Treatment of the garden in the fall from pests and diseases: autumn eradication of spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes

So autumn has come: the end of the summer season is not far off. It's time to start preparing the summer cottage for winter, in particular, to carry out the autumn eradication of spraying the garden from diseases and pests.

Well, then we'll talk about when, how and how to process fruit trees and berry bushes in the fall in order to eradicate most of the diseases and insect pests that have accumulated on them.

When and why to carry out the eradication of the garden in the fall

It is believed that the autumn eradicating treatment of the garden from diseases and pests should be carried out after the fallwhen the plants are completely dormant: its buds "close" and become inaccessible to the powerful and strong solutions with which you will spray them.

However, it is believed that the purpose of the eradicating autumn treatment, on the contrary, consists in destroying foliage before it completely turns yellow and falls off.

At the same time, you should not be afraid that the kidneys will burn out from such a solution, because at this time they are already ready for anything.

The fact is that, just the same application of powerful and strong doses of solutions to the foliage should lead to the destruction of pests and diseases even on the plant, that is, before the leaves fall to the ground and the pathogens hide in the soil (they go into the ground to an inaccessible depth, where they overwinter and begin their harmful activity in the spring).

By the way! After the treated leaves are on the ground, it will be quite successful compost them for it iron enrichment or leave on the ground (as mulch). But this is the case if the plants hurt slightly... If there were many diseases, then it is better to burn the leaves, and use the ash as an iron supplement.

However, if for processing you use copper sulfate or bordeaux liquid, then put in the compost already do not do it.

In addition, such processing of the garden (before leaf fall, in order to destroy the foliage) will provide much better wintering of plants.

How it works?

Premature damage to leaves (their introduction into a stressful situation) signals the plant that winter is near, which means that it is time to actively prepare for the onset of frost.

By the way, such processing inspeeds up the ripening of grape vines, currant branches, shoots of roses and other plants.

Thus, you still need to process the garden on a sheet 1-2 weeks before the start of natural leaf fallbut strictly after the end of fruiting and harvesting.

Warning! Do not be alarmed if after 2-3 days all the leaves turn black and look burnt. This is exactly what the effect should be - the leaves should "burn".

The black color is not only the color of dying leaves, but also the fact that the bark of the branches is inlaid with iron salts, which will protect it for some time from the penetration of various pathogens.

In other words, the approximate timing of eradicating spraying of the garden in autumn in different regions is as follows (may vary depending on the climate and current weather conditions):

  • In the Urals and Siberia - first of all, somewhere in the second half of September and the first half of October.
  • In the Central lane (Moscow region) - in October.
  • In the South - at the very end of autumn, late October-November.

Note!In any case, you need to have time to spray before frostsince most funds work only at positive temperatures (usually +5 degrees).

How to spray a garden in autumn: rules and recommendations for the processing of trees and shrubs

Before starting the autumn garden processing, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and recommendations for the preparation and direct spraying of plants.

So, let's start with the point of preparation for the eradicating spraying of the garden:

  • If you spray after falling leaves, then shortly before the procedure is recommended remove all plant residues (leaves, twigs) from under the trees.

If the tree does not hurt, then they can be thrown onto the compost heap. But if it hurt, then you need to burn it or bury it very deeply.

  • Processing must be carried out on a fine day (in dry and calm weather), and it is necessary to spray in the morning so that the leaves and bark are already dry by evening.

If the rain washes everything quickly, then spraying will be useless. It is very good if the solution stays on the tree for at least 2-3 days.

Advice! If it rains, and after them the temperature is promised to drop to minus values, then you will have to leave the plants without autumn processing until spring. Unless, if suddenly there is a "window" with a plus and without rain.

  • Copper and inkstone highly poorly soluble in water (although iron is better). therefore first, vitriol should be diluted in a small amount of warm water (40 degrees), and then pour into the sprayer through the filter and then dilute to the desired concentration with cold water.

Important! Dilute or dissolve iron and copper sulfate should only in glass or plastic containersbut no way not in metal.

  • Remember to filter the solution when pouring into the sprayer (especially if the product is difficult to dissolve). Typically, you should have special mesh... If there is no such mesh, then strain can we say across tights or gauze.

Rules for direct spraying of the garden:

Don't forget about safety measures. Wear a face mask, safety goggles and rubber gloves before spraying. It's even better if you are wearing a special robe.

  • Autumn spraying should be as thorough as possible, and Not only the crown and all branches of the tree are subject to processing (especially for old trees with cracked bark), but also the soil in the near-trunk circle.However, do not process the lawn grass that grows next to the tree (alternatively, you can put a film on the ground under the tree before processing).

If you decide to process the plants before leaf fall, then, of course, the leaves must be sprayed on both sides.

  • Ideally, when spraying, you create a whole cloud of solution, like a fog.
  • If you have near fruit trees conifers grow, then the processing must be done very carefully, trying not to fall on them, even more so if the garden is sick and you are using a strong solution that can burn evergreens.

Note! If you treated the garden in the fall, this does not mean that to spray in early springnot necessary. How much more necessary! Autumn eradication spraying is virtually the same early spring garden processing (very first).

Video: autumn eradication spraying

What plants to process in autumn

We will answer briefly: it is advisable to spray absolutely all adult fruit trees (apple, pear, cherry, cherry, plum, apricot, peach), berry bushes (raspberry, currant, gooseberry, strawberry, grapes) and other ornamental plants and flowers (roses, hydrangeas, phlox, delphiniums).

Important! For autumn processing evergreen shrubs (rhododendron, heather, pieris) the concentration should be reduced to 2%, if with ferrous sulfate, and up to 1%, if with copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

  • Flowering plants are sprayed after their flowering or already at the end of flowering, and fruiting plants - after harvesting the fruits.

However, if the plant did not hurt at all, then the treatment can be carried out either of a purely preventive nature (in a minimal dose), or not at all.

How to spray a garden in the fall from diseases and pests: the best remedies

Compared to spring treatments, there are not so many choices for autumn garden spraying, but in any case, you should familiarize yourself with the most effective remedies suitable for eradicating treatment.


It is perhaps the most popular tool for the autumn eradicating garden treatment.

inkstone will greatly help in the prevention and protection against many fungal diseases and infections, such as scab, powdery mildew, various rot, including moniliosis (fruit rot).

He also (ferrous sulfate) help get rid from mosses and lichens (in theory, after processing they will die and fall off the bark themselves).

Naturally spraying will enrich soil and plant iron.

By the way! More about the use of ferrous sulfate in gardening read in this article.

Some gardeners believe that inkstone works against harmful insectsthat hibernate in the bark.

However! There is an opinion that it is useless to fight pests in autumn during eradication spraying, because they themselves perish, but all the eggs have long been laid, the larvae pupated and hid.

And also the presence of a solution ferrous sulfate on the shoots of ornamental plants that cover for the winter, does not give them support during thaws.

As for the expense of funds, it directly depends on the state of your plants this season - whether they were sick and how strong the infection was. Thus, the dosage (concentration) is as follows:

  • if the plants did not hurt or practically did not hurt - 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if trees and shrubs were sick - 400-500 grams per 10 liters of water.

By the way! There is an opinion that stone fruit crops (plums, apricots) should be treated with no more than 3% solution, but pome crops (apple trees, pears) - 5%.

Video: autumn garden processing with iron vitriol - what is it for, how to carry it out correctly, what are the features of the application

Urea (Carbamide)

Urea is another effective and very potent fall gardening agent.

Although, as a rule, urea used in nitrogen fertilizer, which is applied in spring and early summer.

At high concentration, this agent (under these conditions no nitrogen fertilization) actually burns out all infections (in other words, it allows you to destroy the most persistent and difficult to eradicate sources of diseases), and really fights many pests, who decided to overwinter on the branches (in the bark) and in the near-stem circle (for example, with ticks, scabbard and even glass).

Thus, urea plays a role at the same time and fungicide, and insecticide.

However, urea is usually used in combination with iron vitriol.

What is the necessary concentration of urea solution for garden processing?

Dose first of all depends on whether your plants were sick this year and how bad the infection was:

Important! Concentration does not depend on age.

  • if trees and shrubs were not sick (the garden was "clean") - 300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if sick - 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

Note! Really urea (carbamide) is a nitrogen fertilizer, which in the autumn period can provoke the growth of shoots, but due to the fact that the treatment is carried out shortly before the first frost, urea will not cause any effect, except for the "eradicating" (fungicidal and insecticidal).

Ideal combination: ferrous sulfate + urea

To increase the effectiveness of eradicating autumn garden processing, it is highly desirable to mix urea and inkstoneby preparing a kind of tank mix.

That is, for example, dissolve 300-500 grams of urea and 200-500 grams of ferrous sulfate in 10 liters of water.

By the way! Urea will probably work against the larvae of harmful insects.

Video: autumn processing of trees and shrubs with iron vitriol and urea

It's even better if you use the recipe for autumn eradicating treatment from popular YouTube channel Procvetok, namely (recipe for 10 liters of water): initially dissolve 20-30 grams of citric acid in water (to keep the ferrous sulfate in an unoxidized state, so it will be more effective), then add 300-500 g of ferrous sulfate, 500-700 g urea (carbamide) and 3-4 tbsp. spoons (50 ml) of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent (for better adhesion to leaves and branches) and add the required amount of water (up to 10 liters).

  • It is required to use citric acid, and not any vinegar or something similar.
  • The same goes for liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, i.e. Laundry or green soap is not suitable.

Copper sulfate

Another excellent and inexpensive fungicide for the autumn processing of fruit crops and berry bushes.

By the way! More about the use of copper sulfate in gardening read in this material.

In general, the spectrum of action is similar to iron vitriol, except that mosses and lichens you cannot win with such spraying for sure.

However! In the fall, as a rule, it is applied inkstonerather than copper (its spring).

The fact is that an excess of copper is not good (even in a sense toxic), while an excess of iron is not dangerous and even beneficial for plants (within reasonable limits).

Copper sulphate consumption for preparation of working solution for autumn spraying:

  • if trees and shrubs did not hurt or practically did not hurt - 100-200 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if you are sick - 300 grams per 10 liters of water.

Advice! Never mix iron and copper sulfate (or Bordeaux mixture).

Process better in autumn iron vitriol (optionally with urea), and in the spring - copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

Bordeaux mix

Let's remember! Bordeaux mix - this copper sulfate + lime.

In other words, spraying the garden with Bordeaux liquid (similar to copper sulfate) helps in the prevention and control of scab and other spots, as well powdery mildew, various rot, including moniliosis.

By the way! More about the use of Bordeaux liquid in gardening read here.

You can buy ready-made Bordeaux mixture either prepare the solution yourself (then Bordeaux liquid will be called)... For example, for a 3% solution, you need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime. Copper sulfate is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water, then lime is dissolved in a separate bucket (5 liters). Further, in a thin stream, constantly stirring, vitriol is poured into the lime solution.

The required concentration of Bordeaux liquid solution when processing a garden in autumn:

  • if the plants did not hurt - 1% (100 grams of copper sulfate and 100-150 grams of lime per 10 liters);
  • there was an infection - 3% (300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime per 10 liters).

Important! Do not be alarmed if your garden turns blue after being treated with Bordeaux liquid. It's simple: the solution has a bluish color due to the presence of copper, and it adheres to the branches thanks to lime. Sometimes this spraying is called "blue".

Video: spraying trees in the fall - a scheme and means, when and with what drugs you need to process

What else can you spray trees and shrubs in the fall

It is worth understanding! There is no point in treating with drugs that you used in spring and summer, because they are intended for foliage treatment, and the autumn eradication spraying is carried out exactly after the leaf fall. Although, if you disinfect before it falls, then there is a certain sense, as it were, but in general it is useless.

However, some summer residents process their fruit trees and shrubs in more sophisticated ways, for example, by making a tank mixture based on "Soon" or "Horus" (from diseases) and "Karbofos" or "Bison" (from pests).

Garden care in the fall: how to properly prepare trees and shrubs for winter

The autumn care of the garden and its preparation for winter also includes the following activities:

  • autumn feeding;

Important! The site contains articles about autumn feeding apple trees, currants, raspberries, strawberry, blueberry, roses.

  • autumn pruning (processing is always carried out after pruning, which will also disinfect wounds);

You can also read separate materials on how how to crop in autumn apple tree, currant, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberry, grapes, roses, clematis, hydrangea.

  • whitewashing (performed after processing).

Advice! Everything about whitewashing of fruit trees and berry bushes detailed here.

  • shelter for the winter;

By the way! The site also contains materials about shelter for the winter clematis, hydrangea, roses, grapes.

Thus, if you timely and correctly carry out the autumn eradication of the garden from pests and diseases, then next year you can expect a repeat of success.

Note! In the fall, only one eradication spraying is carried out. There is no need to treat plants with all preparations at once and several times. That is, for example, it is enough to process only with urea and iron vitriol.

Video: eradicating the treatment of the garden in the fall from diseases and pests

  1. olya :

    really liked the article. everything is clear and to the point. it is immediately evident that the author knows what he is writing about, and does not rewrite someone's article, as is often the case. bookmarked. thank you!

  2. ANNA :

    Thank you very much for the interesting, useful information, I noted so many tips for myself and shared with neighbors. Thank you very much.

  3. Irins :

    Thank you very much, the best and most specific article, and even with transitions to links, I will save it, and I will only ask for advice on your site. Thanks again, very helpful, good luck to you and your readers.

  4. Elena :

    Thank you for such an interesting and useful article. I am very grateful to you, I found what I wanted to know.

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Thank you for such kind words!

  5. Galina Alexandrovna :

    Good afternoon, Nadezhda! I accidentally grew a peach (planted an apricot), last year it bore fruit, but this year I got sick. I started treating it very late, so young shoots appeared too late. How can I prepare it for the winter so as not to die. The cold will come soon. in the west of the Moscow region. I will be grateful for the answer. Good luck to you!

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Hello Galina!
      And what did you get sick with? Curly hair?
      I think, at least, it will definitely not be superfluous to spray with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (optimally - potassium monophosphate) so that all the shoots of the peach are guaranteed to ripen and they will definitely survive the winter.
      And after leaf fall, or even before, carry out an eradicating autumn spraying - with iron vitriol in combination with urea or just Bordeaux liquid.

  6. Andrei :

    In September, on leaves, and iron vitriol, it's good

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Hello! Think it's too early?
      So in September the weather is different in every region. In any case, you need to look at the weather. The main reference point for processing is the active yellowing of the leaves and the beginning of natural leaf fall. And to spray "before" leaf fall or "after" is your business, but many experts recommend 1-2 weeks "before".

  7. Vasya :

    Chemistry should be taken when there is no choice, and not for every sneeze. If you act in your garden with the intelligence that can be acquired by studying the topic, then everything will grow healthy to one degree or another.My neighbor first covered everything with urea, but now all the trees are sick and he sprays them, sprinkles them with vitriol. It is so difficult to connect one thing to another ... When there is no mind, a person fights with the results of his stupidity, and not with external circumstances.

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