How to care for a lawn in the spring in the country: its recovery after winter

It's not so easy to have a beautiful green lawn at your summer cottage. In order for your lawn to delight you for a long time, special attention should be paid to it every spring.

Next, you will find out what the main agricultural activities are included in the spring gas care.

The main stages of lawn care in spring

When positive temperatures are established and the top layer of grass is dried, it is recommended to start preparing the green area for the next season, in other words, in early spring, you should start restoring the lawn after wintering.

As a rule, the following steps should be included in the basis of spring care:

  • combing out;
  • aeration;
  • top dressing;
  • sowing new grass (optional).

Video: spring lawn care

Combing out

Important! As much as you would not like to grab a fan or ordinary rake upon arrival at the site and start combing in spring, you should refrain from this procedure until the grass is completely dry.

Basic tips and tricks for brushing your lawn in spring:

  • For combing, you can take a simple rake or a fan. The latter are more desirable and convenient, because ordinary ones can pull out the grass along with the roots, especially if you have young crops (they are 1-2 years old).
  • First, you should collect all fallen leaves and other debris on the site.
  • Further, it is good to comb the lawn, that is, you need to comb out all the caked grass that is on the surface of the earth, and then collect it in a pile and take it to the compost pit or destroy (burn).

Video: combing the lawn in early spring


This is the process of enriching the upper and lower layers of the lawn with oxygen, in other words, providing access to the roots of air, which contributes to a more rapid development of the root system. Thus, acting with the help of special devices, the soil is pierced to a shallow depth (8-10 centimeters). It should be noted that 3-5 cm will be enough for young grass.

Various means can be used to aerate the lawn. For example, verticutters or scarifiers (they are mechanical, electric and gasoline). With the help of the same units, it is possible to comb out especially large areas, which are very difficult to handle with a rake, as well as time- and labor-intensive.

By the way! If you have a small area, then you can use special aerator sandals or a pitchfork to perform this procedure.

Video: aerating the lawn in spring

Top dressing and fertilization

Top dressing is a very important part of spring lawn care. During this period, it is necessary to give preference to nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which help any plants to build up green mass. For example, ammonium nitrate or carbamide (urea)... There are also special complex mixtures for feeding the lawn (usually spring-summer).

By the way! It is very convenient to apply prolonged complex fertilizers especially for use on large areas. It is enough to apply them in early spring, and this will be enough until the end of the growing season (that is, there will be no need to feed in summer and autumn).

According to some gardeners, liquid fertilizers are most convenient. If the proportion is observed, you will definitely not burn out young grass, unlike dry and granular counterparts.

After feeding the lawn, it is imperative to water it abundantly in order to prevent the process of burning out the young grass with fertilizer granules, they must be dissolved with water by all means.

The main thing when applying dressings is their even distribution over the entire still yellow-green area, otherwise the grass will grow unevenly and it will look sloppy.

By the way! There are special devices for feeding lawn grass.

Video: what and when to feed the lawn

Restoration (overseeding of lawn grasses)

If there are damaged areas on the lawn (all kinds of bald spots), then darning or restoration should be performed, in other words, a new one should be planted. To do this, clean its upper part, slightly loosen it, and then sow the seeds evenly and mulch with a thin layer of soil (with the addition of river sand). Then tamp well.

Advice! Irregularities can form on the lawn during the winter. Such depressions should also be covered with soil.

Video: restoration of a lawn lawn

Thus, if you properly care for your lawn in the spring, then every year you will have a beautiful emerald green lawn, on which the envious glances of more lazy neighbors will fall.

Video: lawn care in spring

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