Presowing preparation of cucumber seeds: processing methods

Due to the good germination of cucumber seeds, most gardeners prefer sow them directly into the ground (i.e. dry seed), however, to be completely sure of the result, you can also carry out pre-sowing treatment.

Further, all the main methods of processing cucumber seeds will be presented to your attention, which are recommended to be carried out before their sowing for seedlings or in open ground (greenhouse).

Why carry out pre-sowing preparation of cucumber seeds

To further get fast, strong and healthy shoots (future cucumber plants), the main purposes of seed treatment are to test them for viability, increasing and accelerating germination, disinfection.

By the way! Cucumber seeds retain high germination for 5-6 years (up to 7-8), but it is better to sow them already lying for 3-4 years (if you collected and procured them yourself).

When is seed treatment not required

There is no need to prepare cucumber seeds that have an unusual shell shade (usually green), as they are already pre- processed by the manufacturer. They are also called pelleted or granulated, sometimes glazed. Such seeds must be sown exactly dry, so as not to wash off the special shell.

However, at the request of them can germinate.

Methods for preparing cucumber seeds for sowing

Important! You do not need to apply all seed treatment methods at once. Approach the process selectively (and logically)! For example, calibration, decontamination and / or soaking in a growth promoter will suffice. The hardening procedure will also not be superfluous if you do not live in a warm region, and it can be combined with soaking in a solution for disinfection and growth stimulation.

Seed calibration

Before starting the direct measures for processing cucumber seeds, they need to be calibrated. Suitable for sowing large, even seeds with a light shade (without any dark spots). In other words, small, crooked and stained - it is better to reject.

Preparing cucumber seeds for sowing

After calibration, it is highly desirable to carry out another check of the seeds (for their viability), namely, to identify all hollow specimens that, most likely, simply will not emerge.

The sequence of the verification procedure is as follows:

  1. Dissolve 6-10 g (a teaspoon, you can with a slide) of salt in 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Pour the seeds into the saline solution.
  3. Mix the seeds thoroughly in the solution.
  4. Wait 5 minutes (sometimes 2-3 minutes is enough).
  5. All the seeds floated to the surface, you should throw out, since they are not able to give full shoots (they are empty).
  6. Seeds that have dropped down must be washed with clean water and dried.
  7. Carry out one more of the following processing methods or sow immediately for seedlings or in open ground.

Warming up

One of the easiest ways to increase the germination of cucumber seeds is to warm them up.

Also, heating significantly increases the number of female flowers.

The fact is that if the seeds were stored at relatively low temperatures, then, most likely, they are in deep dormancy, which means that they will not sprout very willingly (slowly).

Alternatively, you need to transfer the seeds to a cloth or gauze bag and hang near the battery. You can even put seeds in packages directly to the battery (if the battery is downright "fiery", then put a piece of cardboard!).

As for the timing, it is recommended to place the seeds on heating one month before estimated sowing date, but it can be done in 1-2 weeks.

It will not be difficult to warm up the seeds simply dipping them into hot water (50-55 degrees) and keeping in it for 20-30 minutes.

By the way! After warming up can soak cucumber seeds in one of the dressing agents (i.e. disinfect) or growth stimulants, and then germinate them, if necessary.

Heating seeds on batteries

Disinfection (etching)

Never mind, the seeds are harvested by yourself or you bought them in a store - you must definitely spend them disinfection... In this case, it is recommended to use Fitosporin (according to the instructions). The solution will help to neutralize the remaining pathogens on the outer shell of the seeds.


In a similar way (for disinfecting cucumber seeds, including peronosporosis) you can use biofungicide Baxis (of course, if you can get it somewhere), Alirin-B or Gamair.

Of course, you can do the old-fashioned way and spend disinfection cucumber seeds in pink (1%) solution of potassium permanganate.

However, potassium permanganate is very weak and ineffective dressing agent.

Much better to prepare the following solutions and disinfect the cucumber seeds in them:

Note! Etching time in each of the solutions - 20-30 minutes... After the procedure, be sure to rinse the seeds under a clean (filtered, bottled) water.

  • brilliant green (brilliant green) - 1 ml of 1% pharmaceutical solution and dissolve in 100 ml of water;

  • chlorhexidine (requires undiluted 0.05% pharmaceutical solution).

If you are an ardent supporter of organic farming, then your choice is:

  • garlic infusion - Pour 2-3 crushed cloves with 100 ml of water and let it brew for a day.

  • 50% solution of aloe juice - to get 100 ml of solution, you need to take 50 ml of juice and 50 ml of water.

Soaking in a growth promoter

To stimulate seed germination, you can soak them in one of the solutions growth stimulants, eg, Epina or Zircon (will also work Energen andNV-101).

  • Prepare the solution in a jar (according to the attached instructions);
  • pour seeds into it (you can just put them in a gauze bag);
  • wait 2-4 hours;
  • then filter, dry to a loose state and sow.

Epin and zircon treatment

If you are an adherent of organic farming, then you can use the following folk remedies to stimulate growth:

  • Honey solution - 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 glass (200-250 ml) of water at room temperature. The seeds are poured into a saucer and poured with this liquid so that it only slightly covers them. The duration of the procedure is within 4-5 hours.
  • For soaking in infusion wood ash, you will need 1 tbsp. l. pour over ash with 500 ml of warm water and let it brew for at least 2 days, stirring the mixture from time to time. Then soak the seeds wrapped in a gauze bag, within 3-5 hours.

Worth knowing!Soak pepper seeds in growth stimulants can be carried out directly after disinfection... And after this procedure, the seeds should be planted, since they are no longer subject to long-term storage.

Complex treatment for disinfection, awakening and stimulation of seed growth

The host of the Procvetok channel suggests preparing such a solution for soaking vegetable seeds (including cucumbers): take 1/2 tablet nicotinic acid (1 tablet - 50 mg), 1/2 tablet succinic acid (1 tablet - 0.5 g), 1/4 tablet ascorbic acid and 1/2 tablet glycine, and then dissolve them in 0.5 liters of water.

Video: how to increase seed germination - an easy way


In regions with harsh climates, it is recommended to carry out hardening future seedlings to increase their resistance to adverse environmental conditions further cultivation (cold soil). To do this, the seeds must be wrapped in a cloth, wetted and placed in refrigerator (Not in the freezer!) for 2-5 days. Moreover, eit is advisable to put a container with seeds in the refrigerator only at night, during the day her better get out and leave on the table, so to speak, spend contrast hardening ("temperature buildup")

Note! Before hardening the seeds, they it is desirable to disinfect and / or soak in one of the growth stimulants... In this case, the seeds should only be wet or swollen, but never germinated, maximum - slightly hatched.



If you want to be 100% confident in seed germination, then they can be germinated and sown already sprouted (but only in a sufficiently heated and moist soil, otherwise the sprouts will die):

By the way! Before direct germination can be held their disinfection and / or soaking in growth promoter... Or, immediately germinate the seeds in a growth stimulant solution.

  • Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth (or put on cotton pads), put on a saucer or in a jar, close with a lid (cover with foil, wrap in a bag).

Advice! It is better not to use gauze for germination, since the seedlings can simply grow into it and you can hardly pull them out without damaging the sprouts.

  • Place the container with soaked seeds in a dark (or warm, it doesn't matter) and warm place with a temperature of +24 .. + 28 degrees.

Monitor the humidity and be sure to additionally moisturize as needed!


Well, if you have a little free time, then it will not be superfluous to carry out a pre-planting treatment of cucumber seeds, which will allow you to count on the highest germination rate. Good luck!

Video: preparing cucumber seeds for planting

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