How to plant a buddley in open ground: planting dates, rules for care and cultivation

If your garden plot lacks flowering shrubs that would be attractive to both you and honey insects, especially bees and butterflies, and also hide from the prying eyes of your neighbors, opt for a buddlea. It is not inferior in originality and richness of the palette to many colors, moreover, it fits perfectly into any landscape. But in order for the plant to really high and proudly rise in the allotted place, the buddleya seedling must be properly planted or grown from the cuttings, in other words, time and attention must be given.

By the way! And you can also buddle grow from seeds, planting them in spring for seedlings.

Popular types and varieties of buddley

Of course, the most popular variety is David's buddley.

By the way! Buddleya David is the most suitable for growing in the conditions of the Central strip (Moscow region) and in other regions of Russia.

There are a lot of varieties of Buddley David, you just need to choose the most suitable coloring of the panicle inflorescences:

  • Flower Power'R;
  • Black Knight;
  • Blue Chip.
  • Miss Ruby;
  • White Profusion;

  • Adonis Blue.

There are also other types of buddleya:

  • spherical;
  • alternate-leaved;
  • white-flowered;

  • snowy;
  • Japanese.

Planting buddley seedlings in open ground

The easiest and fastest way to grow a buddley is simply by buying and planting a plant seedling. We will talk further about how to plant it correctly in open ground.

Landing dates

It is possible to plant buddley seedlings in open ground when the ground warms up enough and the night temperature outside rises to + 8-10 degrees, of course, after spring return frosts.Thus, the approximate timing of planting buddley seedlings in open ground is May-June.

Landing place

Buddleya loves sunny areas, protected from strong winds and drafts.

However! You should not plant buddley very close to home, because this plant honey plant, which means it will attract bees.

Another thing is, you can plant it next to the fence or not far from the entrance to your site.

But it should be borne in mind that the shrub grows very quickly in diameter, up to 1.5 meters, so you need to plant seedlings at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other (if you want to make a hedge).

Soil and planting pit

As for the soil, the shrub prefers alkaline (limestone) soils.

The planting hole should be made large enough, and the soil should be made as fertile as possible, with a full range of mineral fertilizers, or organic matter (compost, ash) should be used.

Direct planting of a seedling

Step-by-step instructions for planting a buddleya seedling in open ground:

  • Choose the best place in the garden.
  • Prepare the planting hole and fill it with nutritious soil.
  • Plant a seedling.

  • Cover with fertile soil, compact around.
  • Water abundantly.
  • Mulch the trunk circle.

Growing buddley from cuttings

If you decide to grow buddley from cuttings, then here's what you need to do, namely:

The buddley grafting procedure can be carried out from spring to the end of summer, however, the plant must have time to take root before the onset of frost, which will take about 1-2 months, so it will be too late in the fall (if only in the South of Russia).

  • Cut the cuttings from young annual shoots (their tops).

There should be 3-4 leaf nodes (buds) on the handle.

By the way! It is recommended to cut the lower leaves by half, and also be sure to get rid of the inflorescences (if any).

  • Immediately before planting, the cut should be cut.
  • Optionally, for better rooting, you can dip the tips of the cuttings in root or heteroauxin.
  • Prepare the soil and spill it abundantly (so that there is "porridge" on top).

The soil for rooting cuttings should be loose and light (air and water permeable). For example, it can be made by mixing peat (1/2), sand and perlite (vermiculite).

  • Make a depression in the prepared soil and gently stick the cuttings there.
  • Cover the pot (or preferably a transparent plastic cup) with a bag or bottle (if you are rooting in the garden outdoors in summer, and in a greenhouse in spring, you don't need to cover with anything).
  • Rooting should take place at a high temperature, therefore, if you have cuttings in a pot, then you need to put it in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • As soon as the plant develops a root system (somewhere in 1.5-2 months), then you can plant it from a pot into open ground or transplant it from a temporary to a permanent place.

Video: reproduction of buddleya of David with green cuttings

And in the next video, a popular blogger gardener plants quite powerful (large) cuttings.

Video: when and how to graft buddleya

Outdoor buddlea care

In general, it is not difficult to take care of a buddleya in the garden, all procedures are standard, the only difficulty and the main feature of caring for a shrub is its proper preparation for winter - pruning and shelter.


Buddleya normally tolerates overdrying of the soil, but, of course, it is better to avoid this by performing regular and moderate watering, especially in summer. But in the spring and even more so in the fall, watering is not particularly zealous.

By the way! The shrub is very fond of irrigation by sprinkling (spraying).

Top dressing

Like all plants, namely flowering shrubs that grow completely from scratch after winter, in the initial period of growth (in spring) more fertilizers with a higher content are required nitrogen... And closer to summerbefore and during flowering, the bush will already need potash and phosphorus fertilizers (phosphorus closer to autumn, to start preparing the plant for winter).

By the way! If in the fall before wintering you have already laid out humus under bushes or sprinkled with humus, then nitrogen spring feeding is optional.

Naturally, you can use as organic fertilizers (humus, compost, ash, bone meal), so and mineral analogues (nitrogen -urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, phosphoric - superphosphate).

Summer pruning of peduncles

If you promptly remove old faded inflorescences, the buddley bush will bloom profusely without ceasing, thereby not losing its decorative effect for a longer time.

Video: pruning buddleya of David during flowering

Preparing for winter: fall pruning and shelter

It is very important every year to properly prepare the shrub for winter, namely to cut it off and cover it carefully for the winter.

Note! More about autumn pruning and shelter buddleya for the winter read in this separate article.

To make it interesting to look at the buddley and it will only benefit your garden plot, use our recommendations and plant this flowering shrub correctly in your country house.

Advice! And you can also buddle propagate by seeds, planting on seedlings.

Video: buddleya - planting and care, growing from seeds and other methods of propagation (cuttings)

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