Planting roses in spring: rules for successful rooting in the garden

Rose is a favorite and inexhaustible source of inspiration for writers and poets, as well as gardeners and summer residents who have joined them. Without denying the thesis that nature is more powerful than man and it is impossible to resist it, we are nevertheless of the opinion that it is quite possible to grow a luxurious rose bush in our summer cottage, taking into account the variety of the beauty, the timing of her planting, constructive care for her.

Well, below you will learn all the nuances of spring planting of roses in open ground.

When to plant roses in spring: timing, time, temperature

It is well known that spring is the ideal time to plant a plant in the ground.Experience shows that it is during this fertile period that the seedling is guaranteed comprehensive acclimatization and tremendous success in strengthening health and increasing immunity before winter. However, the beauty is that you can transfer the rose to the ground at any time.

It is advisable to note that planting a rose in the spring is possible when the soil temperature confidently takes its position in the area + 10-12 ° C, that is, in central Russia (for example, in the Moscow region) this usually occurs in the second half of April or even earlier... However, only a seedling with not yet blossoming buds and with not very long shoots can withstand tough competition. To solve the issue of protecting young shoots from frost, it would be quite reasonable to use a covering material or mulch to protect the plant, firstly, from sudden temperature fluctuations, secondly, preserving life-giving moisture in the soil and, thirdly, eradicating weeds.

It is absolutely precisely noted that planting roses with ACS (open root system) on a flowerbed in open ground, it is optimal to carry out in autumn... However, for the sake of fairness, it must be said that such an event is by no means forbidden to carry out also in spring and summer. This is evidenced by the fact that in the warmer regions of our country (in the South of Russia), autumn, as a rule, does not give up its positions and resists the invasions of cold weather until the first days of October, after which it is extremely necessarycover the roses for the winter... The meaning of such a period for planting a rose in spring is simple: earlier manipulation will contribute to the premature growth of the vegetative mass, and with a fragile root system of roses, it may lead to the death of the plantation. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to plant roses with an open root system in spring.

As for the peculiarities of planting in various regions, in central Russia (in the Moscow region), as well as in the northern regions (in Siberia and the Urals), it is better to plant roses in the spring, from the second half of April to the end of May, based on the message that the kidneys should not have time to swell. In these zones of agriculture, if you approach it statistically, it is objectively difficult to protect yourself from ineffective rooting and loss of a bush in the winter season.

But in the summer there is complete confidence in such planting methods, especially for container roses with numerousroots that can resist any trouble during transplantation. It is quite obvious that roses planted in summer should above all be protected from the merciless rays of the sun and watered abundantly in the hot cycle of summer weather.

Video: features of planting rose seedlings in spring, summer and autumn

According to the lunar calendar for 2020

Choose the optimal date for planting rose seedlings can help you moon calendar.

So, favorable days for planting rose seedlings in spring in 2020, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in March - 4-6, 12-14, 26-31;
  • in April - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 13-15, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 6-9, 11-14, 23-25.

Unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar for 2020, for planting roses in spring, the following dates are (days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign -italicized):

  • in March - 9,19-21, 24;
  • in April - 8,15-17, 23;
  • in May - 7,13-14, 22;
  • in June - 5,9-11, 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

How to plant roses in the garden in spring: features, requirements and step-by-step instructions

It will not be difficult to successfully plant a rose in the spring if you follow all the rules and recommendations for planting it, but first you need to choose a viable seedling.

Selecting a seedling and preparing it for planting

In the course of the selection of the required seedling in specialized nurseries or stores, one cannot but disturb the state of its root system, its vitality. Therefore, below is a list of criteria necessary for recognizing a high-quality rose seedling:

  • powerful, widely branched and developed root system;
  • at least 2 lignified shoots;
  • leaves evenly colored green;
  • the roots themselves are light yellow in the cut;
  • the roots have no flaws: no scratches, no soft, no dry areas;
  • clearly visible vaccination site.

Most often, rose seedlings are put up for sale either in closed containers or boxes (respectively with a closed root system - ZKS), or with open roots. The difference is not fundamental, and both formats are considered positive. The main thing is that there is substantial health on the face and there are no hidden microdefects of lesions by diseases and insects. 

Immediately before planting a rose purchased from a store, you must act consistently:

  1. Very carefully remove the packing material from the still very fragile plant.
  2. Try to straighten the shrunken roots and examine them carefully.
  3. If, when examining the seedling, you find any signs of disease or damage at the roots, then you should immediately and carefully treat this area with an appropriate fungicide. Then cut dry roots down to a healthy core (it is usually white), this should be done a couple of centimeters. Extremely elongated roots should be cut off to 30-35 cm. Such thorough measures will help in the future to grow new young roots, and the remaining roots with a healthy core will improve the absorption of nutrients.
  4. Cut off the shoots of seedlingsby removing the broken and thin branches. Only the thickest and strongest branches with a length of 30-35 cm and cut to 2-7 buds should remain on the plant, depending on the species (see further / below).
  5. Remove paraffin from rose shoots (if they are in it), which is used to keep it from drying out, but makes breathing difficult. To do this, it is worth using a wooden toothpick, with the help of which the wax layer is gently lifted and removed, and the bark begins to breathe.
  6. Soak the root system. To replenish the liquid deficiency, immerse the roots of the plant (up to the neck) for 120-180 minutes in ordinary water or a solution of any root growth stimulator. Further, in order to negate the possibility of infection, it does not hurt to apply solution of copper sulfate or "Fundazol" (0.5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) for 20 minutes.

Landing site (location on the site)

As the experience of practicing gardeners confirms, a place for planting roses should be chosen quiet and calm, not shaded from the sun, but sheltered from the wind. That is why one should abandon the idea that the location of the bush surrounded by trees, right against a wall or near any building, is comfortable for a rose.

However, for example, climbing varieties of roses know how to dispose of the north-western areas of the dacha allotted to them: they grow well and bloom in shady places.

What soil is needed

Roses love to grow on slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5-6.5), therefore, in the case of high acidity of the soil in the summer cottage, it is impossible to plant roses at once, first it is necessary to reduce its acidity.

By the way! A good solution to the problem would be to add a small amount of lime, wood ash or dolomite flour.

When preparing the soil for planting roses in spring, it will also be great if you add rotted manure (humus) or compost, and wood ash (as a potassium-phosphorus fertilizer)

Important! It is categorically impossible to use fresh organic matter (i.e. fresh manure), since it causes root rot and the death of seedlings.

To what depth to plant (preparation of the landing pit for planting)

Usually, planting pit width - average 50 cm... However, the depth is different, and the type of soil is "to blame" for this. In the case of using loamy soil, the depth of the pit looms like this: 15 cm is added to the length of the roots.But, say, with heavy wet clay soil, containing near 35-45 % clean clay, the pit is planned deeper (60-70 cm).In this case, it will not be superfluous to lay compost (you can also use humus mixed with 1-2 glasses of ash), and on top it is advisable to pour a bunch of a fertile layer of earth.

Step-by-step guide to direct boarding

Here are the steps to take:

  1. Dip the roots of previously prepared rose seedlings in clay solution (do not forget to add fertilizer to it (dissolve 6 tablets of phosphorobacterin in 1 liter of water and add 10 liters of talkers), then arrange the seedlings on a dais, not forgetting to put the roots in order.
  2. Having covered a hole with a seedling with soil, deepen the vaccination site 4-7 cm (depending on the variety, see above)... To simply and reliably protect the root collar from temperature fluctuations, it is required to compact the soil near the seedling.
  3. Water the seedling liberally same solutionthat remained after soaking it (or simply water), being careful not to touch the shoots to eliminate the risk of sunburn. If the watering turned out to be too abundant and the place of grafting of the seedling seemed, it is necessary (this must be done) to sprinkle it with earth.

Having finished planting roses, you need to go to pruning, leaving at least 2 buds on each shoot. It is recommended to treat them with a garden varnish or a similar product bought in a specialized store. It is quite reasonable to do this in the spring, since in the fall, young shoots will most likely not survive and will freeze. A rounding manipulation in the process of spring planting of a rose should be its mulching. For this purpose, it is a good idea to use compost, humus or dry soil.

Important! Do not forget to cover the newly planted rose from the sun for 10-12 days.

Video: how to plant a rose in spring

Features and planting schemes for various types of roses

Despite all the variety of varieties of roses, the unifying moment for them is the procedure for preparing seedlings and the basic stages in their planting. If you want roses to pamper you with their many-sided beauty for a long time, you need to focus your attention on some of the intricacies of caring for different types of garden queen. Given the fact of the peculiarities of different varieties, it is necessary to use this as a guide to change the rules for planting certain types of roses in spring.

Climbing roses (curly)

  • Vaccination site when planting climbing roses, it must be buried 8-10 cm.
  • Pruning climbing roses during planting is not required, you only need to slightly update the cuts.
  • Remarkable subtlety: these roses are optimally planted at a distance 0.3 m from the supportso they will be able to braid her in the future. Walls, gratings, columns, arches, etc. can act as a support.
  • Distance there should be order between the seedlings1-1.5 meters apart.


  • Planting floribunda roses differs in the depth of grafting - 3-8 cm.
  • It is preferable to leave on 3-4 buds with medium pruning.
  • Distance between floribunda bushes when planting should be kept at a level 0.3-0.4 meters , with an indent in the spacing 0.6-0.9 meters.

English roses

  • The planting of English roses is characterized by the depth of grafting on 5 cm.
  • When pruning on the escape you need to leave until 5-7 kidneys.
  • Rational distance does not pass between seedlings 1.2-2 m.

Park roses

  • Planting of park roses occurs when inoculation depth - again, like English roses, on 5 cm.
  • After trimming, you must leave at least 5, or better 7 kidneys on one shoot.
  • Distance between seedlings - 1/2 the height of an adult bush, i.e. if it is mentioned that the bush reaches up to 1 m, then the next landing must be done at a distance 0.5 meters from the previous one.

Ground cover roses

  • Planting ground cover roses is accompanied by a grafting depth of the same 5 cm.
  • An iconic detail: after removing broken or badly damaged branches, it is not at all necessary to prune the shoots (not even recommended), only slightly update.
  • The width of the bush determines distance between seedlings and varies from 0.5 to 1.5 meters

Hybrid tea roses

  • Adequate grafting depth during planting hybrid tea roses - 3-5 cm.
  • Interesting fact: on one shoot it is customary to save 2-3 well developed kidneys.
  • Distance between the bushes is adjusted in the area 0.3-0.5 m, and the row spacing is better to do the order 0.6-0.9 m.

Caring for roses after planting

Well-established and proper care of roses after planting determines their subsequent development and flowering. An integral part of it is the performance of the following actions:

  • follow the rules for watering;
  • take care of the soil around the seedling;
  • prevent diseases;
  • apply fertilizers on time and on time;
  • regulate the formation of the bush.

Rose is madly in love with moisture. After planting, the seedling is recommended to be watered with settled and warm water. This should be done almost every day, and some time later - at least once a week. It is best to water roses in the early morning or in the evening after sunset.

After watering a rose seedling in the spring, the question of the need for mulch application (you can use sawdust or compost) in order to save the roots from erosion due to repeated watering, as well as to prevent dehydration of the bush.

The rose also likes to have the ground around the bush regularly loosened, and right up to the fall. With the onset of autumn, it is worth finishing with loosening the earth, it is even recommended to tamp it a little.

The first top dressing roses after planting, if you have not forgotten to apply a sufficient amount of fertilizer to the planting pit, you should perform it only after 2 years!

Note! The site already has a detailed article about feeding roses in spring and summer.

In addition, caring for roses is a must focuses on disease and pest control and prevention. To do this, it is worthwhile to monitor the condition of the bushes as often as possible and, at the initial signs of damage to any disease, use means tested for centuries. These funds may include:

  • plants that have a very sharp and therefore repelling all kinds of pests smell - marigolds, sage, ornamental onions;
  • special infusions, the effect of which is similar to the previous remedy (for example, onions, garlic, calendula, yarrow);

By the way! The site has a separate detailed article about how to deal with aphids on roses.

  • burning leaves affected by black spot;
  • dusting bushes wood ash somewhere from the middle of summer (from powdery mildew and aphids);
  • control over the degree of planting density, sometimes leading to the appearance of diseases (the same fungal).

In order for young seedlings to provide you with stunning flowering, practicing summer residents recommend not to be afraid at the earliest stage of their existencedeprive the bush of all buds except one, especially distinguished by its size and color intensity.

Note! Until a bush with the desired shape is obtained, it is required to form a bush exclusively by pinching all side shoots after 4-5 leaves.

This is how novice summer residents and long-time practicing gardeners are arranged, when they want to achieve a solid and constantly renewing flowering of roses, they turn to tons of information and thousands of Internet views. And all this is done so that, within the framework of the correct planting and the totality of all aspects of watering, pruning and other activities, get out of the general format of ordinary amateurs and take key positions in the qualified growing of roses. Try on our recommendations for planting your country roses, and this will certainly become a trump card in your hands.

Video: planting roses in spring in open ground

  1. Olga :

    Great article! Thank you so much!

    1. Margot :

      I read a lot of different information about planting roses. In this article, I'm new to gardening, everything is clear. Thank you for sharing your observations and knowledge.

  2. Ludmila :

    great article: I learned many previously unknown nuances of growing roses, thanks!

  3. Gulnaz :

    How many years can a rose grow in one place?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Grafted roses can easily grow in one place up to 15 years, and self-rooted (unvaccinated) - up to 10 years.

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