Whitewashing apple trees in spring and autumn

Gardeners with many years of experience already know that whitewashing apple trees is an integral part of the care, but many beginners sometimes ignore this procedure, not understanding the need for it. How and how to whitewash apple trees, what are the features of whitewashing in spring and autumn, we will try to understand all this in this article.

Whitewashing the apple tree

Why should you whiten apple trees

The bark of the tree performs all the protective functions that help protect the apple tree from the negative effects of external factors. A sharp change in temperature, searing frosts, strong winds, exposure to rodents and pests - all this can cause damage to the trunk, as a result of which the apple tree begins to ache, which is expressed in the absence of a stable harvest.

Why whiten an apple tree

Under the influence of sunlight and frost, the bark coarsens, cracks and begins to flake off. This can be judged by comparing the smooth surface of the trunk of a young seedling and the bark of an already mature fruiting tree.In the resulting wounds, access to infections and pests opens up, which confidently settle in them, which ultimately leads to a weakening of the immune system of apple trees, and in some cases is the cause of their death.

Main functionsperformed by whitewashing:

  • protects the trunk from burns during the cold season, since in the absence of foliage at this time, the apple tree itself cannot protect itself from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • protects against sudden changes in air temperature, which prevents the appearance of cracks on the barrel;
  • prevents the penetration of infections and pests.

Important! Whitewashing should be carried out in a timely manner for both adult apple trees and young seedlings, but the concentration of lime in this case should be halved.

Features and timing of whitewashing apple trees in different periods of the year

Traditionally, many gardeners carry out whitewashing of trees in the spring and not in order to improve the decorativeness of the garden, but to improve the protective properties. But only the most experienced know that this procedure should be done three times a year: in autumn, summer and spring. When is it better to whitewash the apple tree, when is it better - in spring or autumn?

  1. Autumn whitewashing of apple trees is the main one and is carried out in October-November, which allows you to protect trees from too active February sun rays. As a result of exposure to the sun, the trunk of the apple tree heats up to a temperature of +9 degrees, which is enough for the juice to start moving in it, and winter temperatures freeze it, which causes the bark to crack.Whitewashing the apple tree in autumn
  2. Spring whitewashing is considered the second most important, in the absence of autumn it is recommended to be carried out in February, when the air temperature permits. If the procedure was carried out in the fall, then the whitewashing of apple trees should be carried out in March-April, and not on a general May Saturday clean-up, as is usually the case.Whitewashing an apple tree in spring
  3. Summer it is recommended to whitewash apple trees in order to update the protective functions, in case of applying a not too strong solution in the spring. It must be carried out in June-July in order to protect the trunk from the effects of too high an air temperature, which presumably occurs during this period.

Important! To protect the apple trees, it is recommended to apply whitewash to a height of 1.5-2 m, and at the same time, going a little deeper into the soil by 4 cm. After the solution has dried, the soil should be returned to its previous level.

How to properly prepare an apple tree for whitewashing

Before carrying out the whitewashing procedure for apple trees, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which includes several stages.

At the first stage a thorough cleaning the trunk and large branches. It is optimal to carry out this in conditions of high air humidity. All appearing lichens, growths, exfoliated pieces of bark. To do this, you should not use any special metal tool, just take wooden spatula.

Preparation before whitewashing the apple tree

The collected parts must be collected and incinerated to prevent further spread of infections and pest larvae. To do this, spread a cloth or film at the base in advance.

Second phase training includes wound treatment... An important condition for the effectiveness of its implementation is dry weather for 3 consecutive days, otherwise disinfection will not bring the desired result. There are several types of processing:

  • capillary method, that is, a kind of fog is created around the trunk of copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture with the help of a spray bottle, as a result of which the working disinfectant solution settles on the bark and the resulting wounds;
  • processing with rags for disinfection with an ash and soap solution, which is obtained by dissolving ash and laundry soap in hot water;
  • spraying and washing the trunk with a concentrated ash solution.

Important! When disinfecting wounds, it is necessary to follow all precautions, that is, work with gloves and use a respirator.

In the third stage training is necessary cover all wounds with a special solution... After cleaning the trunk, grooves remain on it, which should be carefully repaired. To do this, use garden putty, paste or clay mash.

Popular whitewash compounds

Opinions can be divided when choosing the right solution for whitewashing, many prefer lime-based solutions, and some use special paints. So how to whitewash the apple trees?


Lime is an environmentally friendly substance that does not harm the environment. And its availability explains its popularity with most gardeners.

Whitewashing apple trees with lime

By cons whitewashing with lime can be attributed to the fact that it short-lived and quickly washed off by rain, therefore, requires regular application to the barrel at least 2 times a year. Its protective functions extend especially to the negative effect of sunlight and frost, but does not affect the effects of infections and pests... Therefore, in the finished mortar should be added copper sulfate, and this will require additional cash costs.

A common composition for preparing a whitewash solution:

  • 1 kg of lime;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • 0.2 kg of copper or iron sulfate.

Or you can give preference another composition: chalk (2 kg), water (10 l) and clay (200 g). All components are thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps, and infused for about 2 hours.

Paint processing

For painting apple trees in spring or autumn, you can use water-based and acrylic paints. Protective functions water emulsion coatings are akin to the action of lime, that is, it protects especially from the effects of the sun and low temperatures. But this paint stays on the surface longer, which makes it possible to whitewash the wood less often.

Concerning acrylic paint, then it has an extended spectrum of action and also protects the apple tree from the effects of pests and spores of fungal diseases. Ease of use does not require any additional actions, that is, it is enough to open the can with the product and get to work.

How to whiten apple trees

The disadvantage of whitewashing apple trees with paint is that it is an order of magnitude more expensive, but less often it will be necessary to whitewash. At the same time, it is a chemical agent, albeit safe.

Other formulations

You can use clay and mullein for whitewashing. This tool has an unusual light green tint.

Clay helps to protect the trunk from overheating, frost and dry wind, but it does not clog the pores, which allows the tree to breathe. The mullein gives the slurry a stickiness that allows it to stick to the bark for a long period of time. It also contains many useful trace elements that nourish the apple tree.

Video: how to whiten

Step-by-step instructions for whitewashing an apple tree, rules and recommendations

In order to whitewash apple trees according to all the rules, you must prepare in advance and take into account all the recommendations.

The procedure should be carried out in dry fine day, which will allow the solution to dry out and fix on the trunk.

Brush must be selected taking into account the width of the tree, which will significantly save time and working solution. For especially large trees it is better to use spray gun, which fills all the recesses and evenly distributes the whitewash over the entire required surface.

How to whiten an apple tree

Layer applied agent not it should be thicker than 2-3 mm, otherwise it will eventually crack and fall off.

Step-by-step instruction correct whitewashing of the apple tree in spring, summer or autumn:

Step 1. Prepare a working solution and leave to infuse for 2 hours or open a container with paint.

Step 2. Wear a protective respirator and gloves on your hands to avoid getting liquids on exposed skin.

Step 3. Stir the whitewash well to an even consistency, excluding the presence of lumps.

Step 4. Remove the top layer of earth at the base of the apple tree to a depth of 4-5 cm.

Step 5. Start whitewashing the trunk from above at a height of 150-200 cm from the soil surface, gradually painting over the tree from all sides and moving down.

Step 6. Simultaneously process skeletal branches at a height of 20 cm until they are connected to the trunk.

Step 7. Whitewash the trunk to the bottom, going 4 cm below ground level.

Step 8. After the whitewash has dried, the top layer of earth near the apple tree must be returned to its original place.

Video: whitewashing in spring and autumn

Important! If, after drying, the trunk has acquired a gray color, then it is recommended to repeat the whitewashing so that the shade becomes more saturated and uniform.

Typical mistakes when whitewashing apple trees

When whitewashing apple trees, some gardeners make common mistakes that significantly reduce the quality and protective functions of the procedure. To prevent them, you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance and take them into account in the future, which will help to avoid more serious problems.

Features and typical mistakes when painting an apple tree

Most popular mistakes when whitewashing an apple tree:

  1. Do not prepare too thick a solution. for whitewashing, which will negatively affect the further development of the tree, but it is also undesirable for the whitewash to flow down the trunk, then you need to add a little lime. The consistency of the product should resemble sour cream.
  2. Whitewashing should be done at low air humidity, otherwise rainy weather will lead to the fact that the solution does not have time to dry, and it will all drain down.
  3. Not worth adding to the solution a lot of limeotherwise it can lead to bark burns. For young seedlings, the concentration should be reduced by 2-2.5 times.
  4. Whitewashing apple trees should be done keeping time, that is, the spring procedure should be before the appearance of the buds, and the autumn procedure should be before constant frosts, otherwise it will harm the apple tree instead of benefit and will only perform a decorative function, but not a protective one.
  5. Not recommended annually use solution with the addition of copper or iron sulfatesince it has the ability to accumulate in the trunk. As a result, a high concentration will cause intoxication of the tree, which will negatively affect its development. It is necessary to alternate it with a soap-ash solution.

Video: painting an apple tree in autumn - features and typical mistakes

Whitewashing trees is not difficult, but laborious work that cannot be ignored. Only the annual procedure will give an effective result, and then the apple trees will be reliably protected from pests and fungal diseases, as well as the negative influence of the external environment. And this will ultimately have a positive effect on the stability and quality of the crop.

  1. Valeria :

    Again I)) In the autumn I whitened the apple trees ..)) but now no .. and what? already not necessary? maybe the leaves are already unfolding ....))))

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      If it was possible, then only in the transitional period, and if the leaves are already unfolding, then it means that it has already passed)

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