Preparations for the prevention and treatment of anthracnose on grapes

You are looking for an effective fungicide for grape anthracnose, right?

Well, below you will be presented with a list of the most popular preparations for processing grapes in order to protect (prevent) and treat anthracnose.

Signs of damage to grapes with anthracnose

Most likely, you are aware of the signs of anthracnose grape disease, because you are looking for funds to combat this disease. But just in case, here they are (pictured):

  • on the shoots;

  • on the leaves;

  • on the crests of bunches and berries.

Advice! All affected berries should be removed without hesitation and that the infection does not spread to neighboring ones.

When to spray grapes from anthracnose: treatment scheme

  • The first treatment to protect the grapes from anthracnose should be carried out, when young shoots reach a length of 10 centimeters... As a rule, at this stage, various contact preparations based on copper (for example, Abiga Peak, Bordeaux liquid).

By the way! At the first stage, you do not need to use contactsystemic preparations based on copper and other components (systemic action).

  • Further, with an interval of 10-14 days, only systemic fungicides (Ridomil Gold, Acrobat, Kuprolux, Ordan).

Note! As you know, anthracnose it spreads most strongly in the case of prolonged torrential rains (like mildew and gray rot) with hailthat cause mechanical damage to vines, leaves and berries.

Accordingly, in the event of hail, you need to promptly process the grapes against anthracnose as soon as possible.

Interesting! With timely and proper protection of the vineyard from mildew and oidium additional protection of grapes from anthracnose is often not required. 

The fact is that preparations for mildew and partly powdery mildew, usually, work against anthracnose, so to speak, have a "side" activity from anthracnose.

How to process grapes from anthracnose: the best drugs

Next, you will find out which fungicides (remedies against diseases) can be used to protect and / or cure your grapes from anthracnose.

Advice! Treatments for diseases (anthracnose, mildew, oidium) and pests (the same ticks) must always be carried out very efficiently. For spraying to be as effective as possible, you need comprehensive and uniform application of the working solution to the leaves and shoots of grapes.

The most traditional means of protecting grapes from anthracnose are copper preparations (based on copper sulfate and copper oxychloride).

Based copper sulfate:

Copper sulfate

  • Bordeaux liquid (copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide, contact fungicide of protective action).

Based copper hydroxide:

  • Koside 2000 (protective contact fungicide);

Based copper oxychloride:

  • Abiga-peak (protective contact fungicide);
  • Hom (protective contact fungicide).

Abiga-peak (400 g / l) and Hom (861 g / kg) are almost analogues.

Based copper oxychloride and other components:

  • Polychom (Copper oxychloride and Metiram (Polycarbocin), contact fungicide of protective action);
  • Oxyhom (Copper oxychloride and Oxadixil, systemic contact fungicide of protective action);

Analogs - Homoxil, Proton Extra.

  • Cuprolux (Copper oxychloride and Cymoxanil, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action).

Analogs - Kurzat R, Ordan, Broneks.

  • Pergado M (Copper oxychloride and Mandipropamide, systemic contact fungicide of protective and curative action);
  • Tsikhom (Copper oxychloride and Tsineb, systemic contact fungicide of protective action).

Analog - Kuprozan.

Of course, more serious drugs from different groups of chemicals can be used against anthracnose.

Based mancozeba and other components:

  • Acrobat MC (Mancozeb and Dimethomorph, systemic contact fungicide of protective and curative action);
  • Ridomil gold MC (Mancozeb and Mefenoxam, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action);

  • Ridomil MC (Mancozeb and Metalaxil, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action);

Analogs - Acidan, Metaxil, Metamil MC.

  • Ordan MC (Mancozeb and Cymoxanil, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action);

Analog - Rapid Gold.

Based propineba:

  • Antracol (Propineb, contact fungicide of protective action);
  • Melody Duo (Propineb and Iprovalicarb, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action);
  • Pasadoble (Propineb and Fluopicolide, systemic contact fungicide of protective and therapeutic action).

Based metiram (polycarbocine) and other components:

  • Poliram DF (Metiram (Polycarbocin), contact fungicide of protective action);
  • Cabrio top (Pyraclostrobin and Metiram (Polycarbocin), contact fungicide of protective action).
  • Polychom (Copper oxychloride and Metiram (Polycarbocin), contact fungicide of protective action);
  • Kaurityl DF (Copper Hydroxide and Metiram, contact fungicide of protective action).

Based methyl thiophanate:

  • Topsin-M (Thiophanate methyl, systemic contact fungicide of protective action);

Analogs - Thiophene, Thioma.

Based azoxystrobin and other components:

  • Quadris (Azoxystrobin, systemic contact protective fungicide);

  • Quadris Top (Azoxystrobin and Difenoconazole, systemic contact protective-treating fungicide).
  • Amistar Gold (Azoxystrobin and Difenoconazole, systemic contact protective-treating fungicide);

Quadris Top and Amistar Gold - can be called analogs, but they have a different amount (ratio) of active substances.

  • Uniform (Azoxystrobin and Mefenoxam, systemic contact protective-treating fungicide).

Based difenoconazole:

  • Skor (systemic contact fungicide of protective and healing action);

Analogues - Raek, Guardian, Purest flowers.

Advice! Before using any drug, carefully study the instructions attached to it, especially regarding the waiting time (when the fruits can be eaten)!

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