Plum care in autumn and preparation for winter

Among fruit crops, plum occupies one of the first places. In order to ensure a high yield of plums, it needs proper care in the autumn.

Read on to learn what to do with plums in autumn, how to prepare them for winter.

Plum care in autumn

Features of plum care in autumn and in preparation for winter - general tips and tricks

In order to ensure a good harvest of plums for the next year, it is necessary to dig up the soil and at the same time apply the appropriate fertilizers. This procedure is carried out at a distance of one meter from the tree trunk.The soil should be dug to a depth of no more than 30 centimeters.

By the way! Digging the soil can be carried out only the next year after planting the crop.

Top dressing and fertilization of plums in autumn

There are several types of fertilizers that are allowed to be applied under the plum in the fall. In most cases it is recommended application of a mixture of humus, wood ash and superphosphate... Gardeners also advise adding small amounts of urea.

Watering plums in autumn

Plum belongs to the category of moisture-loving plants, therefore, she needs to provide abundant watering in the autumn. At this time, appropriate fertilization is required. For the procedure, it is desirable use at least 35 liters of water... Watering is carried out until severe frost. Otherwise, it can negatively affect wintering.

A variety of pests can be found under the hidden scales of the tree bark. To eliminate them, it is recommended to carry outcleaning the tree trunk from scales. For this purpose, it is advised to use a special rigid metal brush. During this procedure, you should have a number of insecticides, the action of which is aimed at eliminating pests. If they are found, it becomes necessary to sprinkle the plant.

Whitewashing plums in autumn

Preparing plums for winter consists in whitewashing the trunk, which provides protection from pests and limits the possibility of negative effects of sunlight on the tree in winter. For this procedure, it is optimal to use a solution of lime and mullein.

Video: how to prepare a plum for winter

Pruning plums in autumn

In the autumn, it is necessary not only to remove diseased and dry branches, but also to shorten them, which guarantees the full formation of the crown.

Pruning plums in autumn for winter

Why cut a plum

Plum pruning is recommended to form its correct crown and get rid of sick and dry branches... Also, this procedure has a positive effect on the quality and quantity of the crop.

Plum pruning scheme in autumn

When is the best time to prune plums - in spring or autumn.

Most experts advise to carry out major pruning of plums in the fall. In spring, only dry branches should be removed. In the northern regions, a similar procedure should be carried out in the summer.

Pruning dates in the fall

In the autumn, it is necessary to prune the tree after harvest and foliage fall. The timing of pruning plums directly depends on the region of cultivation.

How to properly cut a plum in the fall - instructions and diagram

When pruning plums in the fall, dry and broken branches are removed. If there are unnecessary branches, then they must also be deleted. Pruning young trees involves shortening the length of the shoots.

Correct pruning of plums in autumn

Features of pruning young and old plums in autumn

Pruning methods for old and young trees have certain distinctive features.

If the seedlings are young, it is necessary to shorten the length of the main shoots. For this purpose, it is recommended to leave only 2/3 of the shoot length. All other shoots should be cut off slightly - by 1/3. Thanks to this procedure, the tree develops quickly and fully.

Pruning plums in autumn

When caring for an adult tree, it is necessary to eliminate dry and broken branches. You should also eliminate diseased shoots. It is recommended to prune plums in the autumn only in warm regions. When pruning, regardless of the age of the tree, it is necessary to remove overgrown shoots.

Caring for the tree after pruning, feeding

In order to minimize injury to the tree after pruning, it is recommended to take full care of it. Therefore, they dig up the soil in the trunk circle, and also apply fertilizers. For this purpose, organic and mineral compositions are most often used. In the autumn period, the last feeding of the current year is carried out.

Fertilizing plums in autumn

Plum shelter for the winter

Plum is a hardy plant, but it needs proper shelter at a young age. In the northern regions, insulation is carried out constantly, regardless of the age of the tree.

How to cover a plum for the winter - instructions and diagram

Plum shelter for the winter can be carried out according to various schemes. The most common application is the mulching method. After digging the trunk circle, it is necessary to mulch it with humus. After the first snow appears, a snowdrift is made from it around the tree, which contributes to insulation. It is also recommended to whitewash the trunk, which not only contributes to the warming of the culture, but also eliminates the possibility of the development of diseases and pests.

How to cover a plum for the winter

Features of the shelter of a young plum for the winter

Shelter of young plums is carried out according to a different scheme. This is due to the fact that the trees planted this year do not need fertilization. That is why their insulation is carried out by whitewashing the trunk. And also around it you can wrap several layers of paper. The soil around the young plum tree is insulated with bags, which must be spread out and fixed with a small amount of soil.

Plum shelter for the winter

If severe frosts are observed, then several layers of burlap must be used to insulate the trunk circle. The trunk circle should be covered with plastic wrap, which minimizes the negative impact of precipitation.

Shelter of young plums for the winter

Features of preparing plums for winter in different regions

It is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering as thoroughly as possible. In this case, the characteristics of the region in which the tree is grown is taken into account.

In the middle lane (Moscow region)

Crop care consists of stimulating watering, top dressing, digging up the soil and pruning. Also during this period, the plant is fertilized.

In the Volga region

In preparation for wintering plums in this region, the gardener must perform a number of specific actions - dig up the soil, apply fertilizer, whitewash and prune. It is also recommended to carry out stimulating watering.

In the Urals

In this region, the climate is not harsh enough, but it is still recommended to carry out warming of young plums here, since this ensures the highest quality plant survival. Stimulating watering is carried out in early autumn. In the Urals, partial pruning of the plant is recommended.

In Siberia

This region has a rather harsh climate. That is why it is necessary to insulate crops, regardless of how old they are. In order to recuperate, the tree needs feeding. It is carried out immediately after shedding the foliage. It is strictly forbidden to carry out abundant watering, as this can lead to freezing of the root system and the death of the plant.

Typical mistakes in plum care in autumn and preparation for winter

Many gardeners make gross mistakes when caring for plums in the fall.

For example, some of them do not remove foliage to warm the plant. But it is strictly forbidden to do this, since there can be various diseases on the fallen leaves, which are actively developing after wintering.

Autumn plum care

Gardeners do not clean the plum boles... However, it is imperative to remove moss, dead bark from them, lichens... If there are wounds, it is recommended to clean them. For treatment with the aim of the fastest possible healing, garden varnish, copper sulfate, lime solution can be used.

Autumn plum care

Gardeners believe that in the autumn there is no need to protect plums from diseases and pests... On the contrary, plums need protection from aphids and caterpillars, which are classified as dangerous pests. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an onion-garlic solution. Take several glasses of onion skins. To them are added two large heads of garlic and laundry soap in the amount of one bar, which is pre-crushed on a grater.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and filled with 5 liters of boiling water.It is recommended to insist the remedy for several hours. After this time, the product is filtered using gauze. After the solution has cooled down, the plum is treated by spraying.

Processing and spraying plums from pests in the fall

In the autumn period, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the plum in preparation for winter. For this purpose, the gardener is advised to perform certain actions. Their order is determined according to the region of cultivation.

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