The use of ferrous sulfate in gardening in autumn and spring: when and how to process

Iron vitriol is an extremely necessary preparation (fungicide and antiseptic) in the garden, in particular in autumn for the eradication of trees and shrubs... It is inexpensive, but it will bring a lot of benefits, if, of course, you use it correctly.

As for its use in horticulture and horticulture, it is by no means difficult, since, in principle, it repeats the application copper sulfate, of course, with its own characteristics, which we will talk about in more detail later.

What is ferrous sulfate: composition and form of release

Ferrous sulfate is otherwise called ferrous sulfate or ferrous iron sulfate.The appearance of the product is a greenish-blue (turquoise) small crystals (powder).

Interesting! Iron sulfate is sold both in garden centers and in hardware stores. As a rule, a package weighs 200, 250 or 300 grams (finding a 500 gram kidney is quite problematic). At the same time, it can be of two varieties: 1 grade - a mass fraction of sulfate not less than 53%, 2 grade - a mass fraction of sulfate not less than 47%.

It gained such distribution in everyday life due to its versatility and antiseptic properties. So, it can be used to process wood (used as an antiseptic, against decay), walls in the basement (to eliminate infections and against mold), and, of course, iron sulfate is widely used in the garden and vegetable garden.

Areas of application of ferrous sulfate in gardening

The main purposes of using ferrous sulfate in the garden and vegetable garden:

According to many gardeners, this is perhaps the best remedy for mosses and lichens.

  • for whitewashing trees;

By the way! About, how to whitewash trees in autumn and spring, read in this article.

  • for eradicating treatment;

Note! The site already has detailed materials about

  • for preventive treatments against fungal diseases (trees and shrubs, as well as flowers - especially roses);
  • for fertilization (feeding with iron in a chelated form) and / or in prevention and treatment of chlorosis (eg in grapes);
  • disinfection of wounds (after pruning), cracks and hollows in trees (1% solution);
  • presumably (but according to reviews of many gardeners, the maximum is only against apple sucker and some others) for the destruction of harmful insects.

Further, detailed information will be presented on each area of ​​application of iron sulfate in the garden, as well as the proportions in which it should be diluted (mixed with water and other means).

Fight against mosses and lichens

With the help of ferrous sulfate, you can successfully fight with mosses and lichensovergrown with concrete, blind areas, old trees, as well as wooden buildings and many other surfaces, for example, even a lawn. For these purposes, you need to prepare a 3-5% solution (30-50 grams per 1 liter of water) and spray the affected area. Moss and lichen will turn black before our eyes (and then, for example, from the lawn they can simply be combed out with a rake), and then dry up and fall off.

Note! Just do not add any chelating agents (e.g. citric acid) to the solution and process immediately after preparing the solution.

Whitewashing trees

The addition of ferrous sulfate to the whitewash for autumn processing of trees (200-250 grams per 10 liters of whitewash, according to some sources, 400-500 grams is possible) will create additional protection of plants from various diseases that hide under or inside the bark of trees. However, you cannot add iron vitriol to the whitewash if it contains lime. In this case, it is better to use chalk to give white color.

There are even ready-made compositions for whitewashing with iron vitriol, but exclusively of Ukrainian origin, which, unfortunately, often cannot be ordered to Russia.

Note! detailed information about whitewashing trees in autumn and spring is by this link.

Eradicating spraying (treatment)

By the way! The site already has detailed articles about

For this purpose, ferrous sulfate is used in the same way copper sulfate... For eradicating treatment, you need to prepare a 3% solution, into which, if desired, to enhance the effect (against the larvae of insect pests), you can add urea (5-7% solution), as well as 200-250 ml of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent (for better adhesion).

Advice! To enhance the action of ferrous sulfate initially, it is desirable to dissolve citric acid (20-30 grams) in water, and then add vitriol.

Why citric acid?

The fact is that iron sulfate, when dissolved in water, oxidizes rather quickly (2-valent iron becomes 3-valent).To prevent this from happening, citric acid must be added to the solution.

If desired, you can also add to the solution potassium humate (according to the instructions).

Important! The concentration of the solution primarily depends on what kind of plant (its type) you are going to spray. So, stone fruit (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) and berry bushes (raspberries, currants) are treated with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate, but pome trees (apple trees, pears, quince) can be used with a 4-5% solution.

It is very important to know if the culture was sick this (last) season. If so, it is better to use a 3-5% solution (300-500 grams per 10 liters). It's another matter if everything worked out in this (last) season. Then a 1-3% solution is suitable (100-300 grams per 10 liters). But for very young plants, it is better to prepare a 1% solution (100 grams per 10 liters).

It is possible to spray trees with this solution in the spring, when they are stillat rest (the kidneys have not yet opened) or along a green cone (the state when the buds have just burst, but the leaves have not yet begun to unfold).

Or in the fall, when the foliage begins to fall. Wherein it is desirable to have time to carry out processing on foliage (in this way, it will burn out along with all the spores of pathogens and various insect larvae and fall off faster), although it is possible even after falling leaves (already simple on trunks and branches, and by soil in the near-trunk circle).

Note! A 3% solution of ferrous sulfate is a fairly strong concentration (especially 5%). If you treat it on green foliage (in spring or summer), then you can simply burn it. But in late autumn - this is what we need.

Video: eradicating the treatment of the garden in the fall from diseases and pests with iron sulfate

Iron vitriol is quite effective against the following diseases:

  • scab;

Note! All ways to deal with scab on apple and apples described in detail in this material.

  • moniliosis (monilial burn and fruit rot);
  • powdery mildew;
  • clotterosporia (especially in stone fruits, i.e. cherries, cherries, apricots, peaches, plums);
  • gray rot;
  • septoria (especially in berry bushes, i.e. currants, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries);
  • oidium grapes (very controversial, but many argue);

By the way! More about funds fight against oidium read in this article.

  • anthracnose (grapes);
  • bacterial cancer (grapes);
  • spotted necrosis (grapes).

Note! Iron vitriol is contact fungicide, that is, it does not penetrate the inside of the plant, but acts only on its surface and, therefore, is easily washed off by rain. Therefore, as a rule, several treatments are required (especially after rains).

Preventive treatment for diseases

If you needed to spray with iron sulfate during the growing season of the plant, then in this case you need to prepare a weakly concentrated 0.5-0.6% solution of ferrous sulfate (dissolve 50-60 grams in 10 liters of water, and also add liquid soap (so that the solution is longer delayed) and process the plants by leaf (trees and shrubs, flowers).

Note! 0.5-0.6% solution is a critical concentration for spraying delicate leaves. Trees and shrubs will cope with it without problems, but for processing vegetable crops, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers, it is better to use a 0.25-0.35% solution. A 0.7% solution can already simply "set fire" the leaves.

Video: iron vitriol is the best remedy for fungal diseases

Fertilization or prevention (treatment) of chlorosis (iron deficiency)

Almost all plants require iron during the growing season. It is quite simple to determine that the plant lacks iron - its leaves turn yellow, or rather, yellowing of the interveinal space of the upper (young) leaves.

But with a lack of magnesium, yellowing of the lower (old) leaves occurs.

Thus, iron deficiency is the first and main cause of such a common disease as chlorosis (eg, calcareous chlorosis of grapes).

Worth knowing! To iron sulfate feeding was most effective, you need it chelate (this is how iron is most easily absorbed), which means citric acid or humates (potassium humate) should be added to the solution... This is especially important if you are processing heather plants (such as rhododendrons, heathers themselves), as well as berries (such as blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, and grapes).

Thus, you can prepare the following top dressing: take 1 teaspoon of ferrous sulfate (in the case of grapes, it is usually advised to take from 100 to 300 grams) and 1-2 teaspoons (20-40 grams) of citric acid, or 50-100 ml. (50 ml. For spraying, 100 ml. For irrigation) potassium humate or peat oxidate (which is even better than just humate). First dissolve citric acid or humate, and only then add iron vitriol to the solution. Add water to a volume of 10 liters.

Fertilizing plants with iron sulfate can be carried out both root (pour under the root) and foliar (spray over the foliage).

Video: feeding plants with iron sulfate in a chelated form

General tips for using ferrous sulfate: how and when (in autumn and / or spring) to process

When processing, be guided by the following rules for using ferrous sulfate:

  • Processing should only be carried out at positive temperatures (preferably up to +5), moreover, in cloudy and calm weather, early in the morning or in the evening (after sunset).
  • Iron sulfate should be diluted only in glass (for example, a jar), wooden or plastic containers (no metal buckets, unless enameled).
  • Household and any other solid soap is incompatible with the solution as ironand copper sulfate (copper and iron simply precipitate). Therefore, it is necessary to use liquid soap, for example, any dishwashing detergent is suitable.
  • You need to apply a solution of ferrous sulfate immediatelyas soon as you cook it. If it stands in air for a long time, it will begin to turn brown and oxidize to its trivalent form, which means that its composition and properties will change.

But the dry matter has an unlimited shelf life.

  • If you spray trees or shrubs that are near a fence made of sheet metal profilesthen necessarily cover it with plastic or it will start to rust.
  • In no case should it be mixed with lime!
  • Usually, iron vitriol is used exactly in the fall. Use in spring copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture (when you prepare the solution, it is already called bordeaux liquid).

Interesting! In spring, ferrous sulfate is often not used because it postpones bud opening (it has a constricting effect). However, some summer residents, on the contrary, with the help of such processing, protect the buds from spring return frosts.

Video: autumn treatment with iron sulfate - what is it for and how to carry it out

Precautions when using ferrous sulfate

When preparing a solution of ferrous sulfate and carrying out processing, you should know and adhere to some safety rules:

  • Hazard class according to the degree of impact on the human body - 3rd (not flammable, fire and explosion proof, but when heated, it can decompose with the formation of toxic gases).
  • Observe the recommended concentration of the solution. Excess threatens negative consequences for your plants (the product is really strong and can easily burn plants).
  • Processing is recommended in protective clothing, gloves (rubber), glasses and a respirator.
  • If during spraying or preparation the solution gets in your eyes or on your skin then urgently a place is needed rinse with tap water.

Also highly recommended after treatment, wash hands and face with soap and water.

  • When it enters the human body, it has general toxic effect, causes gastrointestinal disorders, irritates the skin and mucous membranes. The type of danger is poisoning with ferrous sulfate aerosols.

The use of iron vitriol in the garden and vegetable garden in autumn and spring will help to get the maximum benefit at minimum cost, the spectrum of its action is so wide and multifaceted. It is only necessary to study the numerous areas of its application and the corresponding rules for carrying out plant treatments (especially how to breed and in what proportions). In this case, it is also very important not to forget about safety measures during preparation of the solution and direct spraying.

Video: iron vitriol in horticulture - protecting plants from fungal diseases

  1. Hope :

    Can you please tell if it is possible to spray trees with a solution of ferrous sulfate, which costs 3 days. It didn't work out right away, but now I don't know if it is effective?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Good day! I am very sorry that I did not answer right away ((((
      You can use it, it is stored perfectly and the efficiency does not decrease (for example, unlike Bordeaux liquid).

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