Growing cannes in the garden: germinating a house in a pot and planting in open ground

You have decided to add exotic to your flower garden, right? Indeed, the canna is the very tropical plant that will surely decorate your site, and not only the garden, but also the terrace, greenhouse, balcony or light windowsill, because it can be grown not only in the open field, but also in pots.

Next, you will learn when to plant and how to grow cannes outdoors and in a pot at home.

When to plant cannes in open ground and at home for germination in a pot

The plant is tropical, which means that it is very afraid of freezing temperatures, therefore, canna rhizomes can be planted in open ground only after the threat of recurrent spring frosts has passed, the soil will warm up to a landing depth of up to + 10-12 degrees.

Thus, the approximate timing of planting canna rhizomes in the Middle lane (Moscow region) - second half of May, in the Urals and Siberia - late May-early June.

If you are going initially sprout cannes at home in a pot, then they usually start landing only at marchApril.

According to the lunar calendar for 2021

If you want to choose a specific day for landing, then you can resort to using the Lunar calendar (of course, if you believe in it).

So, auspicious days in 2021, according to the lunar calendar, for planting cannes in open ground are the following numbers:

  • in March - 8-12, 26-31;
  • in April - 7, 9-15, 17-22, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-6, 9-12, 20, 21, 29-31;
  • in June - 7-9, 11-14.

By the way! Planting tubers in a pot (at home for germination) is also recommended in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Unfavorable dates for planting all crops in 2021, including Cannes (days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign -italicized):

  • in March - 9-10, 13, 28;
  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27.

How to prepare canna rhizomes for planting

The preparation of canna rhizomes for future planting should begin with their close inspection.

If the tubers show any putrid areas, then they are necessary trim to healthy tissue, and then cover with brilliant green or sprinkle with coal (activated or woody) and let dry.

Further planting material follows pickle in fungicide solution on average, within 20-30 minutes (see the instructions for a particular product).

Popular fungicides for dressing bulbs, tubers and rhizomes: Maxim Dachnik, Augustine (for etching planting material), Vitaros, Fundazol, Fitosporin... Or you can even use copper sulfate (1% solution = 5 g per 500 ml of water).

Reproduction by division

Obviously, the rhizomes grow over time, so they need to be divided periodically.

It is possible to divide one large rhizome into several small ones with a knife or secateurs, or by carefully breaking and separating with your hands.

  • How many parts can you divide?

Roughly speaking, one plant is one bud, but it is still better that each rhizome (more precisely, "delenki") have 2-4 buds, especially if they are located close to each other.

The more rhizomes, the more nutrition they have, which means better and more abundant flowering.

After division slices absolutely necessary process and let dry.

Germination of canna rhizomes at home in a pot

Of course, you can always plant canna rhizomes directly in open ground, especially if you do not have enough space on the windowsill (a lot of vegetable and other flower seedlings).

However, if you want the plant to bloom as quickly as possible, then it can be germinate at home in a pot.

Note! If the warm season is very short in your region, then if you do not grow these flowers at home, they may not have time to bloom at all in the summer.

But before you start germination, you should consider the following:

  • If you purchased rhizomes in February-March and on them until there are no shoots, or they are very small (1-2 cm), then they can be put in a refrigerator (or in another cool place) and planted for germination in a pot only in late March-early April. Or keep it in this state until May and plant it in open ground.

  •  If there are already large enough sprouts on the rhizomes (5-7 cm), then it is imperative to plant the tubers in a pot and put them on a light windowsill. Or rather, plant it in the ground, if possible (it is May outside and there is no threat of frost).

So, planting canna rhizomes for germination at home is carried out as follows:

  • The first thing you need to do is find a pot of the right size.

At the bottom of the pot must be drain holes, you can even pour a drainage layer of expanded clay. Under no circumstances should moisture stagnation be allowed!

  • Next, you need to fill the pot with loose (air and moisture permeable) and fertile soil. A soil mixture based on peat, sand, compost or humus is suitable.

Like the rhizomes themselves, potting soil should preliminarily disinfecte.g. by steaming in the oven and / or spilling with a solution Fitosporin.

  • Now it is recommended to plant the rhizomes correctly - the right side. Cannes is planted exactly growth bud up, while it is completely unimportant in what position the rhizomes themselves will be.
  • Sprinkle with soil on top, covering the buds by 2 cm.
  • Drizzle (you can use a solution Fitosporin).
  • Put on the lightest and warmest windowsill (+ 20-25 degrees).
  • Further care before planting in the ground is to maintain suitable conditions (warm, light, relatively humid = water as the upper soil dries up).
  • As a rule, it takes up to 2 weeks for rooting, after which the first sprout breaks through.

Interesting! In general, you can germinate cannes tubers in wet sawdust.

How to plant cannes in open ground

If you did not germinate canna rhizomes, then they should be planted in the same way as any tuber-bulbous plants (deepening by about 5-8 cm): there are no nuances here.

And then let's talk about where it is better to plant cannes than to fill the landing holes.

Choosing a place in the garden

Gangnam needs a lot of light and warmth for abundant flowering, which means that you will have to find the most illuminated place on your site again.

In the shade of the canna, all decorativeness will be lost, the flowers will be stunted, and the leaves will be thin and elongated.

And the most unacceptable - the moment of flowering can be noticeably delayed.

At the same time, tropical plants are afraid of drafts, so it is better to choose a protected place.

Cannes love loose and fertile soil. This is why the place where they will grow should be fertilize well and add a lot of organic matter (compost, humus), add sand, peat (so that the earth is more air- and moisture-absorbing).

Idea! Cannes can be planted next to dahlias, because the care for them is very similar, besides, they are also dug out at the same time, as well as they are stored (it is possible together).

Direct planting of sprouted rhizomes

So that you can easily get and not damage the earthen lump from the pot, while minimally traumatizing the roots, shortly before transplanting into the ground, cannes must be shed abundantly.

Landing is done by transshipment. Namely, you pull out and put the canna in a pre-prepared hole (made to the size of a pot), fill it with fertile soil, slightly compact, water and mulch (sawdust, peat, humus).

Is it possible to grow cannes in an apartment or outdoors in a pot

Cannes can be successfully grown indoors all year round, of course, if you can provide them with long daylight hours (in other words, you should have a bright southern window sill or loggia, or the possibility of additional lighting), and in winter arrange a short period of rest.

And of course, the variety must be undersized.

Naturally, the pot must be large enough. Moreover, the larger it is, the better your tropical flowers will grow and bloom (and it is better to take a wider than a deep one).

Important! The pot must contain drain holes, from which excess moisture will pour out freely. At the same time, you can even pour a drainage layer of expanded clay on the bottom (literally 2-3 cm).

Of course, the pot can be taken outside in summer, it will be even better (more light).

Just do not forget to bring the pot from the street with the beginning of autumn and a cold snap.

In winter, the canna will not bloom, but the decorativeness of the leaves will not go anywhere.

How to care for cannes outdoors

Grooming cannes is no different compared to what you usually do when tending other flowers in your garden.

  • Timely watering, especially if the weather is dry and hot (at least once every 7-10 days). In this case, it is better abundant, but not often.

Have you seen the foliage of Cannes? Obviously, the plant loves water. And sprinkling.

  • Regular loosening and weeding.

Advice! Mulching is a real boon not only for plants, but also for gardeners. You need to water less often (mulch will not allow moisture to evaporate quickly), the need for loosening and weeding, as a rule, generally disappears.

  • If you have filled the land where the cannes grow with a sufficiently fertile substrate, then you can do without top dressing. But, if you want the plants to be powerful and abundantly flowering, then you can feed the cannes a couple of times with any complex fertilizer for flowering plants (more potassium and phosphorus, a little nitrogen), the same Fertika, Agricola, or, in extreme cases, nitroammophos.

If you want to get confused, then first it is better to give nitrogen fertilizer (to build up green mass), and then potassium-phosphorus (more potassium) for lush and long flowering.

  • Do not let the seed pods get tied if you are not going to grow cannes from seeds (and this is a very tedious undertaking), because the plant spends a lot of energy on the maturation of seeds.

Advice! Remove faded inflorescences along with peduncles, then new ones will grow in their place.

When to dig up and how to store cannes in winter

Unfortunately, every autumn canna rhizomes need be sure to dig up and put away for storage.

Yes, growing cannes, like the same dahlias, is a problematic business, because it can be very troublesome keep them until spring... But try.

Diversify your flower garden by planting a wonderful tropical canna this year. Now you know when and how to plant, the matter remains small. Good luck!

Video: cannes - growing and care in the open field

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