When to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: optimal timing, soil and air temperature

So, you already regularly visit the country and periodically look in the greenhouse, perhaps already prepared her for the new season... In other words, you really can't wait to start planting seedlings, which is already getting crowded on your windowsill.

Well, you need to do this in the appropriate time frame (at least not earlier), this material will help you with this, from which you will learn when and how to properly plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, as well as what needs to be done before that (how to prepare the soil in the greenhouse and the seedlings themselves).

Correct planting in the greenhouse is the key to a good tomato harvest

When to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: the required air and soil temperature, terms for the regions

The presence of a greenhouse in a backyard or summer cottage makes it possible for the gardener to harvest tomatoes much earlier than in the open field. In addition, this allows you to adjust the conditions for keeping plants and protect them from the negative effects of the external environment.

Of course, it is enough to name the exact dates for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, since it depends on the climatic conditions of the region, so each gardener should carry out procedures based on his own observations and the weather of the current season.

Firstly, planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse is also necessary taking into account technical characteristics existing greenhouse structure.

So, it is quite obvious that in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be planted earlier than in a film.

Another important condition that the gardener should be guided by is age seedlings. Seedlings of tomatoes by the time of planting in the greenhouse should have a well-developed root system and a sufficient number of true leaves.

The readiness of tomato seedlings for transplanting into a greenhouse is evidenced by the following indicators:

  • stem thickness - at least 7 mm;
  • height - 20-30 cm;
  • the number of true leaves is from 6 to 10 pieces;
  • age - 50-70 days.

When to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse - determine readiness

Thus, when the appearance and age of the seedlings reach the above values, and the appropriate temperature is also established (which we will talk about later), you can plant tomato seedlings in a permanent place in the greenhouse.

Optimum temperature and timing of planting seedlings in different regions

The main guideline for planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse is temperature soil and air... In the first case (soil) she must be - at least +8 .. + 10, and even better +12 degrees, and in the second (air) not lower +12, a optimally +15 and above degrees (during the day).

It is also very important to pay attention to the night temperature. If at night the temperature does not drop below +5 .. + 8 degrees (in the greenhouse!), then the time has come for planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse.

At what temperature are tomatoes planted in the greenhouse

Of course, every gardener wants to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse as early as possible, mistakenly believing that this will significantly accelerate the formation of fruits and their ripening. But this is far from the case.

It's worth remembering! At the slightest frost, tomato seedlings will simply freeze, and if it is low (about + 3-5 degrees), albeit not minus, the temperature will hold for several days, the seedlings will get sick and will take a very long time to recover.

Depending on the region of the country, the timing of planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse differs significantly:

  • in the middle lane (in the suburbs) - from late April to early May;
  • in the Urals and Siberia - from the second half of May;
  • in the North-West (in the Leningrad region) - from 2-3 decades of May.

Video: the timing of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, depending on the temperature

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

The lunar calendar of 2020 indicates us the following favorable days for planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse:

  • in April - 1-7, 9-11, 24, 25, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-4, 6, 9-12, 15-20, 25-29;
  • in June - 2-4, 7-9.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar 2020 the years that should not be planted are:

  • in April - 8,15-17, 23;
  • in May - 7,13-14, 22;
  • in June - 5,9-11, 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

How to properly plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Before proceeding to the direct planting of seedlings in the greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work.

Greenhouse selection and preparation

Basically, greenhouses on personal plots are used in two main types, depending on the outer coating: film and polycarbonate.

In the first case (film) a film is stretched onto the greenhouse frame in two layers with an obligatory air cushion between them, which makes it possible to improve the thermal insulation of the structure and thereby optimize the conditions for growing tomato seedlings.

Film greenhouse for tomato seedlings

In addition, it is necessary to independently think over the ventilation system of the greenhouse, since low humidity is required for the successful cultivation of tomatoes.

The main disadvantage of this coating is that the film has the ability to wear out quickly and already next season, most likely, you will have to purchase a new one.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are currently a more practical option, although they are much more expensive. This coating is able to withstand heavy loads and negative environmental influences. In addition, polycarbonate is relatively frost-resistant and, in the event of recurrent spring frosts, can protect tomato seedlings from a slight drop in temperature.

The ventilation system, as a rule, in this case is already built into the structure, and no additional installation is required.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting tomatoes

Of course, every spring you will need to prepare your greenhouse for the new season.

Note! The site already has material on preparing the greenhouse for planting seedlings.

Preparing the beds: fertilizing and disinfecting the soil

Important! The better you prepare the garden bed, the less fertilizing you will need during the growing season.

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the greenhouse in the fall. Namely, dig a shovel (20-25 cm) onto a bayonet and apply the necessary fertilizers.

In addition to applying fertilizers and nutrient soil, in order to loosen the garden soil, especially if it is heavy (make it crumbly, air and moisture permeable), sand (5-10 kg per square meter) should be added to it, as well as horse deoxidized peat (5-10 kg per square meter), thanks to which the soil will retain moisture and nutrition much better.

So, for digging in the fall, you can make:

  • compost or humus (5-10 kg per square meter);
  • wood ash (100-200 grams per square meter);
  • bone meal (200-300 grams per 1 sq.m.).

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then instead of bone meal - superphosphate (30-40 grams per 1 square meter), and instead of wood ash you can use potassium sulfate (20-30 grams per 1 sq. m).

If you have not applied all the necessary fertilizers in the fall, then apply in the spring, at least a month before planting (at least 2 weeks), while, in order not to bother, you can simply use a complex mineral fertilizer, for example, nitroammofoski.

Also mineral nitrogen fertilizers are applied in springammonium nitrate (30-40 grams per 1 square meter) or urea (20-30 grams per square meter).

By the way! After preparing the soil mixture and applying all fertilizers to it, it should be spilled abundantly with water so that the soil is compacted.

Also, don't forget about crop rotation. So, good predecessors for tomatoes are cucumbers (which, along with tomatoes, are most often grown in the greenhouse). But peppers or eggplants are not a very good option. these crops from the same family are nightshades, which means they have common diseases and pests.

By the way! You can grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the same greenhouse, you only need follow certain rules.

If you want to grow tomatoes in one place (not observing the crop rotation), then every year it is worth changing the topsoil (top 10 cm) and / or be sure to hold events for greenhouse disinfection and soil disinfection (with the same solution Fitosporin). The fact is that even with a regular change of crops grown in the greenhouse, there is a possibility that pathogens will remain in the soil.

Note! The site has material on spring preparation of the greenhouse for planting seedlings.

Video: ground for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Seedling preparation: hardening

Transplanting to a new place is a strong stress for any plant, therefore it is recommended to prepare and adapt seedlings in advance for the upcoming procedure for changing the place and living conditions.

So, the activities for preparing tomato seedlings for planting in a greenhouse include the following:

  • 7-10 days before planting, start accustoming the seedlings to more severe outdoor conditions, in other words, prepare for planting by conducting it hardening (gradually take out the seedlings to the balcony or greenhouse, starting from 1-2 hours and up to the whole day, while the temperature should not drop below + 10-12 degrees).

  • If desired or necessary (if the seedlings are stretched out and / or the lower leaves have turned yellow), 3-4 days before planting (so that the wounds have time to dry out, and no infection gets there during planting, for example, the same fungus phytophthora), can prune scissors (leaving small petioles) lower leaves (cotyledons and lowest ones);

  • Around this time, for better future survival, you can spray (do foliar feeding) tomato seedlings with a solution of one of the growth stimulants, for example, Epin or Zircon.
  • Spill seedlings on the eve of disembarkation, so that you have the opportunity to freely pull out the earthen ball from the seedling container, while completely preserving it.

Seedling planting scheme (at what distance to plant)

In order for tomatoes to be able to actively grow and develop in a greenhouse, they must initially be planted according to a certain scheme, namely, plant seedlings at the correct distance from each other, which depends on the characteristics of their variety (tall or short) and method of forming a bush.

Advice! More about at what distance to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse (according to what scheme), read in this separate article.

Soil preparation in a greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings

Remember! The main thing is not to thicken it, otherwise the bushes will simply not have enough food, including solar (they will shade each other), and due to poor ventilation they will be more often affected by fungal diseases (the same late blight).

Video: 2 ways of planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Direct planting of seedlings in the greenhouse

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place in a greenhouse:

Every plant should have enough light. When the plantings thicken, the yield drops noticeably, the likelihood of infection of plants with various diseases increases.

  • Spill them (holes) well with warm water. Let the moisture absorb slightly.
  • Carefully remove the seedlings from the seedling containers, trying not to damage the earthen lump (so that it does not crumble, for this you need to shed it a day before planting or even better for an hour and a half).

If you can't get the plant out of the container, then a cardboard or plastic cup can be easily cut with scissors.

As a rule, it is not necessary to remove seedlings from peat cups, as a rule, they will later dissolve on their own in the ground.

Important! If you ignored the recommendations for fertilizing for digging, then now is the time to pour humus into each hole (a couple of three handfuls), wood ash (handful) and superphosphate (1 teaspoon without a slide).

  • Remove the seedlings from their pots and place them directly into moist (muddy) soil.

Deepen to the first true leaves (if you left the cotyledons, then they need to be cut off).

Note! Overgrown seedlings should be planted horizontally (lying down, somewhere at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground) into a groove or trench, and then dig in part of the elongated stem from which you previously cut all the leaves. It is important that all plants are planted with the same direction of roots and stems... The tomato itself in the future will straighten up and begin to grow up, and not sideways, so you don't need to bend it on purpose, otherwise you will simply break it.

  • Sprinkle with earth and compact.
  • Spill a little and tamp down a little.

Opposite opinion! Some gardeners advise spilling the holes only before planting, and not after planting. because of this, the earth becomes compacted and becomes too damp, which tomatoes do not like at all.

  • If you forgot to disinfect the soil (spill it Fitosporin), now you can just put a Glyocladin tablet next to the tomato (at a distance of 5 cm from the plant and to a depth of 2-3 cm).

Glyocladin effectively suppresses the causative agents of fungal diseases such as root and root rot.

  • If you have a tall variety or hybrid, then you should immediately tie it up; if weak or medium in height, then this can be done a little later.

Video: planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: from soil preparation to planting

Caring for tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

During the next 5-7 days after transplanting the seedlings to a new place, you should not take any action, since the plants need to recover from stress and take root.

As for the further rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse ..

Note! The site has a separate detailed article about how to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse to get a good harvest.

Greenhouse tomato care - watering

After transplanting tomato seedlings into a greenhouse in compliance with all recommendations and rules, you can count on the desired result, since only in this case the plants will receive the necessary conditions for growth and further development = abundant fruiting.

Video: preparing and planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

  1. Anna :

    Good day to you! Tell me, I plant seedlings for the first time and I don’t understand a lot of things and I have already done something wrong ((I have some kind of tomato seedlings 20-25 cm, and most of them are 10-15 cm .. the thickness of the stem at high millimeters is 5 and at low ones it is less 2-3 mm. We are going to the dacha and would like to plant them in a greenhouse under polycarbonate. I think they will be better there than now .. But in this weather I doubt it. At the dacha so far we will only be on holidays and on weekends .. What will you advise in this case? There are still seedlings of peppers and cucumbers .. If the peppers can still wait and the cucumbers are gone .. they are very high 30 centimeters and it seems they are already gaining a bud .. How to deal with this too? weather?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Good day, Anna!
      Um .. without input, it's hard to say anything. So what is your weather (temperature) and what region? 🙂
      But, in any case, if the temperature conditions allow and the forecast is favorable, then it is better to plant, and not wait, especially in a polycarbonate greenhouse. In the ground, under the sun's rays, the seedlings will be much better than on the windowsill.
      But with peppers, and even more so with cucumbers, it is better to wait, they are more thermophilic and react worse to a decrease in temperature.

  2. Anna :

    I'm from Moscow .. and it's quite cool here ((at night it's only 2-10 heat .. and so all of May. Tomorrow I'll take everything to the dacha (Moscow region) for hardening in a greenhouse. I won't plant cucumbers and peppers yet. Then only tomatoes. .but what about the cucumbers that have already dried out about 25 centimeters?)) and some of the seven-lobes turn yellow already ..

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Hardening is just great, so they will surely quickly adapt and take root!
      If the cotyledon leaves turn yellow and fall off, then this is normal, but it's really time to plant, because25 cm is the most optimal size for cucumber seedlings, but if the plants are not yet stretched out (the stem is up to the cotyledons), they have enough light, then you can wait a little)))
      P.S. Although ... from May 2-3 in the Moscow region there is a serious warming. If it is + 15-20 degrees during the day and at least 8 at night, then 3-4 such days will be enough for the earth to warm up well.

  3. Anna :

    Good. Thank you very much!

  4. Elena :

    Can cover the cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse with plastic bottles without a lid?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Can! A good idea, if, of course, the seedlings are low ...

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