Perennials for the Urals and Siberia: a selection of flowers from their photos

Being puzzled by the problem of planting and growing perennials for the Urals and Siberia, the first thing that comes to mind is the need for the correct choice of such plants that have a powerful root system and can effectively withstand the harsh climate of these regions with their severe and prolonged frosts under high pressure, and also quite warm summers, sometimes accompanied by frosts. Below you will find a selection of names and photos of unpretentious, but at the same time touchingly delicate and very peculiar perennial flowers for planting and growing in Siberia and the Urals, some of which can bloom all summer.

Features of growing perennial plants and flowers in Siberia in the Urals

If in winter snow drops enough lot and everywhere there are large snowdrifts, then most viable perennials will winter well, lying in the snow. It's another matter if little snow, and the frosts are strong, then this is very bad for wintering perennial plants, in which case they are needed additionally securely coversuch as dry grass or some other covering material.

But we must take into account that Siberia and the Urals are huge regions and what grows well in the south is not a fact that it will develop normally and bloom profusely in the northern regions. Therefore, you always need to take into account the peculiarities of your specific place of residence, and accordingly select by trial and error frost-resistant perennials, one way or another, creating the necessary conditions for them for a successful wintering.

Perennial plants for Siberia and the Urals

To make a beautiful and organic perennial flower bed, you will need a variety of flowers and plants. Multi-tiered flower beds look especially great, for the creation of which you will need ground cover, undersized, medium and tall perennials. But not all perennial plants and flowers are suitable for Siberia and the Urals, since frost resistance should be an absolutely mandatory characteristic.

Low-growing and groundcover perennials

It is almost impossible to do without ground cover and low-growing perennial plants when making the landscape design of your summer cottage. It is with their help that it is traditionally customary to decorate the edges of the lawn, the foreground in the flower beds, or to create live borders.

The number of low-growing perennials that challenge nature and are successfully grown in Siberia and the Urals include:


Note! There is already a detailed article on our website about spring and autumn planting of crocuses.

Pansies (viola)

Important! On our website you can find all the detailed information about growing pansies (viola).


Scylla (Proleska)






Thyme (thyme)

Pinnate carnation (Hungarian)

Carnation herbal


Note! how grow marigolds on its site is described in detailhere. 


Important! For more information on growing, see this detailed material.about sowing and caring for daisies in the open field.

Broad-leaved bells



Lily of the valley




Juniper horizontal

By the way! All about planting and caring for juniper you'll find in this article.


Important! Learn more about planting and growing hosts from youfrom this article.


Siberian Kandyk

Medium and tall

Following the low-growing ones, as a rule, medium-sized perennials are planted in the background, which include both flowers and decorative deciduous plants.

Medium-sized and tall perennial plants suitable for planting in Siberia and the Urals include the following joyful crops:


Note! Grow astilbe will help you this material.

Alpine aster

Important! How plant asters and care for them properly - read here.


Important! The site already has an articleabout growing aquilegia from seeds and dividing the bush.

Adenophora (Bell)


By the way! Everything about growing tulips look for in this material.


Note! You can read the detailed article about planting and growing snapdragons.


Advice! To grow a delphinium in your garden, read this article.


Swimsuit (Hot)

Peonies (especially herbaceous)

Advice! The site has two detailed articles about growing and caring for peonies: at planting in spring andin the fall.

the Rose

Yes, roses can really be grown in Siberia! Just do not throw yourself in all bad, but choose specimens of Siberian selection.

By the way! The site already has two detailed articles on growing and caring for roses: planting in spring andin the fall.


Advice! To grow chrysanthemums in your garden, read this article.


This perennial in Siberia or in the Urals can bloom with great pleasure almost all summer.


Important! You can grow clematis this article is about planting them in the fall and aftercare.





Dicentra (broken heart)

Note! The site already has an articleabout growing dicentra from rhizomes and seeds.

Bearded iris

Important! The site has a detailed article aboutgrowing bearded and beardless rhizome irises.

Iris net

By the way! The site has a detailed article aboutgrowing bulbous irises (including mesh).

Siberian iris

Note! The site has a detailed article aboutcultivation of beardless rhizome irises, including Siberian.


Lily of the valley (cage)

Veronica gray

Thus, thanks to the tireless work of breeders in recent years both in Siberia and the Urals, it has become possible to compete with nature and grow excellent perennial flowers. It is noteworthy that it was now up to the novice summer resident. However, this must be done by rationally selecting plants that are adapted to the most severe climatic conditions.

By the way! If you do not agree with the proposed list of perennial flowers for Siberia and the Urals, or you know more suitable plants, then do not hesitate and write the names in the comments.

Video: perennials for Siberia and the Urals

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