Gooseberry propagation in spring, summer and autumn: methods (by layering, cuttings, dividing the bush)

You or your neighbors have a good gooseberry variety and you want to propagate it, right?

Well, then you will find out when and how you can propagate gooseberries in spring and autumn.

How and when to propagate gooseberries: timing and methods

Both spring and autumn are suitable for breeding gooseberries.

Therefore, if in the spring you did not have time to propagate the gooseberry variety you like, then you will still have time to do it in the fall!

The optimal time usually depends on the chosen breeding method:

  • For example, layering drop in most often in the spring (in April), but possible in late summer and early autumn (in August-early September).
  • Green (combined) cuttings planted in the ground in early summer, lignifiedin the fall.
  • Reproduction dividing the bush, as always, you can spend both in spring and in autumn.

Gooseberry breeding methods

In addition to general unpretentiousness, gooseberries are famous for their amazing ability to take root.

Unfortunately, there are not so many really effective ways to propagate gooseberries, but there is one that gives 100% result.


Perhaps, propagating gooseberries by layering is the easiest and most effective way to propagate this thorny berry bush.

Note! Gooseberries can be propagated by arched and horizontal layering.

If you propagate by arc, then you need young, well-developed annual branches. If horizontal - biennial, which already have second-order shoots (strong annual growth), which will be new seedlings.

As a rule, they are engaged in reproduction by layering in the spring - in April.

However, if over the summer the bush has released many young shoots, then, in principle, it is possible to dig in the layers in August or early September.

You can propagate gooseberries by layering using the following simple step-by-step instructions:

  • It is necessary to choose the lowest-lying (closest to the ground) shoots (1-2 years old).
  • Bend the selected shoots to the soil and press down with hairpins (staples, hooks) in two places, and then sprinkle with soil on top (5-8 cm).

If desired, an annular cut in the bark can be made for better rooting.

And if you multiply horizontal layering, then an incision can also be made under each second-order shoot.

  • Or lay them in shallow (5-8 cm) trenches made in advance and pin the shoots to the ground with electrodes (pins).

By the way! The top of the shoot must be left above the soil surface (you can tie it to a peg).

  • Sprinkle the shoot with earth on top (you can additionally put a brick or board in the place of the digging).
  • Sprinkle abundantly and cover with mulch (mulch).
  • Throughout the season, do not forget to make regular watering (obviously, rooting will be more successful in wet soil).
  • Already this fall or next year, in spring, when roots are formed in the place of the trench, it will be possible to separate (cut off) new plants from the mother plant and transplant to a permanent place (optimally together with an earthen clod).

By the way! The site already has detailed materials about how to plant gooseberry seedlings in spring and in the fall.

Video: propagation of gooseberries by arcuate layers

Video: propagation of gooseberries by horizontal layers

By dividing the bush

As a rule, they are engaged in dividing bushes if the plant is already old (it has grown a lot, it has many shoots) and needs to be rejuvenated.

The method is universal and suitable for breeding almost all shrubs.

The gooseberry breeding technology by dividing the bush is as follows:

  • The bush is carefully dug out of the ground, being careful not to damage the root system.
  • The roots are cleaned of the earth and examined, the diseased and damaged are cut off.
  • Next, the bush is directly divided into several parts using a pruner (knife).

Sections are sprinkled with ash or crushed activated carbon.

  • The resulting new seedlings are planted in prepared holes.

By the way! The site already has separate articles about spring and autumn planting of gooseberries in open ground.

By cuttings

Unfortunately, by cuttings (especially green ones), gooseberries reproduce much worse than other berry bushes (the same currants, if rooted in water), so this method of propagation is rarely used.

Interesting! Nevertheless, the author of the next video assures that it is quite successfully possible to root combined gooseberry cuttings in greenhouse conditions, cutting them in early June (the heel is lignified, the top is green).

Video: basic rules for successful cuttings of gooseberries, currants and other shrubs

However, you can try to propagate the gooseberry with lignified cuttings in the fall:

  • Cut 20-25 cm cuttings with or without heels (you just need a completely lignified growth of the current year).
  • Remove leaves from the bottom of the cuttings
  • Dig a groove (trench), spill with water.

The depth of the trench is 1/2 the length of the cutting.

Video: growing gooseberry seedlings - autumn planting of cuttings

It is quite easy to propagate an unpretentious gooseberry berry bush. All you need is to choose the method you like (optimally by layering) and carry out a series of simple actions. Good luck!

1 Comment
  1. ivan :

    I like it!

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