Why carrots grow hairy (shaggy) and bearded: reasons

You dig up the carrots and see that they are "furry". The people also say "went to the lobe" (from "fibrous roots"). How did it happen? Why did the carrots grow so hairy?

So you know, there was a reason for this, perhaps even several. In short, let's figure it out!

By the way! If there are thin white root strings on the root vegetable, then this indicates that the carrots are ready to be dug up. This is normal. It's another matter if the carrot really looks shaggy and bearded ...

Why do carrots grow hairy (hairy)

More often than not, carrots become shaggy and hairy due to the fact that naturally begins prepare for wintering and take root (in order to subsequently discard the peduncle with seeds), thereby overgrowing with many white thin roots, while she is also may start to taste bitter.

In other words, you are simply late with the harvest.

Hairy carrot

That is why the carrots need to be dug out on time, especially if the weather forecast says that in the near future it will be cloudy and rainy: in such conditions, the lateral “hairy” roots grow even faster.

Hairy carrots

However, there are also other gardeners' hypotheses explaining the increased hairiness of carrots:

  • At the very beginning of growth, when weeding or thinning, you "Pulled up" the root crop, thereby damaging it (or a pest did it for you: the same carrot fly, its larvae) and giving the plant a signal to reproduce = seed formation, which is why it began to take root in order to subsequently discard the peduncle.

You can also come across the opinion that a similar process could be started abundant watering of carrot beds after a drought. However, this usually leads to another problem - cracking root crops.

Carrots are cracking

  • because of lack of moisture (dry summer) during the period of active growth of the root crop, the carrots began to throw out additional roots for better extraction of moisture from the soil.

However, in this case, carrots tend not only to overgrow with long hairs and a "beard", but can also branch out (becomes "horned"), although other factors can also cause this ramification.

Horned carrot

Interesting! And there is also the opposite opinion that carrots become "bearded" due to frequent watering during their growth or rainy summer.

What to do so that next time the carrot does not grow shaggy and bearded

Obviously, first of all you can not overexpose carrots in the ground - need to harvest on time.

By the way! All the information about how to determine when to dig carrots from the garden for storage, read in this article.

It is important to choose a suitable variety... So, if you need carrots for long storage, in other words, you are going to dig out the harvest in the fall, then it is worth planting late varieties.

If you keep an early variety until autumn harvest, then naturally, it may begin to root anew.

However, on the other hand, it is possible, on the contrary, do not rush to plant in early spring, but wait and sow in early summer (so you and from summer carrot fly leave). Then the carrots will definitely not outgrow, and you will dig them up when it is recommended (in the fall, after the temperature drops, but before frost).

Observe the basic rules for watering carrots in the open field!

Advice! Cheer up! You can eat shaggy carrots! Just next time, start early to get carrots for testing (to dig up the crop in time), well, observe the basic requirements of agricultural technology.

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