Top dressing and fertilization of grapes in spring

Almost every summer cottage has a grape bush, but not all owners of a heat-loving plant can boast of a bountiful harvest. And it would seem that all the conditions have been created, but the ovaries are not formed. The thing is that in the spring rush, gardeners often forget about fertilizing or do not know about this need at all. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the spring feeding of grapes.

Further, you will find tips, recommendations on how to carry out the spring feeding procedure, the optimal timing, suitable fertilizers for grapes in the spring and their names.

Features of spring feeding of grapes, for which it is necessary and when required

For normal development after the end of winter, the grapes need to be fed. Otherwise, the weakened plant will wake up from hibernation for a long time and will not be able to form full-fledged fruits.According to reviews of experienced gardeners, after fertilizing grapes in the spring, the yield of the bush increases by 40-50%.

In addition, correct feeding in spring accelerates the growth of grapes and makes them more resistant to environmental conditions and dangerous diseases.

Note! In the case when a sufficient amount of rotted manure or compost was laid in the pit during planting, grape seedlings do not need additional dressing in the spring for 2 years.

From 3 years of age, plants are fed annually... Moreover, it is necessary to apply fertilizers even to fertile soils, since the vine during the fruiting period draws out all the useful substances from it.

What types of dressings are there, their specificity

All dressings are divided into two types: root and foliar.

Root dressing applied directly to the root of the plant. For the root, one-component and complex mineral fertilizers are used, such as Biopon, Master, Florovit.

The spray solution is prepared based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Fans of natural fertilizers use organic matter for feeding grapes in spring - manure, chicken droppings, compost.

Foliar dressing are spraying the aerial part of the bush with a nutrient solution. Usually, foliar dressing of grapes in spring carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the root. To prepare foliar top dressing, urea, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are diluted in settled water. Zinc, copper, boron are also added to the tank.

Important! To make the mixture evaporate more slowly and the leaves have time to absorb as much nutrients as possible, 50 g of sugar is added to the solution.

Spraying is best done in the evening in calm dry weather. In order for the plant to absorb as many useful macro- and microelements as possible, the bush is sprayed with water every morning. Thanks to irrigation, the dried particles of the solution become liquid again, which allows the leaves to absorb them.

Video: foliar feeding of grapes in spring.

Features of the first feeding (after opening) and the second (in May before flowering)

After winter, a generous first feeding of the grapes in the spring is vital, since the plant is weakened, and it needs new strength. The substances will help the plant to grow stronger and stimulate it to grow rapidly. The first time fertilization is applied in early spring, even before the opening of the bush, immediately after the snow cover melts or after removing the shelter.

And how to feed the grapes in the spring after opening? As a top dressing, multicomponent fertilizers are used, which contain a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If you do not want to use purchased mixtures, you can fertilize the grapes in the spring after opening with rotted manure and organic solutions.

Video: what onFeed the grapes in the spring after opening.

The purpose of feeding before flowering - enrichment of the soil with substances necessary for abundant flowering and fruit formation. To properly feed the grapes in the spring before flowering, unlike the previous ones, fertilizers should not contain nitrogen as it stimulates leaf growth. As a result of improper distribution of nutrients, the plant does not bloom well and forms small ovaries.

Video: how to feed grapes in spring before flowering.

How and what to feed grapes in springto increase the yield

If you know how and what to fertilize grapes in spring, then you can achieve a noticeable increase in yield later. Therefore, there are certain features of the procedure that must be followed.

In order for all the nutrients to reach the roots, a groove 40 cm deep is dug around the perimeter of the rhizome. Depending on the size of the bush, the diameter of the circle is 50-80 cm. In order for all the roots to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, the mixture is evenly poured over the ring.

Manure and slurry are spread over the surface of the trunk circle, and then the soil is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm. At the end of the work, the fertilizer should be underground.

Root dressing

Root dressing is applied 2 times: before removing the winter shelter and before flowering.

How to feed grapes under the root in spring after opening? Immediately after opening the grapes, the following dressing is performed:

  • simple mineral fertilizer (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt);

  • or complex mineral fertilizer (multicomponent mixtures such as Kemira, Solvent, Florovit, Novofert).

For the first feeding 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium salt are introduced under the bush. Thanks to this composition of the mixture, the plant will recover faster during the winter and will grow.

Before flowering the soil is fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers with the addition of 5 g of boric acid, which stimulates flowering. Such mixtures can be replaced with a solution of nitrophoska (60-70 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Important! The culture does not react well to chlorine. Therefore, you can use special fertilizers for a given crop or mixture that does not contain chlorine.



Due to its rich composition, organic matter is the best fertilizer for spring feeding of grapes. The composition of manure includes a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as a number of other elements necessary for normal development and abundant fruiting. In addition, organic matter improves aeration and water permeability. Immediately after opening, rotted manure is introduced under the vine, and then the soil is dug to a depth of 25-30 cm.

If the dry matter takes some time to decompose, then the substances contained in the slurry are immediately absorbed by the roots. To prepare fertilizer, manure is poured into the barrel and water is poured based on a ratio of 1: 2. After 10 days, the mixture is diluted 1: 6 with water. To feed an adult bush, you need 10 liters of slurry.

Video: fertilizing grapes in the spring for a large harvest.

Without damage to the plant, instead of manure, you can use fertilizer for feeding grapes in spring based on chicken manure:

  • First recipe. 1 liter of organic matter is diluted with 4 liters of water and left to ferment for 10-14 days. After the time has elapsed, the volume of water in the container is brought to 10 liters. To fertilize one adult bush of grapes, it is enough to add 0.5-1 liters of the mixture. Due to the high content of urea, it is impossible to increase the concentration of the solution: you can burn the roots of the plant.
  • Second recipe. Chicken droppings are poured with water and soaked. The dirty water is replaced with clean water every 2 days. To reduce the concentration of urea and acid in organic matter, you need to carry out 2-3 soaks. In order to avoid damage to the roots of the plant, it is not recommended to water at the root.

Another effective fertilizer that can be applied for feeding grapes in spring is compost... To prepare a useful mixture, grass, organic household waste, manure and earth are piled up in thin layers. A hill that has reached a height of 2 m is covered from the outside with a layer of earth. Due to the high temperature inside the bookmark, the components folded in the fall are completely recycled by the spring.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer chosen, after the procedure, the plant must be watered abundantly. Therefore, it is better to apply nutrients after heavy rain (no need for watering) or in dry weather.


In cases where the use of manure is impossible, fertilizer for grapes can be fully replaced with a mixture based on urea. To prepare top dressing, add 40 g of superphosphate and potassium-magnesium fertilizer, 80 g of urea to a bucket of water.

Fertilizers for grapes based on urea enrich the soil with the nitrogen necessary for growth. Ammonium, formed during hydrolysis, not only improves plant development, but also regulates the absorption of phosphorus and potassium.Due to the fact that the roots absorb carbamide slowly, the berries contain a minimum amount of nitrates.

Worth knowing! Urea increases the pH of the soil, therefore, it is better not to use the substance for feeding grapes growing in an alkaline and acidic environment in spring.

Foliar dressing

Foliar dressing of grapes in spring takes place in two stages:

1) First feeding.

To process one adult bush for 10 liters of water, add 5 g of boric acid. The plant is sprayed 72 hours before flowering.

Important! An excess of boron is dangerous for the plant. Therefore, the recommended dose cannot be increased.

2) Second feeding.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizers, which lack nitrogen, are used as a nutrient mixture. To improve pollination, 3 days after the start of flowering, they are sprayed with special preparations: potassium humate, humisol, grapes.

For spraying grapes during the flowering period in spring, you can use a superphosphate-based fertilizer. The tool is prepared like this:

  1. 50 g of superphosphate is poured into a bucket of settled water and insisted for a day.
  2. Over time, the water is drained, and 5 manganese sulfate and ferrous iron, 2 g of boric acid, 1 g of zinc sulfate are added to the sediment that remains.

Among the folk remedies that can be used to make foliar dressing of grapes in the spring, a good effect is shown by fertilizer from cut grass, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Freshly cut grass is placed in the barrel up to half and the container is filled to the top with water. Leave to ferment for 10-14 days.
  2. After the specified period of time, 1 liter of infusion and 0.5 liters of ash extract are added to a bucket of water.

Wood ash or sunflower ash, which contains many useful macro- and microelements, can be used as an excellent fertilizer for grapes as a solution. To prepare a solution for irrigation, 300-500 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water. For the purpose of feeding, the blossoming grapes are sprinkled with powder using a sieve.

Worth knowing! During the preparation of solutions and feeding, in order to avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes of concentrated liquids, gloves and a mask should be used.

Video: fertilizing grapes with wood ash.

Popular bugs

Due to ignorance of the peculiarities of the culture and the general technology of applying spring dressing, gardeners often make mistakes.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Fertilizers are spread over the soil surface. As a result, nitrogen evaporates, and phosphorus and potassium cannot penetrate into the deep layers of the soil.
  • In the hope of accelerating the growth of the bush and the timing of harvesting, an excessive amount of fertilizer is applied to the plant. An overfed plant, due to a decrease in immunity, often gets sick, as a result of which the harvest is greatly delayed.
  • Only young grapes are fed in spring. If during planting the hole was filled with nutrients, it makes no sense to feed the plants until they reach 2 years of age. In order for adult grape vines to bear fruit abundantly, they need to be generously fertilized in spring, since a powerful rhizome is not able to get all the necessary elements.

When fertilizing grapes in the spring, you should heed the advice of experienced growers and study possible mistakes.

Top dressing of grapes in spring is an important manipulation and an element of care, which improves the general condition of the plant, increases immunity and significantly increases the yield. In order for the manipulation to bring an exceptionally positive effect, you need to feed the plant with the recommended fertilizers on time.

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