When and how to plant Shabo carnation seeds for seedlings: sowing and growing rules

Having caught a glimpse, it is impossible to forget the amazing flower with a mesmerizing pleasant smell - Shabo carnation. It got its name thanks to its creator, and the Toulon pharmacist Shabo brought it out in the 19th century. When growing a Shabo carnation in a seedling way, it blooms in the first year, which means that you can enjoy lush flowering and exquisite aroma throughout the summer and autumn seasons, right up to frost.

You will learn about when and how to sow it for seedlings, how to care after sowing and much more from our article.

When to sow Shabo cloves for seedlings

The best time for sowing carnation seeds for seedlings is the second half of February - early March, in which case you don't even have to light it up.

By the way! You can plant earlier, for example, in the second half of January-February, but in this case, the seedlings will have to be supplemented for the first time.

According to the lunar calendar in 2021

Choosing the optimal date for sowing seeds can help you Moon calendar.

So favorable days for sowing Shabo carnations in 2021 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in February - 1-8, 10-20, 25-29;
  • in March - 2-8, 10-14, 29-31;
  • in April - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 17-20, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 7-9, 11-14, 16-19.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2021 for sowing Shabo cloves are the following dates (days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • in February -10-11, 27;
  • in March -9-1013, 28;
  • in April -5-612, 27;
  • in May -2-411, 26, 30-31;
  • in June -10, 24, 26-27.

How to sow Shabo carnation seeds for seedlings correctly: rules and step-by-step instructions

To get abundant shoots of Shabo carnation seedlings, you need to seriously consider the choice of planting capacity, suitable soil and seed preparation.

Planting containers

To grow Shabo carnations from seeds, you need a variety of planting containers of various sizes.

First (for sowing seeds) you need a common shallow container, such as a food container.

Then you will need to unpack the plants into larger containers, for example, cups (100 or 200 ml).

And finally, for transhipment you will need even larger containers - 500 ml. cups, although, in principle, if you initially transplant the seedlings into 200 ml cups, then you can leave the seedlings in them until planting in open ground.

By the way! It is very convenient to grow seedlings in cassettes, gradually transferring growing plants into large ones.

Soil substrate

The most common soil for growing carnation seedlings is suitable for flower seedlings.

Of course, you can always prepare the soil yourself by mixing peat, humus (compost) and river sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.

Note! Any soil, even purchased one, is recommended to be disinfected beforehand, for example, by roasting in the oven or steaming in a double boiler, so that all pathogenic organisms and fungi die under the influence of high temperatures. Either (or you can do both) spillage with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin.

Seed preparation

Carnation seeds have good germination, so no pre-treatment is required.

However, if you wish, you can sprout the seeds on damp cotton pads. The procedure will take 2-3 days.

Direct landing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing Shabo carnation seeds for seedlings:

  • Fill the container with the substrate.
  • Moisten the soil well.
  • Spread the seeds evenly over a damp surface.

  • Sprinkle with very light layers of soil mixture by 2-3 mm.

River sand can also be used as a powder.

  • Again moisten the soil from above, but this time by spraying from a spray bottle.
  • Cover with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect so the seeds can germinate faster.
  • Remove to a dark and relatively warm place, where the temperature ranges from + 18-20 degrees.

Video: growing Shabo carnations - sowing, shoots, transplanting, pinching (part 1)

Carnation seedlings care after sowing

Amicable shoots, as a rule, appear within a week (the very first ones - already on the 3-4th day), or even earlier. When this happens, the shelter should be promptly removed and moved to a bright place, the temperature is the same (+ 18-20 degrees).

Any seedlings, including carnations, must be provided with good lighting, otherwise they will begin to stretch. Therefore, choose only sunny windowsills: the southern one is optimal, but both western and eastern ones are suitable.And if you planted early enough, then be sure to use phytolamps.

Of course, you shouldn't forget about watering, but this must be done carefully, only slightly moistening the soil.


When your seedlings of carnations have 2 real leaves, you should pick them into higher containers, for example, 100 ml (you will have to transfer later) or 200 ml cups (you may not need to).

Top dressing

Immediately after picking, it is recommended to shed the transplanted seedlings with one of the rooters, for example, a rootstock or a similar means, so that the seedlings better take root in a new place, or rather their root system.

And after 2-4 weeks, you can feed with a complex mineral fertilizer, for example, nitroammophos.


If the carnation does not want to bush (give side shoots), then when the plant has 5-6 true leaves, you can pinch its top (after 3 pairs of leaves).


When the seedlings of carnations grow up, and its root system enmeshes the entire earthen ball (this will be clearly visible if you use transparent plastic cups), the plants should be transplanted, or rather transferred into larger containers, for example, 500 ml cups or pots.

Transhipment of carnation seedlings is carried out as follows:

  • You spill containers with seedlings with water in advance so that the earthy clod is easily accessible and does not collapse.
  • Fill new containers with nutrient substrate.
  • Make a small indentation.
  • Take out the seedlings along with the ground and put them in a new house (up to the cotyledons).
  • Compaction (squeezing) the earth around the plant.
  • Watering.

When and how to plant Shabo carnation seedlings in open ground: timing, a suitable place in the garden and planting procedure

Immediately before planting, the seedlings are recommended to be gradually taken out into the street so that they get used to the fresh air, so to speak, hardened.

Carnation is a fairly cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of recurrent spring frosts, so it can be planted in open ground in early May or even earlier (depending on the climatic characteristics of your region), in other words, one of the first.

The process of planting seedlings of Shabo carnations in open ground is standard: they dug a planting hole slightly larger than the size of the pot, put a plant in the hole with an earthen clod, compacted the earth around, watered and mulched (if desired), or you will have to weed from weeds.

By the way! You can even transplant a flowering carnation into a flower bed, it will take root without problems, because we simply transfer the plant from cups into open ground, without destroying the earthy ball and without injuring the root system.

It is better to plant carnation seedlings in a flower garden in groups, then it looks great. The distance between the bushes should be about 30-40 cm.

Carnation loves open sunny areas and fertile soil (it grows well on loam, but, according to some sources, it prefers dry and sandy soil).

Video: growing Shabo carnations from seeds - planting and flowering (part 2)

Outdoor Shabo Clove Care

In general, the Shabo carnation is a rather unpretentious plant in terms of care. It needs to be watered as the top layer of the soil dries up, fed, well, and perhaps only cut the peduncles if you want the plant not to lose its decorative effect.

Top dressing

During budding and flowering, cloves should be fed with fertilizers with a high potassium content (but without chlorine).

Trimming and pinching

Since the Shabo carnation blooms all summer until the very frost, it is very desirable to remove faded flowers from it, thereby the flower bed will not lose its decorative effect.

And if you want to get more lush flowering (namely cut flowers), then you should pinch the stepsons (up to 6 knots) and be sure to remove the side buds.

Seen: removing extra buds from a Shabo carnation

What to do with a plant in autumn

Carnation Shabo is, albeit a perennial, but a very thermophilic plant that cannot survive the winter in the Central lane (Moscow region), therefore, as a rule, it is grown as an annual. However, in autumn it can be transplanted into a pot and brought home by placing it on a windowsill where it will continue to bloom. And after flowering, it can be used as a mother plant, i.e. on cuttings.

Video: how to save Shabo cloves in winter

Take your time and energy in the spring to grow a Shabo carnation from seeds, and then enjoy the beautiful flowers and delicious scent, perhaps one of the most pleasant floral aromas all summer and autumn. And for this, pay special attention to the timing of sowing and the rules for growing a plant from seeds, to care for seedlings, as well as to proper care of a flower in the open field and its preparation for winter.

Video: growing Shabo carnations from seeds

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