After what vegetable crops can onions be planted in spring and before winter: the best predecessors

Onions, along with tomatoes and cucumbers (and garlic), are grown by all gardeners. Therefore, in order to regularly get decent harvests, you need to know its growing rules, including regarding crop rotation. Namely, after what crops it is better to plant it and how often to return to its original place (garden bed).

Next, you will find out, after which (which families of vegetables) it is better to plant onions in spring and autumn (before winter).

By the way! The site has separate articles on how plant onion sets correctly in spring and in autumn (before winter).

Then you can plant onions: the bestpredecessors

Recommended previous crops, after which it is optimal to plant onions (divided by families):


  • Vegetable legumes: peasbeans, chickpeas, lentils.
  • Forage: vetch, lupine, sweet clover, clover, alfalfa.

Note! Fodder legumes Are the same green manure plantswhich are excellent predecessors for all cultures.




Haze (amaranth)




After which it is better not to plant onions: bad predecessors

If crops of the same family are planted annually in the same place, then over time the soil will be greatly depleted and the same pathogens (fungi) and pest larvae (of the same onion fly) to which plants of this family are susceptible. As a result, the yield will gradually fall, and the crops will get sick and are regularly affected by pests.

Respectively, onions should not be planted after crops of the onion family, which include the following:

Note! To the same place, according to the rules of crop rotation, onions should be returned only in 4-5 years.

Do's and don'ts for next year's onions: good and bad followers

As you already know (from the information in the paragraph above), the main rule of crop rotation is to alternate crops, in other words, do not plant crops of the same family in one place.

Thus, garlic and onions (of any variety) should not be planted again after the onions the following year.

Here is the answer (negative) to the most popular question: "Is it possible to plant onions after onions?"

Accordingly, according to the rules of crop rotation, onion - this excellent predecessor for all crops, except for the onion family.

By the way!To restore soil fertility and enrich it with useful micro and macro elements, as well as get rid of weeds, pathogenic bacteria (fungi) and scare off some pests, it is very desirable before planting and / or after harvest any culture (including onions) regularly sow green manure.

What can you plant next to onions: good neighbors

In general, onion beds can be placed next to most low-growing crops: with the same carrots, beets, root celery (in other words, root crops).

You have probably heard more than once that onions are especially good for planting next to or even with carrots... For example, alternating rows of carrots and onions, or planting onions around the perimeter of a carrot bed.

The fact is that there is an opinion that onions and carrots are very mutually beneficial neighbors: in theory, onions will scare away carrot fly, and carrots, in turn, onion.

However! Indeed, in theory it sounds pretty good, but in practice, everything is not so happy.


  • if you plant them too close to each other, then the onions can simply crush the carrots, because grows much faster;
  • carrots will be very inconvenient to thin out;
  • and carrots require much more frequent watering than onions.

Well, we hope that you understand how important it is to follow the rules of crop rotation and crop rotation in your area, because this is one of the most important components of obtaining a stable harvest. In fact, this is not difficult. You just need to draw up a scheme for the alternation of vegetable crops in your area, so that each crop returns to the same garden no earlier than after 4 years.

And let large and juicy bulbs grow, good luck!

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