When and how to properly plant tulips in the fall in open ground: terms and rules for planting bulbs

Tulips are wonderful spring flowers to rememberThey are available for the whole year with indescribable colors and perfect buds.

Before starting their autumn planting in open ground, you should familiarize yourself with the timing of their planting and the rules for direct planting of bulbs (to what depth).

When to plant tulips in autumn and is it possible in spring

Tulips are usually only planted in the fall.... If you plant them in the spring, then you may not get any sense from such rooting. Plants will not even be able to fully release leaves, what can we say about buds, which definitely will not be.In any case, tulips that were planted in the fall are distinguished by large, bright flowers in spring, which delight with their flowering for a long period. While those planted in the spring, if they release buds, do not shine with either beauty or full size, moreover, the shades of their flowers are most often muted.

Attention! The main reason for planting tulips in autumn is the need for natural stratification - a cold test, which is required for plants to harden in natural conditions and winter well in the cold season.

Advice! If you have forgotten, then we remind you that other bulbous flowers are also planted in autumn, namely:hyacinths, daffodils, lilies, irises, grouse imperial, crocuses.

It is impossible to say exactly when it is better to plant tulips in the fall, in what month. It all depends on the climatic conditions of your place of residence. As a rule, planting work begins from mid-September to October. For normal rooting, the bulb takes about 30-40 days. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor the weather conditions (frosts may come ahead of time) in order to accurately guess the timing of the autumn planting of tulips.

Important! The signal that it is time to plant tulips is when the soil reaches a temperature of about + 10 degrees below ground level. The air temperature at this moment can fluctuate during the day up to +15 .. + 17 degrees, and at night - up to +5 .. + 7 degrees.

If you make a mistake with the planting time of tulips and plant the bulbs too late, then they may not have time to take root and grow a good root system, as a result of which they may freeze in winter. In addition, such flowers bloom much later than all other plants, or do not produce buds at all. Too early - tulips will have time to sprout and die with the onset of frost.

If you carry out the autumn planting of tulips correctly, then in early spring, as soon as the first warm rays of the sun warm up and the snowdrifts begin to melt, the wonderful flower will release its first green shoots.

Dates of planting tulips in different regions

The time of planting tulip bulbs in the fall in the ground in different regions is made according to the peculiarities of their weather conditions. It is difficult to measure the optimal moment for planting in all climatic zones, so gardeners have to independently navigate the timing of planting bulbs in open ground.

  • So, plant tulips in Middle lane (Moscow region) available from mid-September. The plant still manages to grow roots and normally prepare for the winter cold.
  • In the Leningrad region tulips are planted at about the same time, but a little earlier, starting in the first decade of September.
  • According to the standard, on Ural these bulbous flowers are planted approximately, as in the Moscow region, only a little earlier. It is recommended to start planting work from the very first days of September. If you delay planting, there is a possibility that the bulbs will not have time to prepare favorably for wintering.
  • Planting tulips in autumn in Siberia somewhat different from the Urals. September in these places, as a rule, is considered a late date for deepening. The optimal time for planting tulips in Siberia is mid-late August. Later dates have a negative effect on plants in the spring.
  • South of Russia differ in later planting dates, which fall in October.

Thus, from year to year, it is difficult to accurately determine the timing of planting tulips in autumn. It is required to be guided by the current weather conditions and temperature regime.

By the way! In the fall, not only bulbous perennials are planted, but also seed plants. You can read about all the flowers that can be planted in the fall. in this material.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

If you trust lunar calendar, then tulips, like all bulbs, are recommended to be planted only during the waxing moon, which contributes to the enlargement of the bulbs. Landing during the waning moon, on the contrary, leads to their shallowing.

Sofavorable days for the autumn planting of tulip bulbs in 2020 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in August - 5-10;
  • in September - 3-9, 15, 16, 19-21, 24-30;
  • in October - 3-6, 8-11, 13-15, 26-28;
  • in November - 5-9.

Unfavorable days on the lunar calendar for 2020for planting tulip bulbs in autumn, the following dates are (days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • in August -3, 4-5, 19, 31;
  • in September -1, 2, 17, 27-28;
  • in October - 2, 16,24-26, 31;
  • in November - 15,20-22, 30.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 Tips for the Summer Resident".

How to plant tulips in open ground - features of the preparation of bulbs, soil and step by step instructions

Planting tulips in the fall is not that difficult, especially if you follow the step-by-step guide provided. Below you will find detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for carrying out the procedure for planting bulbs in open ground.

How to choose the right bulbs

First, you should choose the best planting material. You should not buy bulbs for planting without making sure of their quality.

So, the bulbs need to be considered from all sides - they must be whole around the entire perimeter, not have inclusions of an unnatural nature and be covered with a natural shell (brown scales).If the bulb has rot or unnatural damage, then such a tulip does not have a good chance of showing itself in the spring. In addition, the lack of a shell (which, in fact, protects the bulb from damage) is also a reason for refusing to purchase.

Looking ahead! Sometimes during planting the onion can strip (her scales will fall off) - it's not scary.

It is also imperative that stem bud only peeking out, but not growing yet. Attention should be paid to the bottom of the onion, which in a quality specimen should be dense and without roots (soft and with growing roots - not your choice). The bulb should be dry, heavy and firm to the touch.

Important! For planting, you need to take only those bulbs that are large enough (diameter 3-4 cm). Only they will bloom 100% in the coming year in the spring. If the heads are small, then most often these are children who drive out the peduncle only 2 years or even later. However, you should not take too large ones (diameter 4-5 cm), since they are most likely intended for forcing tulips at home.

How to prepare bulbs for planting

Preparing tulip bulbs for planting is also crucial. Before planting, the planting material should be placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a short time, or etched in one of the special solutions (for example, "Maxim Dachnik"). This is necessary to eliminate pathogenic bacteria located on the surface of the bulb, in other words, it is recommended to disinfect it, which will protect the planting material from many diseases in the future.

Optimal landing site

Tulips are quite demanding plants. In order for them to bloom with bright colors,it is recommended to adhere to the following rules when choosing a place for placement:

  1. The site must be on an elevation - thawed and stagnant waters in the lowlands are poorly tolerated by everyone bulbous flowers, the bulbs begin to rot and mold.
  2. The place must be well lit, otherwise the flowers will reach for the light, releasing peduncles that are too long, thereby losing their stability (if it is too windy, the peduncle can easily break off), and the color of the buds will be dull.
  3. The area where tulips will be located must be protected from wind... Therefore, the bulbs are placed on the south side, fenced off from the north. Plots next to the outbuildings are ideal.
  4. Better (just in case) to drain - stagnant water negatively affects the root system of the plant. You can pour 2-3 cm of sand as a drainage layer, especially if you have excessively clayey soil. The same applies to groundwater - their close location threatens the death of all planted bulbs.

What soil is needed, how to fertilize before planting

The soil for planting tulips requires fertile, loose and airy so that the plant receives both nutritious moisture and the necessary oxygen in sufficient quantities. Although these flowers are not that fussy and can grow in normal soil.

That is why it is recommended to prepare the soil for tulips one month before the planned planting work.

How can this be done?

Naturally, first the site must be dug onto a shovel bayonet (25-30 cm) and the necessary fertilizers must be applied.

So, for digging, you can make:

  • humus or compost (2 buckets per 1 square meter of soil);
  • phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers (superphosphate - 30-40 grams, potassium sulfate - 20-30 grams);
  • wood ash (organic source of potassium and phosphorus, 100-200 grams).

Note! All bulbs, including tulips, do not tolerate fresh manure. Only well rotted = humus.

How deep to plant

Any novice florist who wants to grow beautiful bulbous flowers often wonders how deep to plant tulip bulbs.

For planting tulips, like all other bulbs, the rule applies - planting depth is equal to 3 times the height (or length) of the bulb.

For example, if you have a medium or large bulb - 4-5 cm high, then planting should be done at a depth of 12-15 cm.In the case of a smaller bulb, for example, 2-3 cm, tulips are planted in the ground at 6 -9 cm.

Important! If you push the bulb too deep, it will not be able to break through the soil in the spring and will rot under the ground. On the contrary, if it is too superficial, then in winter it can freeze out.

Video: correct planting of tulips in the fall - technique and features

Direct landing

Step-by-step instructions for planting tulip bulbs in autumn in open ground:

  • First of all, you need to choose an auspicious day for the procedure. A sunny, calm and not cloudy fine day is perfect.

  • First, holes or trenches of the required depth are dug. Remember, planting depth of tulips is 3 bulb heights.

Advice! There is a special device for planting bulbs, which is very convenient for making planting holes of the required depth depending on the size of the bulb.

  • If the autumn is dry, you can pour a little water over the hole in the ground. If you have not previously applied fertilizer, then ash can be poured at the bottom of the planting hole, but first, if necessary, pour a layer of sand as drainage.
  • The planting of the bulbs is carried out according to the following scheme: the distance between the bulbs (if you are planting in a trench) is left at least 10-20 cm. This is necessary so that when growing, neighboring plants do not interfere with each other's growth.

By the way! It is very beautiful to plant tulips not in a row, but in a circle in one hole (3 or 5), so that it looks like a bouquet. Moreover, it is possible for everyone to be of different varieties or colors (after all, it will only be more beautiful, right?).

  • Further, the hole or trench is covered with loose fertile soil and well leveled. This is required so that puddles do not form on the surface.
  • In order not to forget that tulips are planted here, you need to somehow mark the place, for example, mulch it with peat or leaves.

Video: how to plant tulips correctly in autumn

By the way! You can plant tulips not only directly in the open ground, but also in other containers. For example, it is becoming very popular to plant these flowers in containers.

The point is that excellent protecting tulip bulbs from mice.

By the way! To get rid of rodents in the garden, you can, for example, plant next to hazel grouse or use birch tar (as in the video below), or even better read the appropriate article on fighting mice in the garden.

Video: planting tulips with tar to repel mice

Caring for tulips after planting

If the autumn is rainy, then it is no longer worth watering, the soil moisture is sufficient to activate (start rooting) the planted bulb.

Caring for tulips next season is quite standard - water, loosen, feed.

Important! In the future, you will definitely need every year (or at least once every 2 years), dig up tulips after flowering and store at home.

What is described in detail in this separate article.

Possible mistakes when planting tulips in autumn

Any novice florist, when planting, unintentionally or unknowingly, makes a number of mistakes. Only the plant itself suffers from this. In order to minimize miscalculations during the planting process, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some typical mistakes in planting tulips in autumn:

  1. Late or too early boarding.
  2. Planting damaged, diseased or rotten bulbs... They die on their own and, in addition, infect healthy plants. This process stimulates the death of the entire landing area.
  3. Incorrect burial of the bulbs. If the bulb is planted too high, it can freeze and die. Too strong instillation of it provokes a long sleep and the skipping of the moment of activation of growth.

Thus, tulips are only planted during the autumn months. The main thing is to act not to the detriment of the plant, but for this it is necessary to observe and create all conditions for successful rooting, as well as take into account weather conditions and, accordingly, adjust the timing of planting bulbs in open ground.

Video: interesting ways to plant tulips

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