The hen laid an egg without shell in a film - what happened to the hen?

A large number of farmers face the problem of partial or complete absence of shells on eggs or “wet” clutch of the product. Instead of a hard shell, in the presence of a number of disorders in the chicken's body, the yolk and protein are enclosed in a thin film of a transparent matte color. A variety of pathology can be a clutch of eggs that have a normal, strong shell over most of the area, turning in some areas into structures of a wet or membranous type.

The presence of any of the types of pathology not only impairs the consumer properties of the product, but also indicates the presence of deviations in the conditions of keeping or the state of health of layers. The problem of the complete or partial absence of the shell on the surface of the eggs may be associated with an insufficient amount of microelements spent on the formation of the shell, with hormonal disruptions, with a violation of the course of ovulation and the presence of viral diseases in the body of the laying hen. In the case of a viral infection, late detection of the cause may lead to the need to slaughter a part of the livestock affected by the disease.And the presence of helminths in the chicken's body carries a high probability of their transfer from the body of the intermediate host (bird) to the human digestive tract. The task of the breeder is to timely identify the cause of hens laying eggs without shells in the film and eliminate the factors that caused it.

Normal egg and egg without shell, but in film

Why does a chicken lay eggs without shells? Causes and possible diseases

If an egg is found with a surface partially or completely covered with a film, it is necessary to find out the reason for the deviation. Among the most common factors causing the appearance of pathology, breeders call:

  1. Lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet of layers. This problem can arise both due to the use of an unbalanced diet in terms of calcium, shell rock and small gravel content, or as a result of the use of poor-quality feed. Experienced farmers argue that the presence of such a pathology will affect, first of all, not the absence of the shell surrounding the surface of the eggs, but the strength of the hen's musculoskeletal system. In the presence of such a violation, the large bones of the bird should be felt, since if there is an insufficient amount of nutrients in the diet, as a result of the examination, wobbly elements and soft joints in the area of ​​the thighs, sternum and rib bones can be found.

Note! Poor quality feed may appear on the farm if the recommended storage regimes are violated or as a result of a change in manufacturer when purchasing food components of the same composition.

  1. In addition, insufficient intake of nutrients in the chicken's body may be associated with malnutrition... Some farmers who keep laying hens in the backyard feed them with leftover food from their table, adding a certain amount of compound feed and grain to the scraps, which is clearly not enough to replenish the elements expended by the hen's body to form the egg shell.Feeding laying hens

Important! The lack of phosphorus and calcium in the bird's body can be determined by the thickness of the shell, while the presence of pathology will manifest itself in the formation of a thinner shell. Breeders attentive to the livestock note that the absorption of calcium in the chicken's body is influenced by the excess salt content in the feed. The solution to the problem in this case may be a revision of the diet, for the selection of the most optimal option, it is better to contact a specialized veterinary clinic.

  1. Among the reasons associated with the violation of the conditions of detention, experts call insufficient amount of time spent by the hen outside and improper organization of the area for walking hens. As a result, a sufficient amount of vitamin D of natural origin is not synthesized in the body of the bird, which leads to the appearance of weakening of the immune system and fragility of bones in chickens.What to do if a hen lays eggs without shells - increase the length of the run

Note! A critical decrease in the reserves of nutrients in the body of a bird can cause the use of special additives that stimulate an increase in egg production, as a result of which the depletion of the body occurs within 1-1.5 years.

  1. One of the factors causing the formation of eggs without a protective shell is the presence in the body infectious diseases and diseases of the viral type. In most situations, in this case, we are talking about mycoplasmosis, which appears as a result of infection with pathogens of the fungal type or parasites, which occurs when a chicken comes into contact with birds of other species and a violation of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the chicken coop. However, the appearance of pathology can be influenced by the disease of infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, egg production syndrome or Newcastle disease.And if mycoplasmosis is easily eliminated at the early stages of the development of pathology, then the course of pseudo-plague is characterized by a high rate and with a high probability leads to the death of sick individuals.
  2. When analyzing the reasons that cause the appearance of pathology, one should not exclude genetic predisposition of the bird, while an individual of reproductive age constantly brings eggs that have pathology. There are no known ways to combat this type of disorder; if such a defect is found, it is recommended to slaughter a sick chicken.

Note! During the formation of the reproductive system, young hens can lay eggs in a film; the process of maturation of a bird should not be confused with the deviations described in the previous case. If in doubt about the cause of the disorder, it is better to seek advice from a veterinarian who, based on the results of the examination, will make an accurate diagnosis.

  1. There are cases in which an outwardly healthy bird with normal constitution, strong bones and straight paws lays eggs in a film. Most likely, this individual has pathologies in the work of the reproductive system, which with a high probability can be eliminated with the intervention of a veterinarian.Chicken lays eggs without shell in film
  2. Group of hormonal disorders describes the disturbances that occur during the course of physiological cycles at different age periods of the bird's life cycle. At the same time, the disease begins in layers at an early or advanced age and can be expressed in a clutch of eggs with several or no yolks, as well as products that have dents and areas with soft structures or missing shells. A violation appears when a deviation from the norm is found during the simultaneous maturation and fertilization of several eggs, when they are too small in size.
  3. Possible reason for rejection is shortening the time between clutches, as a result of which the shell on the second egg does not have time to form.

Note! This type of clutch is not a pathology, however, in order to avoid a repetition of the episode, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused stress in the chicken. This is due to the fact that the process of maturation and fertilization of the egg is regulated by the bird's nervous system, and any disturbance in the calmness of the hen can lead to an abnormal clutch.

Video: a chicken lays eggs without shell, only in film

What to do, how to cure a chicken. Various methods and medicines

In order to avoid mistakes when making a diagnosis when determining the cause of the appearance of eggs without shells in the film, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. After a visual examination and taking the necessary tests and samples, he will offer a list of recommended measures aimed at eliminating the deviation. Among such events, the most commonly used are:

  • adjusting the keeping regime and increasing the time of walking the bird, organization of a platform for daily exercise, supplying it with sand, small stones, shells and grass;

Note! Experts recommend placing mineral supplements in separate feeders and providing birds with free access to them and the consumption of essential substances in the amount required for the body, or adding them to the composition of feed mixtures.

  • adding chickens to the diet ash, crushed shells, fish oil with a lack of vitamin D, bone meal, chalk. A variety of use of this method can be adjusting the diet of poultry, changing food storage regimes, changing the supplier of feed mixtures;

Important! In order to replenish nutrients and minerals, farmers recommend using premixes, the advantages of which include reduced consumption of the main feed, trivitamin and tetravit preparations, medicinal-nutritional mixtures for chickens (Laying and Ryabushka), which help to reduce the stress in poultry.

  • mycoplasmosis therapy in the initial stages of the disease can be carried out using livestock vaccination, adding drugs to feed and spraying them in the form of fine structures in the chicken coop. In case of more complex pathologies, the veterinarian may recommend eliminating the affected individuals, treating the chicken coop with disinfectants, prescribing a course of therapy for the rest of the herd and designating a set of preventive measures that exclude the appearance of pathogenic microflora;

Note! The rest of the groups of diseases associated with the defeat of the body by viral infections are carried out in a similar way, only the drugs, their active ingredients and dosages differ.

  • when determining the insufficient amount of vitamin D as the cause, it is recommended to add bone meal, fish oil, minced meat from fish waste, crushed bones to the feed mixtures. In winter, when there is insufficient intake of natural sunlight, it is recommended to equip the chicken coop with UV lamps.


To prevent the appearance of pathology, measures for disinfection and sanitization of the premises should be carried out with the recommended frequency of standards. In addition, experienced farmers advise:

  • periodic holding anthelmintic treatment using therapeutic agents and maintaining the normative sanitary state of the chicken coop, which allows you to avoid infection with parasites that consume the substances necessary for the formation of the shell;
  • in order to avoid the disease of chickens with viral infectionschickensinoculate a few days after birth;
  • take the necessary measures to prevent getting into the space where chickens are kept,potential carriers of pathogenic microflora;
  • to provide closing the container used for storing feed, in order to avoid ingestion of infections spread by rodents.

Laying hen

Experienced breeders are able to identify a possible problem based on the type of violation. For example, an excessively rough surface of an egg indicates an excessive amount of calcium with a lack of water in the bird's body, damage to the shape of the product is associated with the presence of viral diseases or congenital pathologies of the oviduct. At the same time, the presence of dents on the surface of the eggs indicates an immature reproductive system of the laying hen, and the laying by a hen of eggs without shells or in a soft film is in many cases explained by a stressful situation experienced or an excess amount of salt in the diet of chickens. Timely identification of the cause of the problem and its elimination will not only reduce the losses associated with obtaining low quality products, but also preserve the health of the livestock.

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