When to dig dahlias and how to store them properly in winter

Dahlias in the autumn garden look surprisingly luxurious and elegant. And if you value your magnificent flowers, then you probably know that in order to recreate all this beauty for the next year, you need to take care of digging and laying dahlia tubers for storage now, in the second half of autumn.

We will talk in this article about when and how best to dig up dahlias, how to properly prepare them for storage, as well as about various storage methods.

When to dig dahlias: timing

The optimal time when you can dig up dahlias comes after a few light frosts (frosty nights) have passed, and their tops turn black.This will be a kind of hardening for the tubers, which in the future will have a positive effect on their wintering at home.

Important! You should not rush to dig up dahlia bushes, especially when they are still green, which means they can transfer nutrients to their rhizomes so that they ripen well and better prepare for winter.

However! It is not recommended that dahlias stand "blackened" for a long time after several frosts. Because of this, rotting processes can begin near the root collar, and then gradually move to the tubers.

Thus, with regard to the approximate timing of the digging of dahlia tubers, for example, in the Central strip (Moscow region) - this is the second half of October. Naturally, the weather conditions themselves will tell you more accurate and correct dates.

By the way! Many gardeners recommend to slightly spud dahlias before the onset of the first frost.

Video: when to dig and how to save dahlias in winter

How to dig dahlias correctly

Here are some tips and rules for digging dahlias in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  • Select dry fine day.
  • Cut off all the stems with a garden pruner, leaving 10-20 centimeter foams. Although some summer residents do this after digging.

 Note! Do not cut the stems too low, otherwise infection can penetrate into the tubers or water can leak, which can cause them to rot.

  • Directly dig need to, stepping back a considerable distance from the bush (20-25 centimeters), and it is desirable digging from all sides, even more so if the ground is wet. In this case, it is optimal to use the pitchfork, and not the shovel, because she can accidentally chop off large tubers.

Important! If you place a shovel or pitchfork too close to the bush, you can damage the tubers. they go to the sides.

  • After you dig in the bush, the dahlia rhizomes will most likely sit in a fairly large earthen coma. In order not to damage, it is first desirable to clear them of some of the earth, and then carefullypull by the stems or lift with a shovel (pitchfork).

Attention! Even if you prune the stems (all the more so if it is decided not to prune), in no case should you pull on the stem too much to pull the dahlias out of the ground after you dig the bush, because the isthmus, which is located between the root collar and tubers can simply break off. The fact is that the buds of most varieties of dahlias originate precisely on the root collar, which means that you can simply "kill" your plant.

  • Further, already pulled out rhizomes should be maximally clear the earth... If necessary, they need to be additionally rinsed in water, especially if you have clay soil that sticks strongly to the rhizomes. But, if your soil is sandy, then the earth itself will fly around quickly enough during further drying.

Advice! If you chose a fine sunny day, then give the tubers dry out in the open airand then you can easily shake off the remaining ground.

Worth knowing! There is an opinion that it is not necessary to clean the tubers from the ground so that they do not dry out. But if you do not do this, then rot or mechanical damage may remain under the dirt, which must be treated before storing, otherwise the rhizomes will simply rot later.

  • Now you need trim all thin roots with scissors or pruning shearsthat grow from tubers so that they do not disappear during storage.

Advice! This must be done just before drying, so that all wounds have time to completely tighten and dry.

  • If you find a few green shoots, then they need to be broken, and exactly break with your hands at the basetilted to the side rather than trimmed.

Video: when to dig dahlias and how to save them without a cellar on the balcony in an apartment

What to do if you dug out rhizomes, and they are rotten or infected with a virus

Having completely cleared (washed) the rhizomes from the ground, you can findrot on the tubers.However, they can still be saved, you just need to completely get rid of all the rot by carefully cutting it to healthy tissue and cleaning it with a knife. Then it is recommended process tubers in special preparations... Moreover, it is desirable to additionally cover the sections with brilliant green (or crushed coal)to prevent the infection from spreading for sure.

It's another matter if it sprouting virus, the presence of which can be determined by a huge number of fairly large buds on the root collar (just a whole bunch or bunch), which are in an awakened state. Unfortunately, this viral disease cannot be cured, and you will have to part with the tubers. Moreover, they will need to be removed from the site. or burn. Do not leave or bury in the garden, as the disease can spread.

How to prepare dahlia tubers for storage: processing and drying

So that in no case there is a threat of death of dahlia tubers during a long cold and, possibly, rainy period, it is imperative that they be prepared for storage, and specifically processed and dried.

Tuber processing

Before laying for storage, many gardeners recommend treating dahlia tubers in special preparations for the prevention of diseases. Most commonly used fungicide "Maxim" or "Fitosporin". And in the old fashioned way you can cook pozic solution of potassium permanganate... Rhizomes are kept in one of these solutions for 20-30 minutes or sprayed from a spray bottle from all sides.

Also recommended process all the cuts with brilliant green (including roots and stems).

Advice! If the rhizomes are healthy, did not hurt before and you did not have any problems with dahlias, then you can not process them.

Drying tubers

As a rule, 2-4 days are enough to dry the dahlia rhizomes.

Advice! It is not necessary to dry for too long (more than a week), otherwise the tubers may shrivel severely.

As for the drying space, it is optimal to put the dahlias under a canopy in dry weather (but not in direct sunlight), in the same greenhouse or in any dry room (for example, in the attic). Moreover, it is advisable to place the rhizomes upside down so that all moisture can flow out better from them (from the stems).

Video: how to prepare dahlias for storage

Is it necessary to divide the rhizomes of the dahlia and is it worth it before storing

It is definitely necessary to divide, because if you plant overgrown dahlia rhizomes with many tubers on them, then a giant bush with many stems will grow. Because of this thickening, the plant will simply not have enough light, that is, it will shade itself, which means that flowering will be very weak and rare.

However, before storage fission procedure Not recommendedsince this is too much stress for the plant. This is why most gardeners share dahlias exactly before planting in the spring.

Where and how to store dahlias in winter

When storing dahlias in winter, an important role is played by the storage location, suitable conditions, as well as the chosen storage method.

Advice! Before mortgage, do not forget attach tags on your varietal dahlias.

Place and storage conditions of tubers (temperature and humidity)

The best storage space dahlia will be in winter cool cellar or basement... Wherein temperature must be mandatory positivesince rhizomes do not tolerate even minimal subzero temperatures. Optimally - + 2 ... + 5 degrees, but warmer temperature conditions up to 10-12 degrees are also suitable. It is also very important that indoors there was no high humidity (no more than 75-80%), due to which the roots can sprout or become moldy.

By the way! In addition to the cellar and basement, vestibule or glazed loggia, balcony, if there is a low, but positive temperature.

As a container for storing dahlia tubers, it is optimal to use carton boxes (if you don't sprinkle them with anything) or boxeson the bottom of which you can lay a newspaper. Additionally, tubers can be wrapped in paper or put in paper bags.

Important! What exactly cannot be stored dahlias is in plastic or plastic bags, in which the rhizomes will simply suffocate and rot.

However! If there are special ventilation holes in the bags, then it is quite possible to store tubers in them.

If you have deposited diseased tubers (pre-processed) then their better additionally wrap with paper or at all put separately from healthy rhizomes.

Storage methods for tubers

There are a lot of methods for storing dahlias, so each grower chooses the one that suits him (his capabilities and conditions).

The most popular ways to store dahlias in winter are:

  • Pour over dry sawdust, ash or sand.

Important! If the roots begin to dry out noticeably during storage, and the tubers wrinkle (you can check with your hand), then the sawdust / sand can be lightly sprinkled with water.

In sawdust

Note! Store in wet sand or sawdust is not recommended, as there is a high probability of decay, which is much worse than if the tubers dry out slightly (in this case, it will be easy to restore them in a solution of one of the growth stimulants).

However! Some gardeners recommend that you spill the sawdust lightly with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid beforehand, so that they become slightly damp, but not wet. Such treatment will protect the tubers from various rot during storage.

  • Similar to sand, sawdust or ash, you can use sphagnum moss (you can find it on the banks of the swamp or buy it in the store). In addition, it has bactericidal properties and protects tubers from decay.
  • Quite often, the tubers are poured vermiculite, which perfectly protects against changes in temperature and humidity.
  • IN paraffin. In this case, you can simply fold them into boxes and store at home... True, in this case, they will have to be pre-divided.

By the way! The paraffin shell perfectly protects the tubers from drying out, and hot processing destroys most pathogens.

Video: how to wax dahlia tubers

  • Can be stored in refrigerator (on the bottom shelf, which is for vegetables), after wrapping it in thick paper.
  • Some summer residents dipped tubers similarly to waxing into a clay chatterbox, and then, before mortgage for winter storage, they are dried for 2-3 days.

Advice! During storage, be sure to periodically inspect the tubers for rot or other diseases in order to quickly process them, for example, by smearing the damaged areas with brilliant green.

Video: how to store dahlia tubers in sawdust

Such a significant and important matter as storing dahlia tubers cannot be done at random. It is always necessary to know exactly the optimal terms and rules for excavation, as well as the places suitable for storage, the appropriate conditions and methods of storing the "king of the autumn garden".

Video: when and how to dig dahlias, storage bookmark rules

1 Comment
  1. Natalia :

    Thank you very much! Found answers to questions about storing dahlias.I will read on. All the best!

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