Garter grapes in spring

Grapes are a fruiting vine that naturally has no shape. Since a creeping plant spreading on the ground does not at all improve the appearance of the site, and it is rather problematic to collect fruits from it, the plant is tied up.

What is needed for this, how and how to tie up grapes in spring - read on!

Why and what to tie

A fast-growing plant like grapes is imperative to tie up. If this is not done in time, the vine will braid the surrounding trees and buildings.

As a result of the correct garter of grapes in spring:

  • The bush is better ventilated, thereby reducing the risk of contracting fungal diseases.
  • The plant receives a lot of sunlight, as a result of which large berries with a rich taste are formed. Clusters that are well lit will ripen faster.
  • A well-groomed plant looks much more attractive.than creeping along the ground in different directions.
  • For a plant on a support there is much easier to care for.
  • Flowers tied plant better pollinated.
  • If you tie the grapes correctly in spring, then fixed shoots grow evenly, beautifully and do not stretch.

In view of such an impressive list of functions, the garter of grapes in spring is a very important stage in crop cultivation. A gardener who is important not only for the general decorativeness of the garden, but also for its yield, must definitely include the garter of a climbing plant in the list of spring works. The main thing is to properly tie up the vines of the culture in the country or garden.

Video: how and how to tie up grapes.

When to tie up a plant in spring, stages and methods

Before getting an answer to this question, it is worth knowing that there are two ways to tie grapes: dry and green... The difference between the manipulations lies in the timing:

  • dry garter is made before bud break;
  • green - after that, the growth of shoots will be more than 30 cm.

Each of the garter methods has its own characteristics.

Dry garter of grapes

A dry garter of grapes is carried out at the very beginning of sap flow, while the buds have not yet blossomed. It is no longer recommended to carry out the garter at a later date, since many buds can be damaged, thereby significantly impairing the yield.

Worth knowing! When the shoots are tied horizontally or at a slight angle, due to the abundance of nutrients, the bunches are large and tasty.

After the spring garter of grapes, 1 tbsp is introduced under the bush. l. complex fertilizer, and then carefully dig up the trunk circle to a depth of 10-15 cm. Experienced gardeners recommend making a small depression near the trunk, which will direct water directly to the roots of the plant.

Green garter

Unlike the first method, the green garter is carried out in the summer. The manipulation is aimed at protecting young shoots from heavy rain and wind. Unlike the previous method, during the green garter, the shoots are tied at right angles. Due to this feature, the manipulation is only suitable for bushes with long sleeves or high stems.

As the vine grows, it is tied up again, tied to the wire located above. Despite the length of the shoots, it is undesirable to attach them to the support after the appearance of the bunches, since they can be damaged.

The last garter of grapes before fruiting is carried out before flowering or after the formation of the ovary. During the season, the manipulation is carried out at least 4 times.

Features of the garter of young and adult grapes

To tie correctly grapes in the first and second year, the bushes are attached to small pegs or a trellis made of a special net is installed. In the first case, the shoots of young grapes are tied to a low wooden or metal column with special materials for garters.

Using a garter of young grapes on trellises, a coarse mesh is installed near the planted bush, the ends of which are attached to thin supports. As it grows, the plant climbs higher and higher on its own.

Due to its large size adult plant they are attached to the support in a completely different way:

  1. Long sleeves are attached to the wire at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  2. The replacement knots are tied to the first wire from the ground.
  3. Fruit vines are loosely wrapped around the wire and secured with a figure eight made of soft twine. Shoots that could not be attached in a horizontal position are tied up at a slight slope.

Garter old vine bushes differs from the previous types in that the sleeves are attached at right angles. During the manipulation, you need to be extremely careful, since the slightest sharp movement can lead to a branch break.

Video: how to tie up grapes of all ages in the spring.

Trellis garter

Tapestry - a structure consisting of two pillars and several transverse wires for tying grapes. To build a support for grapes at a distance of 3 m from each other, pillars with a diameter of 10-15 cm are buried half a meter deep.

Wooden trunks or metal pipes up to 2 m long are used as supports. For the construction of a supporting structure, it is better to choose hard types of wood, which include chestnut, acacia, oak.

To increase wear resistance, the lower part of the supports, which will be immersed in the ground, is poured abundantly with copper sulfate before installation. After the liquid has dried, the wood is lubricated with liquid resin. Properly prepared material is not subject to decay, which makes it possible to use the structure for tying grapes for many years.

The first wire is pulled 40 cm from the ground. The same distance is observed when attaching the subsequent "tiers", the optimal number of which depends on the strength of the growth of the bush. The longer the shoots, the greater the amount of stretched wires should be. As a rule, for the weak, it is enough to install 2 tiers, for the medium-sized - 4-5.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of tying grapes to the trellis:

  • Thanks to the low construction height, the grape bush is easy to care for.
  • You don't need a lot of materials to build a trellis.
  • Placing a vine on a support is quite simple.


  • Suitable only for low and medium-sized bushes. Under the weight of a powerful vigorous plant, the trellis can break.
  • Due to the small size of the trellis and its design, it is possible to form a limited number of fruit vines of grapes.

Types of trellises

The tapestry can be one-plane and two-plane... The two-plane support consists of two simple trellises installed on both sides of the row or connected at an angle at the base. When constructing the first support, at least 60 cm of free space is left between the posts.

In the photo, a one-plane garter of grapes:

Features of the two-plane trellis

When constructing a two-plane trellis, the height of the pillars used must be equal to the distance between the rows. Only in this case the trellis will be stable. A ladder is used to tie up grape shoots to a trellis at a height of 2.5-3 m.

In the photo, grapes tied on a two-plane trellis:

The advantages of this method:

  • Sloped shoots are well lit.
  • Perfect for the formation of highly liquid and vigorous bushes with 6-8 long sleeves.

Video: what should be the trellis for the spring garter of the vine.

Disadvantages of garter grapes on two-plane trellis:

  • For the construction of such a structure, a lot of materials are consumed, which are by no means cheap.
  • Remove the bottom wire before covering the vine for the winter.

Important! The diameter of the metal support for the construction of trellises must be more than 3 cm, otherwise the structure may break after a few years under the weight of the enlarged bush.

Video: how to make a two-plane trellis for gartering grapes in spring.

Scheme and rules for tying grapes to a trellis

Before tying the stems of grapes to the trellis in the spring, it is recommended to acquire special scissors, with which you can tie the loops much faster. To speed up the work, you can use the so-called rope - wire wrapped in paper. If the shoots are attached to the support with special elastic bands, a stapler is used to fix the ends to tie the grapes.

This is how a vine is tied to a trellis.

  1. Skeletal shoots are directed along the lower tier and secured with special tapes or women's nylon tights. Please note that you cannot fix the vine with wire, rope or fishing line: shoots can be severely damaged due to rapid growth or under the influence of strong winds.The soft grape garter can be folded in half for added strength.
  2. The secondary branches of the bush are neatly bent to the second tier of the trellis and fixed at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  3. Young shoots, which will later be formed by the vine, are tied to the 3-4 tier of the structure.

Important! It is impossible to direct the shoots upwards: in this direction, the lower shoots develop poorly, and the upper ones stretch strongly. This direction not only worsens the decorative effect of the vine, but also reduces its yield.

It is not enough just to know the grape garter pattern; certain rules of procedure must be followed. During manipulation, the following rules should be followed:

  • To prevent the vine from hitting the iron support under the influence of a strong gusty wind, it is tied up with a "figure eight". First, the shoot is wrapped with a cloth, and then the ends are tied to a wire.
  • The garter should be carried out slowly. Each shoot is tied to the wire separately. Gathering vines in a bunch will not give any result, except for dense greenery.
  • To make it easy to care for the bush in the summer. Long shoots of grapes are best tied to the upper wire, and short ones to the lower one.
  • Fruiting vines are fixed in a horizontal position, and fruit arrows - at an angle of 45-90 degrees.

For a good future harvest, it is important to properly tie the grapes to the trellis in spring. Therefore, you should definitely consider all the tips and tricks.

Video: garter grapes to a single-plane trellis in the spring.

Growing without a garter

Despite the benefits of garter grapes in spring, in some cases it can grow well without it. In this case, the trellis is replaced with a metal support through which all the stems are thrown.

Having decided to grow grapes without a garter, it is worth considering the fact that the bush will have to be removed from the support for shelter for the winter. Due to this feature, the method is suitable for growing low and medium-sized bushes.

Besides, you can only grow grapes without a garter on properly formed bushes... Uncultivated bushes will be poorly lit and ventilated, which is fraught with the development of fungal diseases and a decrease in yield.

Formation is carried out as follows:

  • 1st year. Before the shelter, the main vine is cut into 5-6 buds. After pruning, the shoot should be about 1 m long.
  • 2nd year. At the top of the vine, 2 young shoots are selected. Substitution bitches with 2 kidneys are made from the appendix located below. A fruit arrow is formed from the upper shoot, leaving 2-3 pairs of buds on it.
  • 3rd year. They repeat the same actions as in the previous year, by themselves, forming another fruit link.

The method of growing a crop without a garter is very simple, but less effective than growing on a regular trellis.

Frequent mistakes

The main reason for erroneous actions when tying grapes in spring is poor knowledge of the procedure for carrying out the manipulation. If experienced gardeners can carry out the procedure with their eyes closed, then beginners often make mistakes due to doubts. Below are the most popular misconceptions that prevent you from properly tying the vine in the spring:

  1. Shoots are attached to the trellis with rigid wire, ropes or fishing line... As a result of strong pressure, sap flow slows down, the vine becomes weak and after a while dies.
  2. Shoots are attached to the trellis in an upright position.
  3. The vines are tied at the upper ends... Soon after such a garter, the growth of the stems is directed to the side, and the internodes located near them dry out.
  4. While tyingshoots bend strongly, making arcs and rings of them... The pathways along which nutrients are dispersed are pinched, and the grapes begin to starve.

When carrying out garden manipulation, potential errors must be considered. Especially useful for beginners find out possible errors with a garter in spring.

The correct garter of grapes in spring is an integral part of care, on which the general condition of the plant and its yield depend. Anyone who wants to collect the maximum number of berries with an excellent taste should definitely set aside some time for manipulation.

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