Planting hazelnuts (domesticated hazel) seedlings in autumn and spring

Hazelnut is a culture that is universally loved and revered, it is used in various culinary products, and is often added to chocolate. The use of nuts in their pure form is no less popular. The value of nuts (the most high-calorie of all nuts) is due to their excellent taste, nutritional properties, and health benefits. For this reason, many gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of hazelnuts on their personal plot for their own consumption and as a business (for sale).

If you are interested in how to plant and grow hazelnuts in the country, then the material below is for you.

General description: what is the difference between hazelnuts and hazel

This perennial shrub begins to bear fruit after planting after about five years.The most popular varieties of hazelnuts for cultivation are: Trebizond (capable of producing large yields, has the largest fruits), Kavkaz, Masterpiece, Moscow Ruby, Adygeisky-1, Purpurea.

Hazelnuts, hazelnuts and hazelnuts are names for the same culture. But what's the difference? Let's figure it out. The difference between them is that hazelnuts are cultivated shrubs, and hazel are wild-growing.

It is interesting! The bush acquired the outlandish name "hazel" because of its leaves, which have some resemblance to the tail of a bream fish.

In the photo, hazel leaves:

So what is the difference between hazelnuts and wild hazel? There is no fundamental difference between them: both the first and second options are hazel. But hazelnuts have smaller nuts, hazelnuts have the most delicious fruits, which contain more nutrients in their composition. In addition, there is another practical difference - cultivated hazelnuts, the cultivation of which takes place in the country or in the garden, is easier to collect than the fruits of wild hazel in forest thickets. Also, cultivated hazel has a higher yield. To distinguish hazelnuts from hazel, you just need to understand: where the shrub grows - in the forest or in the country, what fruits and sizes it has.

Important! It turns out that hazelnuts are just an artificially bred hybrid of a wild hazel shrub. It has larger and more tasty fruits with a rich taste, higher yield. It is also more resistant to disease.

Many people are engaged in the cultivation of hazelnuts as a business, for example, they often grow hazelnuts on an industrial scale in Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus. And many grow it at home for themselves because of its excellent taste and benefits. It contains beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements. The use of such a nut helps to strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, and optimize metabolism.

TOWhen is it better to plant hazelnuts - in autumn or spring, landing dates

You can plant hazelnut seedlings in spring and autumn. But it's still better to do this in the fall. The optimal timing in the fall is early October, when the soil is still warm. If we consider planting in spring, then this can be done in April.

How to plant hazelnuts: rules, tips and a step-by-step guide

Sapling selection

Choosing the right hazelnut seedling is the key to the successful survival of the shrub and good fruiting in the future. To plant cultivated hazel in autumn and spring, you should choose seedlings without leaves, they should have three to five developed shoots (the shoot thickness is about one or one and a half centimeters, and the length is up to one and a half meters). Also, a cultivated hazel seedling should have a well-developed root system (root length about 50 centimeters).

Suitable place on the site

In order for the tree to take root, grow normally and bear fruit, attention should be paid to choosing the right place for planting. Where is the best place to plant hazelnuts in the country? Cultivated hazel will be comfortable in an area that is well lit by the sun. Protection from cold winds and drafts is equally important, so you can choose a place near a wall or even a hedge. It is better to plant a crop in the south or west of the site.

Note! There should be a distance of at least five meters between hazel and other trees capable of shading. And between the rows of shrubs there should be a distance of about six meters.

It is advisable to plant hazelnut seedlings on light, loose, fertile soil, it should be neutral or slightly acidic. You should not choose lowlands with a high level of moisture and areas with groundwater. It is also important that in the spring, when the snow melts, the area is not flooded with water.

Important! It is not recommended to grow hazelnuts in a dacha in swampy areas with heavy, loamy, depleted soil.

Step by stepopen grounding instruction

Step-by-step instructions will help you land according to all the rules.By following all the steps and sequence of the event, the chances of successful rooting and a good harvest increase.

Important! Cross pollination of hazelnuts. Therefore, for full pollination, it is necessary to grow several different varieties of cultivated hazel and plant at least two or three bushes.

Consider the hazelnut planting scheme:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the planting pit, this must be done 3-4 weeks before planting. The optimal length and width of the pit is about 60 centimeters.
  2. The bottom of the pit is filled with fertilizers: fertile soil is mixed with 200-300 grams superphosphate (or 2-4 glasses of ash) and 2 buckets of humus. A small layer of the top layer of soil should be poured on top so as not to burn the roots. We compact a little and form a small mound.
  3. The seedling is placed on a mound in a pit, the roots are gently straightened (the roots of the plant can be dipped in a mixture of clay and manure, and broken or too long roots can be cut off).
  4. Then you should cover the roots with fertile soil, water to fill the voids between the roots.
  5. Then the soil should be filled up to the soil level and carefully tamped. The root collar of the seedling should be five centimeters above the soil surface.
  6. Then you need to deepen the peg, which will serve as a support for the young tree, and tie the tree to it.
  7. After planting, water should be plentiful (at least five buckets of water).

Hazelnut nesting is very popular. Most often this method is used when grown on an industrial scale. According to the nesting method, planting is carried out as follows: five or six bushes are planted in a circle with a diameter of one and a half meters and a 6 × 6 pattern. Before the event, it is necessary to eliminate all root branches except the main one. Thus, the bush will grow into one trunk.

How to care for shrubs after planting

If you properly care for hazelnuts after planting in a country house or a plot of a private house, you can help the shrub restore and normalize vital functions, adapt to new growing conditions and make the cultivation of cultivated hazel safe.

The following measures should be included in the care of hazelnuts after planting:

  • Shading... After planting, the plant should be protected from active sunlight for several days while adaptation takes place.
  • Mulching... You can use humus, compost, coniferous needles (forest floor) as mulch, sawdust... Mulch will help keep the life-giving moisture in the ground, but it is important that the mulching material does not touch the trunk and branches of the seedling.
  • Watering... A young tree should be watered in small portions to exclude waterlogging and root rot. The first watering after planting should be done after about five to seven days, and then when the water is completely absorbed into the soil.
  • Pruning... The young tree should be pruned about five days after gardening. Pruning is essential for the plant to take root and adapt better. Damaged, broken, dry shoots, as well as those that grow in the center, are eliminated. The remaining branches should be reduced by one third.
  • Loosening... It is necessary to loosen and remove weeds from near-trunk circles (and the circles themselves should be no less than the diameter of the crown of the bush).
  • Shelter... For the first three years, it is necessary to cover a young shrub before the winter cold. For this, you can use lutrasil or spunbond.

By the way!Top dressing plays an important role in the well-being of any tree. But the first feeding of hazelnuts should be done no earlier than three years after the event, because when planting, fertilizers were already introduced into the pit.

Anyone can plant hazelnuts in the country, in the garden of a private house, in the garden. The main thing is to do your due diligence, choose the right seedling and the right place, and follow the planting pattern.

Video: how to plant a hazelnut seedling in autumn and spring, growing rules

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