The use of Bordeaux liquid (mixture) in gardening in spring and autumn: how to prepare and process

The Bordeaux mixture was invented almost 100 years ago and has not lost its relevance to this day. The fact is that sooner or later all gardeners come to the idea of ​​the need for its use in the country or in the garden. After all, it, like no other drug, contributes to obtaining maximum benefits at minimum costs. In addition, a huge spectrum of action, as if by order, makes it indispensable in the prevention and protection against fungal diseases of various cultures.

You will learn about what the Bordeaux mixture contains, what is its value, as well as proportions, rules, cooking procedure and much more, you will learn from our article.

What is Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux blend is a combination (mixture) of two components copper sulfate (copper sulfate) and quicklime (calcium hydroxide). The already prepared solution is called Bordeaux liquid, and the slaked lime product is called lime milk.

Bordeaux mixture is a versatile broad-spectrum fungicide designed to protect fruit, berry, vegetable, melon, citrus, ornamental, floral and other crops from a complex of diseases (especially fungal).

By the way! When you buy a package of Bordeaux mixture, there are 2 sachets in it: 1 is copper sulfate, 2 is lime. Sometimes there is also a special indicator strip to help check the correct preparation of the liquid. Available in packs of 100, 200 and 300 grams (1/2 of each product). However, you can buy each component separately and prepare it according to the following detailed instructions.

Cooking Bordeaux liquid: proportions, rules and procedure

Consider in detail the preparation of Bordeaux liquid, namely how to properly dilute and mix (in what order and proportions) copper sulfate and lime.

Note! In bags sold in stores, very often there is already slaked fluff lime. It just needs to be diluted in the specified amount of water (without any dangerous consequences in the form of a chemical reaction). Anyway carefully read the instructions and description of the drug.

How to prepare 1% Bordeaux liquid solution

So, to prepare a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid you need:

Important! Copper sulfate and lime must be diluted in separate containers, and mixed only at the end.

  • 1. Initially, completely dissolve 100 grams of copper sulfate in 1-2 liters of warm (30-40 degrees, no more than 50) water in a separate non-metallic container (glass or plastic).
  • 2. After complete dissolution of copper sulfate, add water, bringing the volume to 5 liters.
  • 3. Then also dissolve (more precisely, extinguish) 100 grams (or 150 grams) of lime in 5 liters of water in a separate bowl.

Note! Into quicklime it is very undesirable to pour water. Better immediately pour water into the container, and then gradually add lime.

If you already have powder slaked lime-fluff, then his can be dissolved in any order.

  • 4. It remains to mix the solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. But this must be done correctly, namely: the blue solution of copper sulfate must be poured into the milk of lime, but not vice versa!

Attention! It is necessary that the neutralization reaction takes place, i.e. the reaction should be neutral. It is customary to pour acids or an acidic product into an alkali or alkaline product, otherwise the reaction can be very violent, and as a result, you can get a severe chemical burn (boil and spray). Moreover it is necessary to pour in slowly (little by little) and stirring constantly!

  • 5. Check acid reaction.

Note! A properly prepared working solution should have neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. You can check it litmus strip: if red litmus test turns blue, a blue does not change color, Bordeaux liquid prepared properlyabout. If you do not have litmus paper, then you can dip a clean iron nail into the liquid in the old fashioned way: if after 5-10 minutes on it a red (blue) coating of copper is formed, so the liquid is acidic and to spray it cannot be appliedas it can easily cause severe burns on plants. But everything can be corrected, adding a little more milk of lime (but Do not dilute with water!) until the reaction becomes alkaline or slightly acidic.

  • 6. Pour into a sprayer and treat plants with Bordeaux liquid for diseases.

Video: how to make Bordeaux liquid

How to prepare a 3% Bordeaux liquid solution

It is easy to guess that a 3% solution is made in exactly the same way, and the packages are sold both for the preparation of a 1% solution and for a 3% solution. There is just 3 times more copper sulfate than lime.
By the way! Most often, 100 gram packs are sold, where 50 grams of copper sulfate and 50 grams of lime. But sometimes there are also 300 gram packs on sale, where 150 gr. vitriol and 150 gr. lime. In this case, to prepare a 3% solution, you only need 5 liters of water (2.5 + 2.5 liters).

Video: preparing Bordeaux liquid

The use of Bordeaux liquid in the garden: against which plant diseases it is most effective

In horticulture, Bordeaux liquid is used against the following, usually fungal diseases of various crops:

  • on pome fruits (apple, pear, quince) against moniliosis (fruit rot), scab and other spots;
  • on stone fruits (apricot, plum, peach, cherry and sweet cherry) from cloisterosporium disease, peach leaf curl, coccomycosis, moniliosis (monilial burn);
  • on berry bushes (currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries) from anthracnose, septoria, rust and other leaf spots;
  • on ornamental shrubs and flower crops (eg roses and hydrangeas) against rust and other stains.
  • in viticulture to protect against mildew (downy mildew), anthracnose, black rot, rubella, cercosporosis, melanosis, etc.
  • on vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, melons, beets, onions for turnips) from late blight, anthracnose, rust, peronosporosis, cercosporiasis, macrosporiasis, alternaria and similar diseases.

By the way! the main thing advantage treatment with Bordeaux liquid compared to solution copper sulfate in that it has a neutral reaction, which means it does not burn the leaves.

Although it's worth saying that you can cook enough a gentle solution of copper sulfate.

Terms and rules for processing a garden with Bordeaux liquid

To provide the most effective assistance to plants, it is extremely important to observe the terms and rules for processing the garden and vegetable garden with this drug.

When to treat plants with Bordeaux liquid

Worth knowing! Bordeaux liquid should be used prophylactically, i.e. not to cure the disease, namely to prevent, i.e. protect.

In early spring during eradication sprayingare usually used 3% solution Bordeaux liquid (300 grams of copper sulfate and 400 grams of lime per 10 liters of water).

By the way! Such spraying with Bordeaux liquid is also called "Blue".

Video: spring spraying and Bordeaux liquid

Important! As for the approximate timing of when to process plants (namely trees, shrubs, including roses) with Bordeaux liquid, then early spring eradication spraying optimally conductbefore bud break (i.e. while the kidneys have not yet opened) or along a green cone (the state when the buds have just burst, but the leaves have not yet begun to unfold).

If you decide to process in the fall, then the moment will come when the foliage begins to fall. Wherein it is desirable to have time to carry out processing on foliage (in this way it "burns out" along with all the spores of pathogens and will quickly fall off), although it is possible after falling leaves (already simple on trunks and branches, and by soil in the near-trunk circle).

A during the growing season (that is, on the leaves, for example, when treating grapes from mildew or vegetables from late blight), a less concentrated 1% solution (100 grams of copper sulfate and 100-150 grams of lime per 10 liters of water).

Important! Moreover, spraying must be carried out several, more precisely, at least 2 times (in the instructions, as a rule, the frequency of treatments for a particular crop is given) after 1-2 weeks (7-14 days).

Attention! In no case during the growing season (on a green leaf) you cannot use a 3% solution, you will simply burn all your plants (their leaves).

General rules and recommendations for processing plants with Bordeaux liquid

When spraying, be guided by the following rules for using Bordeaux liquid:

  • Dilute copper sulfate should only in glass (eg jar) or plastic containers (no metal buckets).
  • The working solution must be used immediately on the day of preparation., since during storage it will gradually lose its properties. Otherwise, the solution will not evenly adhere to the plant, but drain off in large particles and, naturally, its fungicidal effect will noticeably deteriorate.
  • Is consideredthat with Bordeaux liquid no other chemicals (pesticides) must be mixedsince almost no drug likes an alkaline reaction.

However, the instructions for the drug say that it is normally compatible with most drugs, including systemic ones (metalaxyl, oxadixil, cymoxanil, alet), except for thiram.

  • Processing follows carry out only at positive temperatures (preferably +5 and above), and preferably in cloudy, but calm weather, early in the morning or in the evening (after sunset).
  • Waiting period (last treatment before harvest) - 15 days.
  • Usually, copper sulfate andBordeaux mixture is used in spring. In autumn same use inkstonealthough Bordeaux liquid is sometimes still used in the fall (unlike copper sulfate).

Many novice gardeners and gardeners often ask themselves:How much solution is required to treat a particular plant?So just take and say - it's quite difficult, because it all depends on the size of the plant (as a rule, the average consumption of the solution isabout 2-5 liters per tree and up to 1.5-2 liters per berry bush, 1.5-2 liters per 10 sq. meters of vegetable garden).

Concerning processing techniquesthen you need to carefully sprinkle the whole plantso that the Bordeaux liquid solution gets on all its parts (branches, stems, leaves above and below). In this case, you should not allow the drops of the solution to flow down, so the treatment should be performed only special sprayer with fine spraybut no way not a broom.

Worth knowing! Bordeaux liquid is a fairly strong fungicide, and the protective effect lasts for a relatively long time (7-14 days) and even after precipitation (it is not immediately washed off by rain).

Safety precautions when using Bordeaux liquid (preparation and spraying)

When preparing a working solution of Bordeaux liquid and carrying out processing, you should know and adhere to some rules and precautions:

Important! Copper sulfate belongs to the 2nd hazard class (accordingly, Bordeaux liquid too)! Therefore, be sure to wear gloves and a mask. Before starting work, it is imperative to carefully read the instructions.

  • In general, when you are preparing and treating the garden with any chemical substances, it is recommended to wear protective clothing (gown), rubber gloves, goggles, respirator (if possible) and preferably headdress (cap or scarf).
  • If during spraying or preparation the solution gets in your eyes or on your skin then urgently a place is needed rinse with clean tap water (and if in the eyes, then additionally drip 0.5% dicaine solution).

Also highly recommended after treatment, wash hands and face with soap and water.

  • In case of inhalation, go out into fresh air, rinse mouth with water.
  • If it enters the gastrointestinal tract, rinse the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate, drink a saline laxative (1-2 teaspoons of magnesium sulfate), induce vomiting, give a diuretic.
  • It is highly advisable that during and after treatment (for at least 6 hours) your pets (cats, dogs) do not walk around.

You don't need to be a big expert to understand that, as before, Bordeaux liquid remains one of the most effective means in protecting plants from various diseases. At the same time, it is very important to know the entire spectrum of its application, observe the rules and characteristics of the preparation of 1% and 3% solutions, as well as the terms and rules for processing garden and vegetable crops. It is also vital to adhere to safety practices.

Video: Bordeaux liquid - what it is and what it is for, how it can be used in the garden and vegetable garden

1 Comment
  1. Tanya :

    Thank you! You described everything in great detail, it is clear, as they say, even to teapots 😁

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