Processing gooseberries in the spring for diseases and pests - schedule and pattern of spraying

Along with the arrival of the first spring days, the gardener has a lot of trouble. You should not ignore the unpretentious gooseberry, which, along with all other plants, is susceptible to various diseases and pests.

Obviously, any disease (problem) is easier to prevent than to cure it later, therefore, with the beginning of spring, prophylactic spraying of the bushes should be done.

Next, we will consider all the main nuances that you need to know about the spring processing of gooseberries in the spring from diseases and pests

Why do you need gooseberry processing in spring

Like many cultivated fruit and berry plants, in spring gooseberries must be sprayed with drugs against diseases and pests. Timely processing in the spring will help protect the bushes from the attacks of hungry insects and bacteria, activated by heat.

However, before processing gooseberries, you need to figure out who exactly encroached on your bush (what are the names and look of certain diseases or pests), and based on this, select a specific drug or remedy against the enemies of the berry bush.


Spring treatments of gooseberries, as well as all subsequent treatments are carried out against the following fungal diseases, which most often affect the bushes:

Powdery mildew (spheroteka)

  • septoria (white spot);

Septoria (White Spot)

  • anthracnose;


  • glassy rust (orange - orange warts);

Goblet rust

  • columnar rust (yellowish - yellow dots).

Columnar rust


The very first early spring treatment of gooseberries against pests is carried out against the following wintering stages of insect pests:

  • copperheads;
  • leaf rollers;
  • scabbards;
  • ticks;
  • aphids and other sucking and leaf-eating pests.

The second spring and subsequent treatments (including in summer) of gooseberry are carried out against such pests as:

Note! All methods of dealing with aphids on currants (also suitable for gooseberries) described in detail in this material.

Various caterpillars:

  • gooseberry (currant) sawfly;

  • gooseberrymoth;

  • currant gall midge;

  • currant goldfish.

When to spray gooseberries from pests and diseases in the spring: timing and treatment scheme

Of course, different pests and diseases appear at different times. Accordingly, for each phase of gooseberry development, there should be its own specificity of its processing.

Naturally, it is rather difficult to name the specific dates when it is necessary to spray the gooseberries. It is much easier to navigate by the phases of development (vegetation) of the berry bush in spring.

So, when exactly in spring and summer do you need to process gooseberries from pests and diseases?

By the way! Usually, in the spring, both trees and shrubs are treated for diseases and pests, except that the grapes are sprayed separately, and strawberries (garden strawberries) and raspberries.

However, it should be borne in mind that gooseberries are one of the first to grow in the garden.

As a rule, most summer residents use the following scheme (schedule) of work on spring spraying of gooseberries (depending on the stage of the growing season):

  • Before kidney swelling (in early spring, immediately after the snow melts);

By the way! The site already has detailed material on when and how to conduct early spring eradicating spraying of the garden.

Additionally you can manually collect all tick buds, cut off all crooked shoots affected by aphids last year (they have a noticeably curved appearance).

Advice! To prevent wintering pests from getting out of the ground, you can mulch the trunk circle gooseberries with a thick (5 cm) layer of peat, compost or humus. It is even better to first cover the soil with roofing material, and in the spring, after flowering, remove and pour mulch in its place.

  • During the period swelling of the kidneys (green cone stage);

Spraying in the “green cone” phase is carried out against various leaf spots gooseberries such as anthracnose, septoria (white spot), rust. Alternatively, you can use Bordeaux liquid.

At the same time, you can start spraying against ticks. Suitable drugs (acaricides - anti-ticks), such as: Kleschevit, Aktofit, including Tiovit Jet (it is also against powdery mildew).

  • During the period buddingbut before flowering (phase of "rosebud");

After the buds open, it is necessary to repeat the anti-tick treatment, treat from moth and other caterpillars... For example, the drug Inta-Ts-M, Fufanon-Nova, Iskra, Iskra-M, Kinmiks, Aktellik.

And also spend preventive treatment of gooseberries from powdery mildew (with preparations based on copper, such as bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, Abiga-Peak, Hom, Oxyhom, Skor, Topaz, Tiovit Jet, Colloidal sulfur are also suitable (sulfur also against ticks).

  • After floweringwhen small ovaries are formed.

Again, it should be treated against pests (especially aphids - Biotlin, Tanrek, Fitoverm) and diseases (especially powdery mildew - Topaz, Skor, Tiovit Jet).

  • During the period of growth and fruiting, i.e. in summer (before harvest);

We continue to periodically carry out treatments for pests and diseases, but preferably with biological agents, such as Fitosporin, Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin (see separate paragraph “Biological products). Of course, you can use chemicals as well, especially if the infection is serious.

How to properly spray gooseberries in spring

Basic rules and recommendations for effective spring spraying of gooseberries against diseases and pests:

  • While preparing solutions and spraying treesobserve safety precautions... If the packaging of the product says that you need to wear special clothes (dressing gown, overalls, raincoat), goggles and a respirator, rubber gloves, then you need to wear it.
  • Processing should only be carried out in dry and calm weather.

In sunny weather, it is better to refrain from spraying, since, quickly drying, the drugs become ineffective or do not work at all. Processing is best done in cloudy, calm weather, but not in the rain: after the rain, the twigs are wet, like a thin "film" of water on them. And spraying is droplets of solution, which cover the plant with a thin "film" of drops in the same way. If processing is carried out, then the concentration of the solution will decrease, and the processing efficiency will decrease.

  • Spraying is desirable to carry out in the morning (after dew has dried) or late at night (after sunset).
  • Processing is always done exactly after spring pruning shrubunless of course you have spent pruning in autumn... Spraying will also help to further protect the cut sites (ideal if you spray copper sulfate or bordeaux liquid, in other words, if the fungicide contains copper).

  • During flowering, in no case should be sprayed gooseberry with chemical and even (just in case) biological insecticides (can harm bees and other pollinators). Another thing is that, if necessary, you can carry out treatment against diseases.
  • Carefully read the instructions for use of each drugespecially regarding processing frequency (after how long it is necessary to repeat the spraying, what is the period of action of the drug) and waiting period (after what time can you eat berries after processing).

Important! At each stage, you can use both the same drugs (in order to save money), and new ones (it is better to change the active ingredient so that there is no addiction - it will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

During each phase, not 1, but 2 or more treatments can be carried out, if this is indicated in the instructions for the preparation, especially after flowering.

  • All prepared solutions should be pass through a filter meshso as not to clog the sprayer.
  • Suitable for dissolving almost all drugs room temperature water (for vitriol, it is advisable to use hot, about + 40-50 degrees).

What if you are using a biological productthen water better to take settled or filtered, i.e. chlorine free.

  • Thoroughly spray not only the plant itself, but also its trunk circle, because it is in the soil that many pests and fungal spores winter.
  • If after processing contact drug it started raining immediately, then the next day the spraying should be repeated.

It's another matter if you use systemic drug, which penetrates into the plant during the first 2-3 hours after spraying.

  • You can prepare tank mixtures that will have insecticidal and fungicidal properties (in this case, it is necessary to clarify the compatibility of drugs).

However! Some agronomists believe that do not immediately give a double chemical load on the plant... It is better to take a break for at least 1 day (for example, treat it with a fungicide on Saturday morning, and an insecticide on Sunday morning). You can also spray at intervals of 1 week, i.e. on one weekend they were treated for pests, on the next - for diseases (or vice versa).

Video: proper pruning, reproduction and processing of gooseberries

How to treat gooseberries in the spring from pests and diseases: means

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to decide (and first find out) how you can process gooseberry bushes in the spring.

Now for spring spraying of the garden, there are many different means that will effectively help to cope with any pests and diseases. But in order to know exactly when and how to use them best, you need to figure out what their features and differences are.

Note! At each stage, you can use both the same drugs (in order to save money), and new ones (and it is better to change the active ingredient so that there is no addiction - it will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

Important! The instructions for each drug always indicate when (in what time frame) they need to be processed.

So, for effective spring processing of gooseberries, you will need:

  • fungicides (drugs to fight diseases);

By the way! In this case, fungicides are divided into preparations protective (prophylactic) and curative action, and protective-healing.

Of course, it is optimal to use complex preparations with protective and therapeutic effects.

Accordingly, if you noticed signs of illness, then no preventive (protective) means will help you, only healing (or protective-healing).

  • insecticides (insect pest control agents);

By the way! To fight with ticks you need acaricidal facilities.

  • insectofungicides (complex preparations acting simultaneously against pests and diseases).

Moreover, these funds (fungicides and insecticides) can be:

  • chemical origin (chemicals);
  • biological (biological products).

There are folk remedies, for example, the same treatment of bushes with boiling water, as well as various herbal solutions and infusions etc. But their efficiency very, very limited.

Boiling water treatment

Of course, there are now many different fungicidal and insecticidal agents of chemical and biological origin. However, do not forget the folk methods of processing gooseberries and currants. One of these fairly well-known methods of pest and disease control is the early spring treatment of gooseberries with boiling water.

By the way!The site already has detailed material about how to water currant and gooseberry bushes with boiling water in spring.

Boiling water treatment

Video: processing gooseberries with boiling water in early spring

Chemicals and Biologicals: Myths and Recommendations

Note! Many gardeners have a preconceived notion that the use of chemicals negatively affects (carries negative consequences) on the quality of the future harvest and human health. However, this does not correspond to reality, since after the expiration of the waiting period, all harmful substances (pesticides) are removed long before ripening and harvesting.

In contrast to biological products, chemical agents act much faster and more reliably. In addition, the use of chemicals is very often the only way to cure a crop of fungal diseases and get rid of annoying pests.

In this case, it is imperative to fully comply with the recommendations for their dosage and the timing of the spraying.

Whereas biological drugs and folk remedies have a more gentle effect, which is permissible only in the following cases:

  • with a small number of pests;
  • at the initial stage of development of a fungal disease or mild infection, and even better as a prophylaxis (protection), but in no way an active fight.

Chemical fungicides

As for the preparations suitable for spring spraying of gooseberries against diseases, the following can be used fungicides (means for combating fungal plant diseases):

Important! For one treatment, you need to choose only one drug (fungicide), and then use a new one (preferably with another active ingredient), or alternate.

  • Bordeaux mixture (contact fungicide, 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid - before bud break and 1% - at the stage of "pink bud" - from rust, spotting, anthracnose);

By the way! The site already has a detailed article about the preparation and use of Bordeaux liquid.

  • Copper sulfate (contact fungicide);

Advice! More details on the fields of application of copper sulfate readin this material.

  • Abiga peak (contact fungicide protective action based copper oxychloride, against powdery mildew);

  • Hom (contact fungicide protective actions based on copper oxychloride, against powdery mildew);
  • Oxyhom (contact-system protective fungicide actions based on copper oxychloride and oxadixyl, against powdery mildew);

  • Iron vitriol (contact fungicide);

Advice! About, when, how and why to use iron vitriol, detailed in this article.

Usually, urea is used together with copper or iron sulfate, namely, the tank mixture is being prepared.

  • Tiovit Jet (contact fungicide based sulfur, against powdery mildew and ticks);

  • Colloidal sulfur (contact fungicide, against powdery mildew and ticks);

  • Forecast (systemic fungicide protective and healing actions based onpropiconazole, against powdery mildew, columnar rust, goblet rust, anthracnose, septoria leaves and other diseases);

  • Tilt (systemic fungicide protective and healing actions based onpropiconazole, against powdery mildew, columnar rust, goblet rust, anthracnose, septoria leaves and other diseases);

Forecast and Tilt are complete analogs.

  • Speed ​​(systemic fungicide of protective and curative action based difenoconazole, against powdery mildew, spotting);

  • Raek (systemic fungicide of protective and curative action based difenoconazole, against powdery mildew, spotting);

In fact, Skor = Raek (its analog)

  • Fundazol (systemic fungicide based benomila, against powdery mildew);
  • Bayleton (systemic fungicide based triadimephone, against powdery mildew);
  • Topaz (protective systemic fungicide basedpenconazole, against powdery mildew);
  • And other contact and systemic fungicides of a wide spectrum of action.

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: the scope of the drug (against what diseases), timing, dosage!

Video: protecting gooseberries from diseases in spring

Chemical insecticides

With regard to preparations suitable for spraying gooseberry bushes against pests in spring, the following insecticides (pest control agents) can be used:

Important!For one treatment, you need to choose only one drug (insecticide), and then use a new one (preferably with another active ingredient) or alternate.

The active ingredients are indicated in brackets.

  • Prophylactin (Vaseline oil and Malathion (Karbofos), an enteric insecticide against the wintering stages of pests - suckers, leafworms, scale insects, pseudo-scale insects, ticks, aphids; ideally before bud break, in early spring).

  • Preparation 30 plus (Vaseline oil, contact insect-acaricide from the wintering stages of pests - scale insects, pseudo-scale insects, ticks, aphids, saplings, moths, scale insects; spray during dormancy - before bud break, in early spring).

  • Aktara (Thiamethoxam (Aktara), systemic insecticide of intestinal action against aphids; spray before flowering);

  • Confidor Extra (Imidacloprid, systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, against aphids; spray before flowering);
  • Biotlin (Imidacloprid,systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, against aphids; spray before flowering);

  • Tanrek (Imidacloprid,systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, against aphids);

Confidor, Tanrek and Biotlin can be called analogues, but Confidor contains 3.5 times more active ingredient.

  • Spark (Permethrin and Cypermethrin, insecticide against aphids, moths, leaf rollers, sawflies);

  • Iskra M (Malathion (Karbofos), intestinal insecticide, against aphids, kidney moths, leaf and shoot gall midges, leafworms, suckers, sawflies, scale insects, false scales);

  • Fufanon-Nova (Malathion (Karbofos), intestinal insectoacaricide from currant kidney mites, aphids, moths, moths, leafworms, gall midges, sawflies, scale insects, false scales, moths);

  • Aliot (Malathion (Karbofos), intestinal insectoacaricide from currant kidney mites, aphids, leafworms, scale insects, false scales);

  • Inta-vir (Cypermethrin,enteric insecticide from currant glass, aphids);

  • Inta-Ts-M (Cypermethrin and malathion, enteric insecticide against aphids, leaf rollers, sawflies, fireflies);

  • Carbocin (Cypermethrin and malathion, intestinal insectoacaricide from aphids, moths, sawflies, leafworms, moths);

Carbocin and Inta-Ts-M - drugs analogs.

  • Kinmix (Beta-cypermethrin, enteric insecticide from leafworm, aphids, sawfly; spray before and after flowering);

  • Herald (Diflubenzuron,enteric insecticide for aphids, currant kidney moth, leafworm);

  • Karate Zeon (Lambda Cyhalothrin,enteric insecticide against ticks, aphids, leafworms);

  • Actellic (Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic), enteric insecticide against gooseberry moth, aphid, moth, sawfly, leafworm, gall midge);

Actellic KE

  • And other broad-spectrum insecticides.

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: the scope of the drug (against which pests), timing, dosage.

Biologicals: fungicides and insecticides

Biological products are created on the basis of living organisms:

  • mushroom antagonists;
  • bacteria;
  • bacterial viruses;
  • beneficial insects (entomophages and acariphages).

Among biological agents, fungicides, insecticides, and insectofungicides are distinguished.

Note! As a rule, almost all biological products begin their work only under the condition of an appropriate air temperature (+ 10 ... + 15 degrees), therefore they are recommended to be used only at the stage of the “rose bud” (before flowering) and after flowering, while the first and second treatments are necessary carry out using chemicals.

Biologicals fungicidal action (against diseases):

  • Fitosporin (fungicide, against powdery mildew, rust);

  • Pentaphage (fungicide, powdery mildew);Pentafag-S for processing apple trees in spring
  • Mikosan (fungicide, against powdery mildew);
  • Ampelomycin (fungicide, powdery mildew);
  • Alirib B (fungicide, against powdery mildew, anthracnose and septoria, rust).

Biologicals insecticidal action (against pests):

  • Bitoxibacillin (Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis, intestinal insectoacaricide, from moths, leaf rollers, gall midges, sawflies, ticks, moths, spray during the growing season, when caterpillars appear);

Bitoxibacillin for treating apple trees in spring

  • Lepidocide (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, intestinal insecticide, from currant leafworm, gooseberry moth, moth, sawflies; spray during the growing season, against each generation of pests);

Lepidocide for treating apple trees in spring

  • Fitoverm (Aversectin C, enteric-contact insectoacaricide, against aphids, ticks, moths, leafworms);

  • Kleschevit (Aversectin C, entero-contact insectoacaricide, against ticks);

Fitoverm, Kleschevit and Aktofit - these are analogs drugs that have the same active ingredient - Aversectin C.

  • Gaupsin (complex action insectofungicide, against powdery mildew, leaf spots, rust, aphids, leafworm).

Note! Yes, biologics have their advantages (they are environmentally friendly), but we have to admit that they are not as effective as chemical ones.

Tank mixtures (fungicides + insecticides)

Note! Not all drugs can be mixed. For example, practically nothing can be mixed with Bordeaux liquid and copper oxychloride (it has an alkaline reaction).

The instructions should say which drugs you can mix with.

For spring spraying of gooseberry bushes (except for the first one, when the buds are still sleeping), you can prepare the following tank mixtures (fungicide + insecticide):


  • Skor (fungicide) + Aktara (insecticide);
  • Bayleton (fungicide) + Karate (insecticide);
  • Tilt or Forecast (fungicide) + almost any insecticide.


  • Aktofit (insecticide against aphids and ticks) + Bitoxibacillin (from other insect pests) + Guapsin (insectofungicide of complex action);
  • Fitosporin (fungicide) + Bitoxibacillin;
  • Fitoverm (insecticide) + Bitoxibacillin + Guapsin;
  • Lepidocide (insecticide) + Bitoxibacillin (insecticide) + Guapsin.

Folk remedies

It should be understood that processing gooseberries with such "folk remedies" has very limited effectiveness.

If the defeat is strong, then you don't even have to try. It is better to try at least special biological agents.

In general, the most popular folk remedies for spraying gooseberries in the spring for diseases and pests are:

Advice! After preparation, all solutions are required. strain.

Initially, it is very convenient to dissolve or insist in less water, and just before spraying, bring to the recommended volume (10 liters).

From pests

  • Garlic infusion (300-500 grams of chopped cloves per 10 liters of hot water, let stand for 24 hours).

You can also add birch tar (4-6 drops per 10 liters) and iodine (10 ml per 10 liters) to the infusion.

Note! Garlic infusion is useless if the caterpillars are already inside the fruit. Plants need to be processed earlier. And generally speaking the infusion has, rather, a deterrent effect: with its pungent smell, it disorients pests.

  • Infusion of tobacco (400 g of dried tobacco leaves per 10 liters of hot water, let stand for 48 hours, dilute again 1 to 1 with water and add 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of solution).

Similarly, you can use tobacco dust, immediately spraying it on the shrub or pre-preparing the solution.

  • Infusion of celandine (3-4 kg of grass or 1 kg of dry celandine per 10 liters of hot water, let stand for 36 hours).
  • Mustard infusion (200 grams per 10 liters of water, let stand for 48 hours, diluted 1 to 5 with water). If desired, for the solution to linger (stick) more on the bush - add 40 grams of soap to 10 liters.
  • Infusion of onion peel (150-200 grams of husk per 10 liters of water, infuse for 4-5 days), is especially effective against aphids and ticks.
  • Decoction of tomato tops (3 kg of freshly chopped parts of stems, stepsons, leaves or 1 kg of dry tops per 10 liters of water, let stand for 3-4 hours, then cook for 30 minutes, diluted 1 to 4 with water).
  • Tansy decoction (1 kg of fresh tansy herb per 10 liters of water, boil for 2 hours, add 40 grams of soap for better adhesion).

By the way! Also, to repel pests, you can insert directly into the crown of the bushes various strong-smelling plants, for example, elderberry (preferably flowering), tops and stepchildren of tomatoes, cut garlic, marigolds (they can generally be planted nearby).

And remember to manually pick off affected shoots and leaves.

From diseases (mainly from powdery mildew)

  • Infusion of rotten hay (Fill a 10 liter bucket 1/3 full with hay, cover with water, let stand for 3 days, then dilute 1 to 3 with water).
  • Iodine solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water).

Video: processing gooseberries with iodine from powdery mildew

  • Broth or infusion wood ash (Boil 400 grams of ash per 3 liters of water for 3-5 minutes, and then bring the volume to 10 liters, or just fill it with hot water immediately and let stand for 24-48 hours). Soaps can also be added for better adhesion (40 grams per 10 liters).

In theory, this solution should protect the bushes from both diseases (powdery mildew) and from pests.

Video: spraying gooseberries with wood ash from powdery mildew

  • Whey and sour milk also help against powdery mildew.

Video: natural super remedy (milk or cottage cheese whey) for powdery mildew on gooseberries

  • Soap solution (It is better to dissolve 40 grams of grated laundry soap per 10 liters of water in hot water, and then add cold water, then you can add baking soda to the solution - 40 grams).

In theory, by creating an alkaline environment, this solution should protect the bushes from both diseases (powdery mildew) and pests (aphids).

Video: processing gooseberry powdery mildew and pests (aphids)

Thus, now you know that treating gooseberries from pests and diseases in the spring is one of the main activities for spring care of a shrub. You should not neglect this not at all complicated agrotechnical technique, because its timely and correct implementation will provide reliable protection of the berry bushes, which will allow you to get a rich harvest of delicious berries.

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