crops on top with soil.
  7. Cover the planting container with a plastic lid or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect (to keep the inside warm and humid).
  8. Place in a warm place where the temperature is about +25 degrees.

Video: planting parsley for seedlings without picking

Care of parsley seedlings after germination

As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter can be removed, and the planting container itself can be quickly rearranged in a bright place, for example, on the lightest window sill (optimally southern). Or provide supplementary lighting with phytolamps or their LED counterparts.In this case, the temperature should be kept at + 16-20 degrees.

Young seedlings of parsley do not require special care. It only follows water as the earth dries up, and preferably along the edge of the container or, for example, from a syringe or syringe (enema).

As a rule, gardeners do not resort to picking parsley seedlings, even in spite of its dense crops. But purely for the sake of interest, you, of course, can try to do this when she has 2-3 real leaves (that is, about 4 weeks after planting).

If you have sown seedlings root parsleythen dive especially not worth it.

Instead of a dive, it is better to do thinning parsley seedlings: the first - after the formation of 1-2 true leaves, the second - after 3-4 leaves.

Planting seedlings in open ground

It is worth planting parsley seedlings on a garden bed in open ground at the age of 1.5 months, that is, if you plant it in mid-March, then the landing period is suitable in the beginning of May.

Parsley is not afraid of returnable spring frosts.

Parsley is a rather unpretentious plant in relation to the place and growing conditions: it can grow both in sunny areas and in shaded corners of the garden. Moreover, in the shade, according to some gardeners, it turns out to be even more juicy and tasty (shade-tolerant culture). But in the scorching sun, it tastes dry. Moreover, if you have sandy soil, then so that it does not dry out quickly (you will have to water it often in any case), you need to plant it in the shade (partial shade).

By the way! It is convenient to plant this greenery next to fruit trees. If dill under the apple tree you will get thin and thin, then the parsley will grow very good.

Also good neighbors can be onion set and even strawberry... In general, parsley is great for mixed plantings.

Concerning crop rotation, then this plant can be planted in the garden where it used to grow cabbage, onion, potatoes, tomato and cucumbers.

Optimal parsley seedling planting scheme: distance between seedlings - 5-8 cm, between rows - 25-30 cm.

You can plant 2-3 seedlings in one hole. If the soil is damp, then additional watering is not necessary.

Despite the fact that the landing is carried out in early May, no need to cover. Even if there are frosts, the parsley will be able to transfer them, because the culture is quite cold-resistant.

How to care for parsley outdoors

They landed, but what to do next?

Our an article on the classic cultivation of parsley and outdoor care.

Thus, growing parsley through seedlings is not so difficult, but you will receive a wonderful early harvest as a reward.

Video: how to grow parsley in a seedling way

It is generally believed that seedling method is more suitable for leafy varietiessince when growing a root variety through seedlings during transplantation into open ground, it is very easy to damage its young roots, which will cause the formation of ugly branched root crops. Nevertheless, some gardeners in Siberia and the Urals successfully plant it on seedlings.

Video: growing parsley root seedlings

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