When to plant potatoes in spring in open ground: terms for regions and favorable days according to the lunar calendar

You already got potatoes for germination (this had to be done 1-1.5 months before planting), it began to sprout gradually ... and my hands began to itch.

However, do not rush too much, because choosing the right timing for planting potatoes is one of the main aspects of successfully growing this crop.

Next, you will learn what you need to focus on when planting potatoes, at what temperature you can start planting tubers in the ground. Also in the material you will find favorable days according to the lunar calendar 2021 for planting potatoes and approximate dates for the regions.

When to plant potatoes outdoors

To correctly determine the optimal timing for planting potatoes in your area, you should consider the following main points.

Air and soil temperature

In many regions, the climate is very changeable: if it is warm today, the air temperature is right, then next week it may drop or, even worse, fall below zero. But the slightest frost will simply destroy all the tops.

When choosing the timing of landing, you need first of all look not at air temperature, but at soil temperature... You need to plant in a sufficiently warm ground.

The fact is that potato shoots in cold ground are severely damaged by rhizoctonia (at temperatures below +8 .. + 6 degrees) and generally develop very slowly and reluctantly.

So don't rush with planting potatoes.

Obviously, the lighter soil (sandy) warms up earlier than the heavier (clay).

In this way, ideal conditionswhen you can plant potatoes in open ground, at stable daytime air temperature at +15 .. + 18 degrees (above zero at night, +5 and above), while the soil needs to warm up minimum up to +8, and optimally - + 10-12 degrees at landing depth.

Advice! Take a soil thermometer (not a regular thermometer!) And bury (stick) it to the planting depth.

Folk omens (landmarks)

Of course, you can focus on proven natural phenomena, one might say, folk signs for planting potatoes:

And it's true, our parents and grandparents never measured soil temperature.

  • Have started or have already completely birch leaves blossomed (became the size of a penny coin).

Interesting! The birch does not look at the calendar and it does not have a thermometer, but it begins to dissolve its leaves when the soil warms up to + 10-12 degrees.

"Birch in a leaf - potatoes in the ground."

But don't rush - if only the earrings have bloomed, then it's too early.

  • When the bird cherry begins to bloom.

However, there is an opinion that it is better to plant potatoes after the bird cherry blossoms and its petals begin to crumble.

Another landmark is mountain ash:

  • "The mountain ash has bloomed - there will be no more frost."
  • A dandelion appeared and bloomed.

Again, some advise planting when the dandelion has faded (a ball forms).

Planting dates in the regions (depending on the climate)

Thus, depending on the climatic features of the region and the current weather conditions, the approximate dates for planting potatoes in different regions are as follows:

  • So, on South of Russia potatoes can be planted as early as April.
  • In the middle lane (Moscow region) potatoes are planted in the ground from the beginning of the 2nd decade of May.

In other words, potatoes are most often planted for May holidays, as well as planting tomato seedlings.

  • In the North-West (in the Leningrad region) potatoes begin to be planted starting from the 3rd decade of May-early June.
  • In the Urals and Siberia The timing of planting potatoes coincides with the time of planting in the Northwest, in other words, they begin to plant tubers in the second half of May or early June.

Note! It is also wrong to postpone planting until a later date; in this case, you simply will not receive the harvest, because the warm summer period will end.

Plus, it's always best to plant while the soil is still wet.

According to the lunar calendar for 2021

It can help you to choose a certain favorable date for planting potato tubers. moon calendar.

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, for planting potatoes in 2021 are:

  • in April - 9-11, 13-15, 20-22, 24-30;
  • in May - 2-6, 9, 10-12.

Important! You should also take into account the days New moons and Full moon, since when sowing at this time, the seedlings are weak and elongated. And also the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign - in italics.

Thus, on unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, in 2021, when to plant potatoes absolutely not:

  • in March - 9-10, 13, 28;
  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27.

How to plant potatoes early for early consumption

If you want to plant potatoes for an early harvest, then you need preheat the ground, namely:

  • Cover the bed with transparent film a week before planting.

Of course, you can use black covering material, but the soil warms up worse under it.

  • Plant early potatoes into a warm earth and again cover with a film or even better with a non-woven material, the same white spunbond (lutrasil).

However! If early planting falls under frost, fog and tops die, then this, naturally, will negatively affect the harvest.

But as they say: "He who does not take risks, he does not eat early young potatoes!"

Well, now you know how to determine when it is time to plant potatoes. The main thing is not to rush! Everything has its time.

video: potato planting dates

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