Weaving and climbing perennial plants (vines) for vertical gardening

To give your garden attractiveness and individuality, to decorate summer cottages, in other words, to carry out vertical gardening, you should take a closer look at annual and perennial climbing and weaving plants and flowers.

Weaving and climbing plants for the garden and the cottage

Ornamental climbing plants reproduce easily and grow quickly. A riot of colors around a gazebo, fence or pergola won't keep you waiting long. Ornamental climbing plants create a charming, picturesque corner in the garden with a unique floral scent.

Many of the climbing plants bloom luxuriantly with beautiful and fragrant flowers. Some of them look very attractive during the period of their fruiting, when clusters and berries hang from them.Others have unusually green foliage that picks up the original red colors in the fall.

Most climbing plants are generally easy to maintain and easy to grow. However, most people love the sunny sides, and, accordingly, they will need regular watering. It is advisable to plant in a nutritious soil and apply complex mineral fertilizers at least once a year.

Weaving and climbing plants in the garden are used to decorate or cover from the sun various summer cottages (as a rule, a porch or gazebo, outbuildings), house walls, and a fence. It happens that they even cover compost pits.

Video: climbing plants for the garden

Perennial climbing plants

Curly (climbing) roses

They are still felt in the air and visible from afar. Ideal for decorating entrance gates or arches in the garden, as they reach 2.5 meters in height. They can grow and bloom in a shady place, but it is better, of course, the southern and southwestern sides of the cottage. Duration of flowering is up to 5 months a year and begins already in June.

Wisteria (Wisteria)

In late April - early May, it begins to bloom violently, and even without even having any greenery and leaves. The flowers themselves literally hang down in a cascade. In the south, it blooms again against the backdrop of dense greenery.

Schisandra chinensis

In addition to being a very decorative climbing plant, it is also useful (tonic). Moreover, its leaves have a delicate lemon scent (which is why, in fact, it is called that).

Japanese hops

It grows quite quickly, elegantly braiding arbors, fences, just pillars with stems with wide carved leaves. Unpretentious, easy to clean. Its cone-shaped inflorescences are widely used in brewing, perfumery, and medicine.


The main advantage of using clematis in vertical gardening is the magnificent flowering of this climbing plant, sometimes numbering more than a hundred flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm.

Important! How to plant clematis and care follow him in the country - read here.

Campsis (tekoma)

Grows quickly when the plant is young. However, at first, it should be specially tied to supports, since it does not have special suction cups, like, for example, maiden grapes.

It blooms almost all summer with beautiful bright orange bell flowers.

Absolutely not picky about care: does not need special watering and feeding. The main task of the gardener is pruning off excess shoots and vines that have begun to grow in an unnecessary (wrong) direction.


Perhaps this is the most common vine in the landscape design of summer cottages and garden buildings. Ivy leaves can beautifully decorate any vertical or horizontal surface.

Maiden grapes

One of the fastest growing lianas, which can grow 3-4 meters per year. It is able to hook and twine around virtually any surface with the help of its antennae and suction cups. Perfectly suited to shade and cool the southern walls of a country house. It is unpretentious to care for and does not require any watering and feeding, except that it requires pruning of excess shoots, so to speak, formative pruning.


Very unpretentious and at the same time quite colorful. Leaves, flowers and fruits look great. This climbing plant will definitely transform your garden and give it a special appeal.

This is about decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle or Tatar honeysuckle (with inedible red berries), not edible (blue).


Variegated decorative - fruit vine. It is famous for the scent of lovely white flowers that is unusually pleasant for both people and insects. The ripe fruit tastes like kiwi. The most unpretentious representative of her kind. Highly winter and frost hardy.

Important! About, how to plant and grow actinidia at your summer cottage, read in detail in this article.

Akebia (Japanese liana)

It has very interesting leaves that look like spread out five fingers (like 5 fingers). Unpretentious and easy to clean.

In order for the akebia to please with its exotic flowers and their vanilla-chocolate aroma, it is advisable to plant in partial shade (it will not bloom in the shade). Its purple banana-shaped fruits ripen by October.

Kalistegia (Siberian rose)

The main purpose of this bindweed sister is to twine and braid. However, the support for this, in principle, unpretentious plant should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Sufficiently frost-resistant and drought-resistant liana.

Any place for planting is suitable, but you need to understand that in the shade, the flowering will not be so abundant and saturated.

Video: perennial climbing plants in garden design

Annual vines

In addition to perennial climbing plants, there are also annual vines that bloom all summer until late autumn, and are also very suitable for decorating and landscaping gazebos, various country buildings and even balconies.

The main advantage of using annual climbing plants is that you can plant completely different vines in the same place every year.

Quamoklite pinnate

The plant looks very impressive, delicate and airy largely due to its unusual finely dissected leaves. It blooms in late June and continues to bloom until autumn.

At its best, it is suitable for decorating fences and enclosures.

Dolichos (hyacinth beans)

This climbing liana (unlike kvamoklite) has rather thick and fleshy leaves. Over the summer, it is capable of wrapping around the entire veranda or wall of a country house.

Colorfully smart all season. In place of flowers that resemble lilac or acacia, no less attractive future fruits appear, which at first are rather flat, but over time they pour and acquire a bulge.


It has very graceful flowers that resemble bells in shape. It can bloom until frost.

Suitable for summer decoration of various not very attractive country buildings and a fence.

Morning glory

If you want to quickly create an intricate green screen, then you just need to plant this climbing plant.

Ipomoea is somewhat reminiscent of a camouflage net, isn't it?


Note! The site already has a detailed article about how, at your summer cottagehow to plant nasturtium.

In addition to the listed annual vines, the following are also one-season climbing plants: kobea, droppings, sweet peas other.

Video: overview of climbing annuals

If you want to decorate a gazebo, a gate or a fence at a summer cottage with bright, but natural colors, then you cannot do without climbing and weaving annual and perennial plants for the garden.

Video: climbing plants for the garden: photos and names

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