Do I need to cut potatoes before planting: when and how to do it correctly

The last preparation stage potatoes to planting in spring its division into parts often becomes.

However, despite the fact that this technique is used quite often, there is a lot of controversy on the topic: "Cut potatoes before planting or not." However, before starting this procedure, it is worth considering some of the nuances that will help you get a decent harvest.

Next, you will learn about the advantages of this agrotechnical technique, what nuances should be taken into account (in which cases this can cause tuber diseases), and also how to properly cut potatoes before planting.

Why are potato tubers cut

As a rule, this procedure is carried out in order to increase the planting material, but it also has other purposes:

  • Of course it's great method of breeding expensive and elite potatoes.
  • Also such an operation stimulates kidney growth.
  • In general, many experts advise nevertheless to cut too large tubers.

Interesting! Naturally, if you plant one whole potato, then the yield will be more than from one cut, but the total result when planting several divisions from one potato will be much higher.

When is it better not to cut potatoes and squeeze whole tubers

The main danger lies in the fact that when cutting potatoes it is very easy to bring infection (disease) from diseased tubers to healthy.

Very often wet rot is transmitted during cutting, late blight.

Moreover, if you have a lot of tubers, and the weather is unfavorable (it is cool and it rains), then you should not divide the planting material.

In damp and cold soil, cut tubers can rot very easily.

The fact is that it is recommended to plant cut potatoes only in warm and dry soil (not wet), while the soil should warm up to the planting depth at least to a temperature of + 10-12 degrees (or even more).

In general, even whole tubers should be planted only in warm ground (from +8 and above).

When and how to cut potatoes correctly

As a rule, most gardeners are advised to carry out this procedure. directly on the day of landing... So you will definitely minimize the possibility of rotting or disease of the potato cut.

However! There is an opinion that it is better to do this 3-5 days before planting (at temperatures above +15 degrees), so that a cork layer can form on the cut.

Basic rules for dividing potatoes or how to properly cut a potato tuber into pieces:

  • The larger the tuber, and the more buds it has, the more divisions you can get.
  • After each division of the potato, the knife should be disinfected, as well as the slices themselves.

Step-by-step instructions for dividing potatoes into parts

Advice! You need to start dividing potatoes from the apical main bud, more precisely, the central eye (it usually has 6-10 sprouts-buds), while other eyes have 2-3 sprouts (buds).

  • Take a sharp knife in one hand, in the other - a tuber (apical bud up).
  • You retreat about 1.5-2 centimeters from the main kidney, insert the knife at an angle of about 45 degrees and begin to rotate (cut obliquely).

In other words, you need to cut across, not along.

  • The first is ready.
  • Next, you can cut out all the other eyes with sprouts in the same way.
  • Thus, from one good tuber in the process of dividing it, you can get from 2 to 5-6 divisions (future full-fledged potato bushes).

Advice! It is still recommended to cut potato tubers no more than 2 parts.

How to process a potato slice (for disinfection)

You can try to disinfect the cut parts. For example, sprinkling (after dusting) wood ash.

However! You must understand that wood ash is not a guaranteed protection against infection.

However, thanks to the ash the wound will heal faster, which means less infection.

It is optimal to conduct pre-planting treatment of tubers in a solution of one of the fungicideseg Prestige.

In general, after each division it would be good disinfect the knife itself, which is a carrier of infection. For example, constantly dipping a knife into boiling water. Or after each cut, draw a knife over the fire (along the burner on the stove).

Well, now you know why and how to properly cut the potato tubers for planting. It's time plant!

In any case, you should experiment yourself by planting chopped and whole potatoes.

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