After which (what vegetables) you can plant garlic for the winter

Garlic has long been used in cooking and traditional medicine. It can be used to prepare many delicious and interesting dishes. In addition, it has full-fledged healing properties that help to strengthen the immune system and improve well-being. For these reasons, many summer residents grow it on their plots.

In order for the harvest to be of high quality and abundant, it is necessary to know not only the peculiarities of growing and caring for the garden, but also after which crops you can plant garlic before winter, and after which it is very undesirable.

Why is it important to follow the rules of crop rotation

Crop rotation is the alternation of different crops (vegetables, herbs) in the garden. This technology is a great helper for growing tasty and healthy vegetables, berries, greens.

It is necessary to plant various crops according to the rules of crop rotation for several reasons:

  1. Correct alternation not only prevents soil depletion, but also saturates the soil with useful substances.
  2. Helps maintain the normal state of the soil, helps it to improve its health.
  3. Different crops consume nutrients in different volumes and from different soil layers (some from the bottom, some from the top), so correct rotation allows you to maintain the optimal amount of nutrients in the ground.
  4. Crop rotation prevents the accumulation of pathogens and pests.
  5. Improves weed management.

Thus, when choosing a bed with the right predecessors, you can save your resources and time, because you do not have to spend energy on feeding and fertilizing, as well as treating diseases and pests.

Below you can study the table of crop rotation for popular vegetable crops:

If you plant one crop in one place for several years, then this can lead to unpleasant consequences: soil depletion, accumulation of pathogens, and pest infestation. But you need to change crops in the beds competently.

Video: features of crop rotation of vegetable crops

After which you can and cannot plant garlic before winter

The root system of this plant absorbs nutrients from the surface layer of the soil. For this reason, it is best to plant it after plants that have long roots and feed at deeper soil levels.

If you take a balanced and responsible approach to planting in the fall, you can get a very tasty and healthy product. It is important that the recommended predecessors are grown in the selected location. Let's look at the rules of crop rotation for winter garlic:

1) It is best to plant garlic before winter after the following vegetables:legumes (beans, peas), pumpkin seeds (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, watermelons, melons), early cabbage (white cabbage and cauliflower), siderates (except for oats and barley).

2) Landing possiblebut this is by no means not the best precursor vegetables for planting winter garlic after them: mid- and late-ripening white cabbage, tomato, pepper, eggplant, early potatoes, corn, beets, onions and the spicy vegetable itself (but not more than 2 years in one place).

Important! The fact is that these vegetables deplete the soil quite strongly and, in addition, if plant winter garlic aftere these cultures, they can exchange unpleasant diseases. Especially it concerns beets and potatoes (although they are possible predecessors, the question of diseases remains open), since they are susceptible to fusarium and nematode.

3) And hereafter these crops, you definitely should not plant winter garlic: radishes, carrots, all kinds of herbs and spices herbs.

Important! Many summer residents are especially interested in the question - is it possible to plant garlic before winter after carrots and beets. As mentioned above, after the beets, planting winter garlic is not desirable, but possible, but after carrots, planting absolutely should not be!

Planting winter garlic in the fall in one place can be carried out no more than 2 years in a row. If you plant garlic in the same place for more than two years, then it will consume all the nutrients, will be weakened and susceptible to diseases and pests.

Note! Also, you cannot plant such a plant. in the fall in places on vegetable gardenfertilized this year with fresh manure, otherwise the garlic will give abundant tops, and the heads themselves will grow loose.

But it is important to know not only after which vegetable crops to plant garlic, but also where, in what place on the site. He prefers well-lit beds that receive a lot of sunlight. It is necessary that the earth be fertile, light, with excellent air and water permeability.

By the way! Garlic and onions are cultures of the onion family, therefore, the rules for crop rotation are completely the same for them.

What crops can and cannot be planted after garlic

Surely summer residents who grow this crop will have a question - what can be planted after garlic next year? It is best if you give the ground a little breathing space and land siderates... These plants are a natural fertilizer (a kind of alternative to manure), which prevents the growth of pathogenic fungi, bacteria and inhibits the growth of weeds.

If you do not want or cannot plant sideratesthen can be planted the next year after garlic tomatoes and other nightshades (except potatoes), legumes (beans, peas), strawberries, cucumbers and other pumpkin.

Not recommended to plant after garlic - carrot.

Note! More information about what can be planted in the vacant garden bed after harvesting garlic (or onion), read in this article.

Good and bad neighbors for garlic

It is important not only to choose suitable predecessors, but also good garden neighbors, next to which the spicy plant will grow comfortably.

It is recommended to plant garlic next to the following plants: strawberries, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers... It has a beneficial effect on these cultures, since it scares away aphids, carrot fly, bear... In addition, for the plant itself useful neighborhood with calendula, chicory, horseradish.

Despite the fact that garlic is a very good and healthy neighbor in the garden, not all vegetables and plants will enjoy its company.Garlic's neighborhood with the following crops is undesirable: parsnips, peas, beans, lentils.

Note! If you are interested in other useful and detailed information about this spicy plant, then you can read it in the following articles: planting winter garlic in autumn, features of feeding and fertilizing, spring planting, harvest time, andfeatures and methods of storage in winter.

Compliance with crop rotation in your garden or summer cottage is not a difficult task. If you have a large area and it is difficult to remember the location of different crops, you can take notes on paper or electronic media. Thanks to a fully justified crop rotation, you can maintain optimal soil condition and grow all the vegetables you need, including winter garlic.

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