How to care for garden jasmine (mock orange) in the fall and properly prepare for winter

Chubushnik is very popular among gardeners, because the aroma of its flowers is simply delicious, and it is not for nothing that it is most often called garden jasmine.

Chubushnik received such universal recognition among gardeners both due to its undemandingness, absolute unpretentiousness (the plant is very drought-resistant), and due to its ability to grow on virtually any soil and anywhere.

This article will tell you how to care for garden jasmine after flowering and in the fall, as well as how to properly prepare it for winter.

How to care for a mock orange after flowering and in autumn

What to do with garden jasmine after flowering and in the fall, in preparation for winter:

  • prune after flowering:
  • feed;
  • if necessary, carry out an autumn anti-aging pruning;
  • prepare for winter - mulch the trunks of young bushes and tie the old ones.

By the way! In autumn, you can also transplant chubushnik to a new place... It is quite simple to do this, the technology is as follows:

  • Dig in the shrub from all sides, stepping back from its center.
  • Take a long, but not very wide board. Push one end of the board with effort under the root from below, and press the other end like a lever. This will remove the bush with minimal root damage.
  • Before planting, spill the hole well with water and plant a bush (you can just below).
  • Cover with soil and water again abundantly.
  • Top with dry soil, peat, compost.
  • If the bush is large, then cut it off.

Pruning jasmine in autumn

One of the main autumn activities related to the care of a mock-orange is its pruning.

Jasmine grows well over the season. And if you do not prune garden jasmine at least once every 2 years, then it will thicken, and the old branches will “go bald”, which will noticeably affect its decorative effect.

Advice! Do not be afraid to cut the mock-orange: after cutting, it will very quickly begin to grow over with new shoots.

The main rule! Chubushnik is not cut low, as it blooms on long two-, three-year-old shoots, and, for example, at a height of 1 meter, there will be almost no flowers!

Video: autumn pruning of a chubushnik

When to prune jasmine - fall or spring

Chubushnik pruning is carried out in spring, summer and autumn.

  • In early spring (as a rule, before bud break, but it is possible also after, since it will be better seen) usually carry out sanitary pruning, i.e. remove frozen, broken off and dried shoots.

  • In summer, after flowering (in the second half of July), cut off the tops of all faded 2-, 3-year-old shoots, always leaving a young lateral growth, as well as all excess young growth (especially the lower branches). In addition, branches growing in the center of the bush must be cut out, excessively long young shoots are shortened (pinched), i.e. give the shrub the desired shape (shape).
  • In autumn they are already doing anti-aging pruning (once every 4-5 years), cutting out the oldest shoots on the stump. As for the timing, the autumn pruning of garden jasmine is carried out in September-October, when the sap flow in the shoots of the plant slows down.

In general, rejuvenating pruning can be done in early spring.

Video: at what time and how to properly cut jasmine (mock orange)

Top dressing after flowering and summer pruning

In general, it will be enough to fertilize the mock-orange once in the spring with a full complex fertilizer (such as Nitroammofoska or some special fertilizer marked “For garden flowers and flowering shrubs”), and this will be enough for it. Or you may not fertilize at all.

Of course, if you feed the garden jasmine after flowering, then next year it will bloom and smell even more brightly and aromatic. So, the choice is yours, at least you can try and compare.

As always, fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium should be used as a top dressing after flowering:

Phosphorus-potassium dressing allows the plant to recuperate after active growth of shoots and abundant flowering, as well as thoroughly prepare for winter.

  • Superphosphate + potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate).
  • Diammofosk.
  • Potassium monophosphate (however, this is too expensive a fertilizer to indulge such an unpretentious plant).
  • Any fertilizer marked "Autumn" or "Phosphorus-potassium" is also suitable.

Shelter garden jasmine for the winter

Chubushnik is a very frost-resistant shrub, in other words, garden jasmine does not need to be covered for the winter.

Young chubushnik saplings planted this year can be slightly mulched, but it makes no sense to build some kind of special shelter.

It is much more important to tie the garden jasmine for the winter, so that during heavy snowfalls all long shoots do not break under the weight of snow.

Naturally, you can only tie a bush, not a thickened one, but a properly formed and regularly trimmed one.

Thus, now you know how to properly care for a mock orange after flowering and in autumn, so that next year you will again enjoy the scent of its flowers.

Video: garden jasmine or chubushnik - features of growing, care and pruning

  1. Rose S. :

    Hello dear gardeners !!!
    My chubushnik has grown into a large tree. At the level of 40cm, 5 trunks were formed from one trunk, which further bifurcated. There are no overgrowths at all. In the fall of 2018, I carried out a specific cut in height, because I reached the electrical wires. In 2019, it did not bloom. Could strong pruning have affected?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Good day!
      Not just could, but 100% influenced. But next year there will definitely be flowering!

      1. Rose S. :

        Thank you very much, Nadezhda.

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