How to properly prune roses for the winter: what are necessary and when to prune them

And nowadays, the perfect beauty of the rose evokes the ultimate delight. But in order for it to appear in all its colors and aromas in the spring, one cannot do without proper care, an important part of which is the autumn pruning before the shelter for the winter. And this is a separate story, and there are no trifles here.

Why to prune, when it is optimal to do it, what are the features of pruning each variety of the "queen of flowers", what general rules must be followed, as well as how best to prepare a rose for winter, will be discussed in our article.

Do I need to cut roses in the fall for the winter: why and for what

The need for pruning a rose for the winter directly depends on what kind of favorite flower you grow in your garden, as well as the goals of your manipulation.

As a rule, the main purpose of pruning roses in the fall is to make the bush more compact so that it is easier to cut. shelter for the winter.

Note! The main pruning of roses is in the spring. It is during this period that formative pruning is carried out. You can read about spring pruning in detailin this material.

What roses do not need to be cut for the winter

Roses that bloom once in summer cannot be pruned in autumn.


Because they don't need shelter. they can easily withstand sufficiently severe frosts, which means that they do not need to be laid and bent to the ground.

Thus, the following types of roses do not need to be cut for the winter:

  • park (cluster);

    grade "Alexander Mackenzie"
  • ground cover;
  • hybrid (for example, wrinkled).

    grade "Hansa"

When to prune roses for the winter

It is necessary to carry out the autumn pruning of the rose before the shelter for the winter during the first night frosts, but preferably before the onset of stable frosts. If this is done ahead of time, then pruning will surely stimulate the growth of shoots that is completely unnecessary and destructive at this time.

Need to know! Resistant frosts - both day and night temperatures are stable below zero.

Frost - minus only at night.

As a rule, pruning is carried out immediately before the shelter for the winter, in other words, these two procedures are combined.

Thus, the timing of pruning depends on where you live and the climate.

The approximate timing of pruning roses for the winter in the Central lane (Moscow region) is the second half of October-early November. In the cold northern regions (in the Urals and Siberia) - at the end of September-October. In the South of Russia - in late autumn, that is, not earlier than November.

Pruning roses in autumn: basic rules

Important! For the winter, you need to cut both adult roses and young seedlings planted this spring.

Even if you are not going to carry out full-fledged autumn pruning of roses for the winter, you still need to do some mandatory pruning, namely:

  • Before wintering, all roses must be cut off all flowering stems... And even at the beginning of autumn, as they fade, you also need to quickly get rid of the buds so that they do not plant seeds.
  • To cut all young unripe branches... They are very easy to identify by red shoots.

Important! Young unripe shoots will not survive the winter anyway, they will rot and become carriers of fungal infections!

  • Delete broken, damaged and diseased shoots (sanitary pruning).
  • Trim all weak and thin shoots, excessively thickening bushes (thinning pruning).
  • Cut out all old 4-5 year old thick shoots.

Note! The cut should be oblique so that moisture does not accumulate. Moreover, it should be slightly higher than the kidney by about 0.5-1 cm.This last kidney should be externalso that next year the twig will go outside, and not inside the bush.

How to properly prune roses for the winter: pruning features for each variety

The quantity and quality of buds for the next year directly depends on the skillful and thoughtful approach to the intricacies of pruning each variety of roses.

Pruning standard roses in autumn

Standard roses are pruned for the winter, depending on which species is grafted onto the stem: climbing, hybrid tea or Floribunda.

Pruning climbing roses for the winter

Climbing roses in the fall need to be cut depending on their type:

  • If this huge large-flowered bushes (up to 2 meters), the shoots are often shortened by about 1/3.But you can not do this, but just bend and lay the bushes on the ground for further hideouts.
  • If it's over miniature small-flowered bushes, then they do not need pruning at all. Although you can pinch the top kidney (growth point).

Autumn pruning of hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses for the winter are pruned approximately 1/2 or to the height of the shelter, as a rule, this 40-50 cm from the ground. As a result, approximately 2-4 buds on each shoot.

Pruning Floribunda roses for the winter

The intensity of pruning Floribunda roses in the fall for the winter directly depends on how splendor and length you want to get the bushes next year:

  • If you shorten the shoots too much, they will be small but lush, with many flowers all over the bush.
  • On the contrary, if you leave most of the bush, then next year you will get a fairly tall, but not lush bush that will mainly bloom in the upper part.

But more often than notFloribunda roses in the fall trimmed identically to hybrid tea, that is, somewhere 1/2, which is about 40-50 cm, in other words, to make it convenient to construct a shelter frame.

Autumn pruning of polyanthus roses

Similar to Hybrid Tea and Floribunda polyanthus roses are also cut off, that is, approximately half or but the height of the proposed shelter frame.

Video: how to cut roses for the winter

How to prepare roses for winter: what else needs to be done in the fall

In addition to pruning, before hiding roses for the winter, autumn activities also include:

  • autumn feeding (phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which promote the ripening of shoots);

Advice! The site has a separate article about how and what to feed roses in autumn.

  • pinching of faded buds and young shoots (even at the beginning of autumn - at the end of September);
  • direct autumn pruning;

Note! All branches and leavesthat remain after trimming should remove from the site and burn, because various harmful insects and pathogens can winter in them.

However, if there are no signs of disease on the leaves, then you can put in compost.

  • processing (3% solution of Bordeaux liquid);
  • if you do not process, it is recommended to cover the cuts with garden varnish or special RanNet paste;
  • shelter.

Advice! Before covering, if the leaves themselves have not fallen off (and the roses themselves rarely shed them), then they are necessarytear off gently with your hands... The fact is that under the shelter there is usually high humidity, because of which the leaves begin to gradually rot and rot, and behind them the bush itself can rot.

Video: preparing roses for winter

In order for the beautiful rose to be able to endure all the hardships of the cold period of time and not lose its charm in the spring, she absolutely needs pruning. And for this you need to correctly determine the timing of pruning, take into account both the general rules and the features of each variety. In addition to pruning, other activities are also important in the fall: feeding, pinching, shelter, etc.

Alternative opinion! Some growers believe that in no case should roses be cut before winter! Only small shoots can be cut, while long ones, on the contrary, are easier to bend under cover. And not even the buds are cut off, that is, the bushes leave before winter with flowers. And the main pruning should be done only in the spring, when it will already be clear what is left after wintering.

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