Top dressing of garlic in spring, summer and autumn

Timely fertilization of garlic is a very important operation in the care of this crop. Experienced gardeners know that the timing and amount of fertilizers directly affect the future harvest. The correct dosage of the composition of the fertilizing leads to an improvement in the quality of the crop and increases the weight of the head almost twice.

Fertilizing Garlic

Features of fertilization of winter and spring garlic

Both spring and winter garlic require the same amount of nutrients.

When planting garlic in the fall, before winter, fertilizing the soil must be carried out 2-4 weeks before planting the cloves. This is done in order to give the earth time to settle a little after digging. At this time, it is necessary to use both organic and mineral fertilizers.Top dressing when planting in the fall before winter

Garlic has a negative attitude towards both overly alkaline and acidic soil reactions. For this reason, the plant can only be planted in neutral soil.

Advice! The site already has separate articles about how to find out the acidity of the soil in your area and change (decrease or increase).

The specifics and rules of garlic dressing

Taking into account the needs of this crop, a fertilizer system is created, the amount of necessary nutrients is determined. For proper development of plants, fertilizing must be applied on time and in the required amount.

Important! During the growing season, garlic goes through several stages of development, from planting cloves to the final formation of the crop. And he always needs certain nutrients.

In early spring, after the snow melts, plant bushes appear and begin to grow rapidly. During this period, he needs the maximum "support". It is necessary to focus on the increased growth of green mass. It is convenient to apply fertilizers along with watering the plant. This provides an opportunity not to moisten the beds too much and at the same time provide the necessary substances, since the bulk of the fertilizers dissolves well in water.

Important! Untimely feeding will cause slow growth of the heads, the total yield will noticeably decrease, and the harvest will ripen much later.

Correctly feeding the soil does not mean pouring everything that is available on the garden bed. Garlic reacts positively to organic fertilizers, but it cannot cope with fresh manure during the growing season. For this reason, it should be used only as an infusion at this time.

When and how often to feed garlic: schemes

Autumn fertilization before planting

After removing plant residues from the beds, they begin to dig up the soil, because it is easiest to apply fertilizer at the time of digging.

The following composition is well suited for fertilizing the soil before planting winter garlic (per 1 sq. M):

  • high-quality humus or compost 10 kg;
  • 30-40 gr. superphosphate;
  • 20-30 gr. potassium sulfate (or other potassium fertilizer)

Note! If you are a supporter of organic farming, then you can easily eliminate mineral fertilizers, dispensing only with compost (humus) and wood ash.

Top dressing before planting before winter

Important! Not necessary add to the soil for the autumn planting of garlic nitrogen fertilizers(urea, ammonium nitrate). They are brought in in the spring during the first dressing of garlic.

In spring and summer

Already in early spring, additional food is required for garlic beds that wake up after winter.

Spring and summer feeding stages in June

First time garlic planted in autumn is fed in the spring a week (sometimes two) after the snow melts. The need for fertilization must be assessed individually for each site, taking into account weather conditions and the quality of the soil in the beds. Spring garlic should be fed when 2-3 leaves appear and they reach a length of 5-7 cm.

The second Garlic feeding is performed 2 weeks after the first (as a rule, this happens in May), this moment is the same for both planting methods.

Third time you need to feed the garlic at the beginning of the formation of the heads, when it is time to remove the flower arrows, that is, approximately throughout June. As well as winter crops, spring crops are fed in June at the start of active head formation.

Note! In May-June, garlic feeding is a must if you want the heads to be large.

Fertilizers suitable for garlic

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are especially often used when growing crops in large areas; large producers cannot do without them. Of course, gardeners also use them in their summer cottages.

First time in the season,in early spring garlic planted in autumn is fed. For feeding, dissolve 1 tsp in 10 liters of warm water.urea or ammonium nitrate... Plants are fed with this composition in the evening before the main watering.

Potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium (it also contains magnesium) dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and used for second feeding (14 days after the first).

Important! Garlic does not tolerate the presence of chlorine.

At the last third dressing garlic can also be used superphosphate and potassium sulfate, applying under 2 Art. l per 10 liters of warm water. Consumption rate - 2-5 liters of solution per 1 sq.m. After fertilization, pour with plain water. But only after cutting the arrow and then loosening the bed!

Video: third garlic dressing in June

The amount and composition of dressings is calculated individually, taking into account the state of the plants and the content of substances in the soil. Poor soils require increased fertilizing with basic elements; for loose and well-fertilized areas in autumn, fertilization is needed only during the growing season.

Please note! In nitrogen garlic needs spring when occurs active growth of greenery, phosphorus and potassium necessary during head growth (however, no later than a week before collecting the heads, you need to stop all feeding).

The condition of the plants becomes clearly visible, however, the yellowing of garlic bushes in spring can occur not from a lack of elements, but due to the effects of pests and from putrefactive infections.

Organic fertilizers

Fertilizing garlic with organic compounds allows you to grow this crop in small areas without using any chemicals.

Mullein. This fertilizer is applied little by little during the spring season. The mullein contains a lot of nitrogen, which garlic needs to grow its vegetative mass. In the fall, fertilize the garden rotted manure while digging the site.


Important! Fresh manure can be used only with autumn fertilization of the garden, subject to planting cloves in early spring.

For the secondfeeding the site with garlic plantings use a liquid solution, this will require 0.5 liters mullein who dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. The consumption rate is about 2-3 liters of solution per 1 square meter of the garden.

Chicken droppings. It cannot be added to the beds in the spring; it can be added only during the autumn digging of the site (200-250 g / m2).

Chicken droppings

Attention! A solution of poultry droppings during the growing season (spring) can kill plants. Also, garlic in this case worsens the taste, and the keeping quality decreases.

Video: feeding garlic with a solution of chicken manure

Wood ash. It is an excellent fertilizer containing a large amount of potassium and some phosphorus... In addition, it contains many trace elements and a lot calcium... There is no nitrogen at all in this product. The beds are fertilized with ash in autumn or early spring, bringing it under digging in the amount of 100-200 g per 1 sq. M. Ash reduces acidity very well and works much softer for soil microflora in comparison with lime.

By the way! About, what is the use of wood and how to use it correctly in the garden written in detail in this article.

Wood ash solution

In summer, ash can be used as an infusion during feeding garlic in June. To do this, pour 1.5-2 glasses of ash into 1 bucket of water and keep for 5 days, stirring well several times a day. After that, dilute 1 glass of infusion in 1 bucket of water and water the beds.

Wood ash

Also, for feeding, you can take 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water, leave for 1-2 hours and pour under the root. If the soil is excessively wet, then the ash can be scattered directly over the garden, while dusting the leaves and slightly embedding it in the ground.

Video: phosphorus-potassium dressing of garlic in June with ash and other means

Important! Peat ash (brown) cannot be used with garlic, as it contains a lot of iron.

  • Ammonia (ammonia)... Fertilizing with ammonia for winter garlic perform at once after germination, and for spring - after the appearance of 4-5 leaves... To prepare the composition, dissolve in 1 bucket of water 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia. The solution must be used immediately after mixing, otherwise the active substance will evaporate. Then the aisles need to be covered with soil.

Advice! The site already has a detailed article about how to properly use a solution of ammonia for plant nutrition (including garlic).


  • Salt solution application.This dressing accelerates the growth of garlic, fights yellowing and drying of the leaves. Consumption rate - 3 tbsp. salt for 1 bucket of water, with this solution the plants are watered at the rate of 3 l / m². Disinfection of the soil and planting material with a saline solution prevents the spread of stem nematodes, filamentous worms, wintering in plant bulbs and in the soil.Watering with brine

Truly folk remedies for feeding garlic are its fertilization with yeast and herbal infusion.

  • Yeast. Take baker's yeast (100 gram briquette) or 10 g of granulated yeast, dissolve them in 1 bucket of water and infuse for 1 day. When using granulated yeast, it is advisable to add another 2 tablespoons of sugar and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5. The beds are watered with a freshly prepared composition. It is only necessary to bear in mind that during the fermentation process, potassium and calcium are actively consumed from the soil, so it is advisable to combine such feeding with fertilizerwood ash as with a natural source of these micronutrients or any other appropriate (alternative) fertilizer.

Fertilization with yeast

However, it is believed that yeast is not suitable for feeding potatoes, garlic and onions.

  • Herbal infusion. A very valuable composition for dressing garlic, since the green mass contains a lot of nitrogen... To prepare a working solution, a large container is prepared, fresh weeds are poured into it by 2/3 of the height, without tamping. Then the container is filled to the top with water and kept for 1-2 weeks in the open air, the grass wanders at this time. The infusion should be stirred more often after fermentation is over. When the solids sink to the bottom, the solution will brighten. Garlic fed before summer, dissolving 1 liter of infusion in 1 bucket of water, at this time he justnitrogen required.

Herbal infusion

By planting garlic, every gardener hopes for a good harvest. To grow large and tasty heads, you need to feed the plant correctly and on time. What to use for this and how to do top dressing is up to the gardener to decide on his own, depending on the conditions on his site. But for the timing of plant fertilization, it is required to strictly adhere to the recommendations given.

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