Spraying strawberries in spring for diseases and pests

With the onset of spring and the arrival of warmth, various pathogens and insect pests are activated (awakened), which pose a serious danger to the health of the bushes and to obtain a high-quality harvest of delicious strawberry berries.

Next, you will learn when and how to process strawberries in spring, the best way to spray the bushes to protect the strawberry beds from diseases and pests.

Why process strawberries in spring: diseases and crop pests

Knowing the enemies of strawberries, so to speak, "in person", you can easily protect the garden from unwanted guests by choosing suitable preparations for processing strawberries from pests and diseases.

Therefore, further it will not be superfluous for you to get acquainted with the most common diseases and the most dangerous pests of strawberries.


  • Gray rot (perhaps the most common strawberry disease).

  • White spot (septoria).

  • Brown spot.

By the way! More details about white and brown spot you can read Find out more in this article on the causes of redness and red spots on strawberry leaves.

The most dangerous are strawberry infectious diseases. (this is verticillium or verticillous wilting, fusarium or fusarium wilting and late blight).

Unfortunately, there are no definite remedies for these diseases. You just need to carry out standard preventive measures. Namely, to carry out regular pruning of leaves in spring and autumn, remove plant debris, weed beds from weeds.

Bushes infected with these diseases should be removed from the strawberry garden along with an earthen clod, removed from the site or burned.

It is believed that the Switch is an effective drug for fusarium.


  • Whitefly.

  • Strawberry sawfly - sawfly larvae damage the leaves (eat holes in them).
  • Slugs and snails - large holes in strawberries eat out, which leads to the death of the crop.

By the way! The site already has a separate material about how to resist slugs and snails in the garden and vegetable garden.

  • Medvedka - gnaws at the roots of strawberries, which leads to the death of plants.

  • In more rare cases, strawberries can attack nematode andaphid.

Preventive measures to protect strawberries

On old dry (withered) leaves, plant debris and weeds that have died during the winter, spores of fungi and eggs are pests, which means that you need to carry out regular pruning (leaf mowing)in spring and summer after harvest (autumn), and also to clear the beds of excess debris at the beginning and end of the season.

This measure will significantly reduce the number of pests and diseases, especially when strawberry bushes are severely affected by spots and ticks.

If during the growing season you notice that leaves are heavily affected by spotsthen you need them completely remove - cut with pruning shears, leaving only growing young leaves.

The same goes for sick berries affected by gray rot - they need to be promptly plucked and destroyed.

Another measure of prevention and control of pests and diseases is regular weeding beds from weeds.

In addition, one of the main preventive measures is observance of normal plant densitysince fungal diseases develop especially strongly during thickening.

Biological pest control is planting strong-smelling plants on the sides of strawberry beds, (eg, garlic), which with their strong odor will scare away insect pests (the same weevils). Or you can just pick tansy, yarrow and lay strawberries between the plants.

How to properly handle strawberries in spring

  • Don't forget about personal protective equipmentwhen preparing solutions and performing direct processing.
  • Itselfprocessing it is desirable to conductin dry and calm weather.
  • Carefully read the instructions for the drug, including the temperature at which processing should be carried out.

Note! It is useless to work with colloidal sulfur (Tiovit Jet) in cool weather: the optimum temperature is +25 .. + 30 degrees, then the sulfur will evaporate.

  • You need to spray not only the bushes themselves (leaves)but and soil between bushes or mulch (if your bushes are mulched), since pathogens and pests (fungal spores and pest eggs) hibernate in the soil.

Important! If strawberries last or this season was very badly affected by diseases and peststhen it is recommendedremove all old mulch, and then carry out processing.

  • You can cook tank mix (from 2-3 selected agents), after dissolving each drug in water separately (according to the instructions), and then pour the resulting solutions into a common container (sprayer) and carry out a comprehensive treatment for both diseases and pests.

Worth knowing! If, after mixing the preparations, no sediment precipitates, they can be used in the tank mixture.

  • At each stage for spraying, ideally should be applied preparations with different active ingredientsso that pests do not have resistance (addiction is not developed). However, as an option, you can alternate them, including every season.

Are chemicals dangerous, is it better to use biological products

Preparations for the treatment of strawberry bushes from diseases and pests can be of both biological and chemical origin.

Of course, it is believed that it is safest to spray strawberries with biological products or use folk remedies (although they may not be of biological origin), since they are absolutely safe for human health. However, it is in the spring (before fruiting) that chemical preparations can be used without any consequences, especially if your strawberry bushes are often affected by various diseases or they are attacked by insects (the same pincers). The bottom line is that upon expiry of the waiting period, all harmful substances (pesticides) withdrawn long before ripening and picking berries.

When to process strawberries in spring: schedule and scheme of treatments

Before processing, you must perform a range of spring strawberry care activities, including removing dried and old leaves... And only after that, sprinkle the strawberry bushes.

As a rule, the scheme for processing strawberries in spring consists of spraying in the following phases of crop development:

  • in early spring, after the formation of new leaves;
  • before flowering;
  • after flowering and the formation of the first ovaries.

Moreover, at each of the stages, it is necessary to carry out treatments both against pests and against diseases.

And after harvesting (i.e. already in the summer), another eradication treatment is carried out.

In early spring

In early spring, when the aerial part of the plant begins to grow and develop intensively, i.e. after the formation of new young leaves - it is necessary to carry out the first treatment against pests, in particular against ticks... For this, such drugs as Vertimek, Fufanon-Nova, Masai, Aktellik are suitable.

Also during this period, it is desirable to carry out treatment for diseases - various spots (white and brown), powdery mildew... For example, you can use a fungicide like Horus.

Think! In general, before treatment with the above complex chemical fungicides and insectoacaricides, you can carry out spring eradication spraying and more simple means (copper-containing - bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate + add urea).

During budding (before blooming)

Before direct flowering, it is recommended to carry out treatment against such pests as raspberry-strawberry weevilas well as from the whitefly. For example, you can use drugs Actellik, Fufanon-Nova, Alatar, etc.

Also, treatment with Aktellik or Fufanon Nova will help to continue tick control (sincethe drug has acaricidal action), whitefly and aphids.

At the same time (after the buds are formed, but the flowers have not yet blossomed), the first treatment should be carried out against gray rot... For this, the drug Switch is ideal, which can also be used to combat powdery mildew, white and brown spots. In addition, for gray rot and powdery mildew, you can use Agrolekar or Chistoflor, Bayleton, etc.

By the way! In principle, you can prepare a tank mixture from Actellik and Switch, but it is still better to make separate treatments with an interval of at least 1 day.

After flowering

When the first flowering has passed and the ovaries are formed, i.e. about 10-14 days after the previous spraying, you will need to repeat treatment against gray rot... Again, you can apply a Switch that also works against strawberry spots. Or already start using biological products (Trichoderma Veride, Planriz or Rizoplan, Fitosporin, Alirin-B).

This is especially true if the forecast promises rain (wet weather).

And if you notice that the strawberry beds ticked, then again you need to treat the strawberries with one of the chemical acaricidal preparations, for example, Vertimek, Aktellik, Fufanon-Nova, or use biological products (Fitoverm or Aktofit).

After harvest

After you pick the last berries, you need to spend autumn eradicating strawberry processingto reduce the number of pests (including whiteflies) that are going to winter during this period.

As a rule, for these purposes they use solution bordeaux liquid, although you can simply apply copper sulfate or use iron vitriol.

Advice! How to conduct autumn garden processing, told in this material.

How to process strawberries in spring

To protect garden strawberries from diseases and pests, there are a fairly large number of different means, so you need to familiarize yourself with their list in advance and choose the ones that are right for you (including at cost). You also need to decide when, how and how much you will use them.

Important! The instructions for each drug always indicate when (in what time frame) and how many times they can and should be processed.

So, all means for spring processing of strawberries are divided into 3 groups:

  • fungicides (drugs to fight diseases);

By the way! In this case, fungicides are divided into preparations protective (prophylactic) and curative action, and protective and healing (complex).

Of course, it is optimal to use complex drugs that have protective and therapeutic effects.

Accordingly, if you noticed signs of illness, then no preventive (protective) means will help you, only healing (or protective-healing).

  • insecticides (pest control agents);

There are also acaricides - facilities to combat ticks... They are more often called insectoacaricidessince they destroy other pests as well.

  • insectofungicides (complex preparations acting simultaneously against pests and diseases).

By origin, these agents (fungicides and insecticides) can be:

  • chemical (those same "chemicals");
  • biological (biological products).

Of course, there are folk remedies, for example, various herbal solutions and infusions, but their effectiveness is very, very limited.

Biological agents against diseases and pests

Biologicals fungicidal action (against diseases):

  • Alirin-B (Bacillus subtilis strain B-10 VIZR, systemic contact fungicide of protective and curative action, against gray mold and powdery mildew);

  • Fitosporin (Bacillus subtilis strain 26 D, a systemic fungicide of protective and curative action, against gray mold, white and brown spot);

  • Planriz (Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AP-33, contact fungicide, against gray mold);

Planriz for processing apple trees in spring

  • Rizoplan (Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AP-33, contact fungicide, against gray mold);

Planriz and Rizoplan are complete analogues.

  • Trichoderma Veride (Trichoderma veride, strain 471, protective fungicide, against gray mold);

  • Trichoplant (Trichoderma lignorum, protective fungicide, against gray mold);
  • Trichocin (Trichoderma harzianum, protective fungicide, against gray mold);
  • Trichodermin (protective fungicide, against gray mold);Trichodermin for treating apple trees in spring

Trichoderma, Trichocin, Trichoplant and Trichoderma Veride are all created on the basis of mushrooms of the Trichoderma genus.

  • Sporobacterin (Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma viride, strain 4097, a systemic contact fungicide of protective and curative action, against gray mold and powdery mildew).

Video: processing of garden strawberries and strawberries from diseases to biological products

Biologicals insecticidal action (against pests):

  • Fitoverm (Aversectin C, enteric insectoacaricide against ticks, whiteflies, aphids)


Aktofit, Fitoverm and Kleschevit are complete analogues.

  • Bitoxibacillin (Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis, intestinal insectoacaricide, against weevils, ticks, sawfly).

Bitoxibacillin for peach processing in spring

Chemical fungicides (remedies against diseases)

For spring spraying of strawberries from diseases, you can use the following fungicides:

Important! For one treatment you should only choose one drug (fungicide), and then use a new one (preferably with another active substance) or alternate.

  • Agrohealer. Active substance - Propiconazole, a systemic fungicide of protective and curative action against gray mold and powdery mildew.

  • Forecast (Propiconazole).

  • Tilt (Propiconazole).

  • Chistoflor (Propiconazole).

Agrolekar, Prognoz, Tilt and Chistoflor are complete analogues, which have the same active ingredient - Propiconazole.

  • Switch. Active ingredients - Fludioxonil and Cyprodinil, contact-systemic fungicide of protective and curative action against gray rot, as well as from powdery mildew, white and brown spots.

  • Horus. Active substance - Cyprodinil, contact-systemic fungicide of protective and curative action, against spots (white and brown), powdery mildew.

  • Topaz. Active substance - Penconazole (Topaz), a systemic protective fungicide, from powdery mildew.

  • Bayleton. Active substance - Triadimefon (Bayleton), a systemic fungicide of protective and curative action against gray mold and powdery mildew.

Chemical insecticides (pest control drugs)

You can use the following to treat pests from strawberries insecticides:

  • Abiga Peak. Active substance - copper oxychloride, protective contact fungicide from the tick.

Abiga Peak = Hom = Copper oxychloride.

  • Colloidal sulfur - contact fungicide with protective action against powdery mildew and mites.

  • Tiovit Jet. Active substance - sulfur, contact fungicide and acaricide, against powdery mildew and mites.

  • Actellic. Active ingredient - Pyrimiphos-methyl (Actellic), a systemic insectoacaricide of contact-intestinal action from weevils, aphids, ticks, whiteflies.

Actellik KE

  • Ram. Active substance - Zeta-cypermethrin, intestinal insectoacaricide from weevil.
  • Karate Zeon. Active substance - Lambda Cyhalothrin, enteric insectoacaricide from ticks and aphids.

  • Fufanon-Nova. Active substance -Malathion (Karbofos), enteric insecticide against weevils, aphids, ticks, whiteflies, sawflies.

Fufanon Expert = this is a complete analogue of Fufanon-Nova, like Karbofos.

  • Alatar. Active ingredients - Malathion and Cypermethrin, intestinal insecticide, against weevils, aphids);

  • Vertimek. Active substance - Abamectin, insectoacaricide of intestinal action against ticks, aphids, thrips and other pests.

  • Masai. Active substance - Tebufenpirad, acaricide of intestinal contact action against ticks (has a strongly pronounced ovicidal action against summer egg-laying).

Vs weevils can also be applied Inta-Vir and Iskra.

Insecticides against gastropod pests of strawberries - slugs and snails:

By the way! The site already has a detailed article about how to deal with slugs and snails in the garden and vegetable garden.

  • Slime Eater (Metaldehyde, enteric insecticide, against slugs and snails);

  • Thunderstorm (Metaldehyde, enteric insecticide, against slugs and snails);

Slime Eater and Thunderstorm are complete analogs.

Thunderstorm of snails and slugs

If you notice that your strawberry bushes are damaged bear, then you need to do something about it.

Note! The site already has material about how to get rid of a bear in a garden.

  • Grizzly (Diazinon, a systemic enteric insecticide, from soil pests - from a bear).

  • Terradox (Diazinon, systemic enteric insecticide, from soil pests - from Medvedka and others).

Grizzly and Terradox are complete analogues.

Granules of both products must be added to the soil to a depth of 2-5 cm after harvest.

Folk remedies against diseases and pests of strawberries

One of the most effective pharmacy products for treating strawberry bushes from diseases is the use of brilliant green (diluted in water in a proportion of 4-5 drops per 1 liter of water). According to some summer residents, brilliant green- It is an excellent antiseptic that helps in the fight against gray mold, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

Another folk remedy for prevention of fungal diseases garden strawberry is horse sorrel infusion(Pour a bucket of finely chopped sorrel with water and leave for 2-3 days), and you can simply pour it under each bush (0.5 liters of infusion) or spray over the foliage.

Boiling water - truly folk remedy for strawberry mites... The procedure must be carried out when the air temperature is at least +5 degrees. It is at this temperature that the tick comes out of hibernation. It is necessary to pour into the center of the bush, where the pests sit. It should be understood that you will not burn the bushes in any way: after all, while you bring the bucket of water to the garden bed, while pouring it into the watering can, the temperature will drop to + 60-70 degrees.

By the way! In general, the procedure is similar to early spring processing of currants with boiling water.

For guard from slugs and snails can be used spruce needles (mulch her beds). Compared to pine, it is shorter and more prickly. But from gray rot, you can take straw or hay, again mulch the beds with it, because under it, a microflora that is antagonistic to fungal infections (hay bacillus) develops.

Vs pests you can try using various herbal decoctions and infusions - tomato and potato tops, garlic, onion peel, dandelion, wormwood, tansy. Dust the beds with wood ash and tobacco dust.

If your strawberry harvest is really threatened by pests and diseases, then be sure to treat strawberry bushes with special preparations (fungicides and insecticides, including acaricidal action - against ticks). In this case, you can use both chemical and biological agents, since now everything you need is on sale. Let your strawberry not get sick and bear fruit abundantly. Good luck!

Video: systems for protecting strawberries from pests and diseases

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