When and how to prune an apple tree in spring

In order for the tree to have a beautiful and well-formed crown, it is necessary to regularly prune the apple tree. There are formation methods that are used especially in the spring. Detailed information regarding this issue awaits you below.

How to properly prune an apple tree in spring

In which season is it better to prune

Many summer residents and gardeners cannot decide when it is best to cut apple trees - in spring or autumn. So, pruning of apple trees can be carried out in autumn and spring, but the main condition is that the tree should be in a dormant stage.

Important! You should not remove many branches at the same time, it is better to do this gradually, so as not to cause intensive growth of young branches, which will lead to thickening of the crown and reduce the amount of harvest.

When is the best time to prune an apple tree - in spring or autumn

Optimal timing of the procedure

It's important to know when to prune your apple trees in the spring. The gardening event should be done before the active movement of the juice in the shoots begins (a symptom of this is the active appearance of buds and young shoots).

When to prune apple trees in spring, in what month?The optimal time for pruning apple trees in spring is the period from the end of March to the beginning of April. (first decade), but on condition that a sharp drop in temperature is no longer expected.

This is explained by the fact that the abundance of spring moisture, nutrients and the activity of the sun contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. As a result, the tree does not spend a lot of energy on recovery, but allows them to develop buds and form new shoots.

When to cut apple trees in spring, in what month

General rules and recommendations

There are certain rules for pruning an apple tree in the spring, which are important to follow in order to avoid mistakes in the future. The spring procedure is aimed at shortening and thinning the shoots.

To do this, clean the crown:

  • from shoots growing in the middle;
  • from obstacles that prevent the growth of main branches;
  • from dry and injured branches;
  • from weakened non-fruiting shoots.

To improve accessibility when harvesting, it is worth pruning the tops of the side branches annually, which will help you effortlessly reach any branch of the apple tree.

Scheme of pruning an apple tree in spring

In addition, there are universal rules regardless of the type of spring pruning:

  • do not run the tree too much;
  • emphasis should be placed on improving the lighting of the central part of the tree;
  • remove all diseased shoots annually;
  • remove branches that grow vertically;
  • make cuts of large branches at an angle of 45 °;
  • small shoots up to four centimeters in diameter should be cut under the bud.

In the picture, a diagram of pruning apple trees in spring (for a general example):

Scheme of pruning apple trees in spring

Important! For the procedure, it is worth using a sharpened and disinfected instrument without any signs of rust and dirt. Otherwise, it can cause rotting of the branch, and in the future, damage to the entire tree.

Video: how to properly prune apple trees in the spring.

Step-by-step instructions, diagram and features of pruning an apple tree in spring

Gardeners use several types of spring pruning of apple trees, which differ from the purpose of its implementation and the age of the tree: sanitary, formative and rejuvenating. In addition, the pattern and regularity of pruning of young trees differs from those of older trees.

Sanitary spring pruning is carried out to cleanse the crown of the tree from damaged branches during the winter. This type of procedure is applied regardless of the age of the culture and is carried out if necessary.

Video: features of pruning apple trees in spring.

Pruning old apple trees

Anti-aging pruning is practiced for old apple trees in spring.... Because it is she who gives an excellent opportunity to lengthen the duration of the existence and fruiting of the tree. To properly prune an old apple tree in the spring, you need to do it within the framework of certain pruning rules and schemes. This is especially true for novice summer residents, since they, for lack of experience, can do something wrong.

First, you should make sure that the selected tree is healthy and its branches are really strong., since diseased trees are unlikely to be restored, even if everything is done correctly. Also the procedure should be carried out before the onset of the appearance of the kidneys, when the entire crown is optimally visible.

Rejuvenating pruning of old apple trees in spring

A clean, necessary tool should be prepared in advance so that everything is at hand at the right time: a saw, a pruner, a ladder.

Scheme of pruning old apple trees in spring:

  1. Initially, you need to shorten the main branch with all the branches by a third, which will allow light access to the lower tier of the branches.
  2. Eliminate all young shoots that grow at the base of the tree and from the trunk.
  3. Cut out all branches that have chosen the downward growth direction.
  4. In case of close proximity, it is necessary to leave the strongest and most promising branch, and remove the other.
  5. At the forks, cut the lower shoots.
  6. Eliminate branches that grow in the middle of the crown.

Video: how to properly prune an old apple tree in spring.

It is recommended to carry out such pruning of an old apple tree in spring according to this scheme for three years in a row., only after this time, positive changes will become noticeable and the quantity and quality of fruits will noticeably increase. At one time, you can remove no more than three branches 10 centimeters in diameter, the rest are left for the next year.

After pruning the old apple tree in the spring, all the hemp needs to be covered with garden varnish or plasticine, and very large ones should be covered with polyethylene over the putty, which will help the tree to better endure stress... This shelter must be removed in early autumn so that the cut can strengthen before the cold season and meet the winter with dignity.

Scheme of how to prune an old apple tree in spring:

Scheme of how to prune an old apple tree in spring

Important! Do not remove too many branches at the same time, their number should be about a third of all shoots, otherwise the culture may never recover after the procedure.

Pruning young trees

In the first years after planting a tree, its crown is formed, therefore, young trees should be given increased attention, since it will be difficult to change or fix anything in the future.

Correct pruning of young apple trees in spring is also directly important for the full development of the root system. This is due to the fact that when transplanting to a permanent place, the tree experiences a certain shock, and therefore it is necessary to perform timely pruning. Otherwise, the root may not cope with the nutrition of the crown, as a result, the culture will be ill for a long time and eventually die. Therefore, when carrying out an event, it is important to follow the instructions and scheme.

In the photo below, a diagram of pruning young apple trees in spring, depending on the year:

Scheme of pruning young apple trees in spring

Pruning an annual young apple tree in spring carried out immediately after landing. To do this, cut off the top of the tree at a height of 100 cm from the soil surface, in the absence of branches from the trunk. If they are, then the trunk is shortened to a height of 60 - 80 centimeters, and all side shoots are cut to a length of 40 cm.

The tallest shoots that grow at an acute angle must be removed, as they will break most of all under the weight of the fruit. It is recommended to leave all branches that join the trunk at right angles, shortening them to 3-5 buds.

Important! The wider the angle at which the branch joins the main trunk, the stronger it will be in the end and the earlier it will begin to bear fruit.

Biennial seedling already contains several side branches. Pruning young apple trees 2 years old in the spring is carried out according to the following scheme. You should choose 3-5 shoots that are stronger and have an optimal angle. The rest must be cut off.

  1. Shorten the main trunk so that it is four buds higher than the rest of the branches.
  2. Cut the remaining branches so that the lower ones are thirty centimeters longer than the upper ones.

As a result, a two-year-old seedling will acquire a rounded, regular crown.

In a three-year and four-year seedling continue to actively form the crown, therefore, pruning a young apple tree of the 3rd and 4th year in the spring should be done with increased attention. To ensure that the procedure does not negatively affect the quality and quantity of fruits, the branches are cut to a minimum, but not allowing the trunk to bifurcate. Shoots that grow in the middle of the crown are also cut out.

Important! During this period, it is better to cut two large branches than to remove many small shoots.

Scheme: how to properly prune apple trees in spring (1/2/3/4 years).

How to properly prune apple trees in spring - scheme

Video: a scheme for pruning young apple trees in the spring (relevant for novice gardeners).

Pruning dwarf crops

Pruning dwarf species is just as important as pruning vigorous trees, but should be done at an accelerated rate. First of all, they do sanitary removal of all broken and weakened branches and at the same time form the crown... They begin to carry out the event immediately after planting the seedling in the final and unchanged place.

Pruning dwarf apple trees in spring

  1. In the first spring, the main shoot is shortened at a height of 50 centimeters, cutting off above the kidney in the direction of the opposite grafting. This will allow you to get at least 4 strong shoots by the end of the season. The topmost one, which grows vertically, will eventually become a conductor.
  2. In the second year, the apical shoot should be cut at a height of 20 cm from the base, the remaining lateral shoots should also be cut at a height of 20 cm.
  3. Unnecessary lateral shoots for the formation of the main skeleton are cut at the level of the third leaf.
  4. In the third and subsequent years, a similar pruning is carried out as in the second spring.
  5. As soon as the tree reaches the required height, it is necessary to remove a new growth of the guide every year, and the side shoots - when their length is 45-50 cm.
  6. Every year in the future, it is important to carry out sanitary pruning of branches, and in order to maintain the horizontal position of the main branches, it is recommended to prune their annual growth directed downward.

Pruning columnar crops

Often now you can find columnar cultures on the sites, which are gaining popularity every year. The event takes place in several stages.

Pruning columnar apple trees in spring

Scheme for pruning columnar apple trees in spring:

  1. In the 1st year after planting, it is necessary to shorten the main trunk to a height of one meter. A large number of gardeners do not recommend doing this, but the top is very susceptible to cold in winter and often simply freezes out, as a result, several apical shoots appear in the spring, of which the strongest is left, while others are cut off above 2-3 buds.
  2. For the 2nd spring, it is necessary to shorten all lateral branches, the length of which exceeds 30 centimeters. And the upper shoot is left unchanged.
  3. In the 3rd year, the apical shoot should be shortened by a length of 45 cm from the main trunk, and the side branches by forty centimeters.
  4. On the 4th spring, the columnar culture is thinned out, removing weak and last year's shoots.
  5. In the 5th year, the growth of the apical shoot is stopped at a height of three meters from the soil surface.
  6. With each subsequent year, it is required to cut the columnar apple tree in the spring for sanitary purposes, to stimulate the growth of young shoots.

Scheme of pruning columnar apple trees in spring

Video: pruning columnar apple trees in spring for beginners.

Post-procedure care

In order for the apple tree to quickly endure stress and return to normal after pruning, in the spring it is required to provide it with the necessary care. For this, a number of activities are carried out to help the tree adapt and grow.

Apple tree care after pruning in spring

Such activities include the following manipulations:

  1. First and foremost, all sections must be treated with garden varnish or a working solution of copper sulfate, which will prevent the juice from flowing out.
  2. At the base of young seedlings, the near-stem circle must be constantly loosened and freed from weeds, which will allow air to flow to the roots.
  3. To avoid excessive evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is recommended to put a 3 cm layer of mulch from rotted manure.
  4. During the growing season, it is important to treat with a fungicide and insecticide to prevent the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of pests that can weaken the tree.

Popular bugs

During spring pruning, even experienced gardeners make mistakes that can negatively affect the further growth and development of the tree. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance so as not to end up.Knowing the potential mistakes will help you properly prune your apple trees in the spring:

  1. Can't leave stumps... It is necessary to cut into the ring (on the fold of the bark, which forms an annular bead), which will enable the tree to tighten the wound on its own.
  2. It is impossible to haphazardly shorten the apical guide on young seedlings... This leads to the fact that instead of it, several apical shoots will appear, which will weaken the lateral ones. In this case, it is better to cut it off completely and transfer growth to the upper lateral branch.
  3. You cannot delay the procedure for a long time... The event should be held before the buds appear, otherwise it will have to be postponed until autumn or until next spring.
  4. You can not use an unprepared instrument for the procedure... Garden manipulations need only be performed with a sterile and sharp tool, otherwise, during circumcision, scuffs may appear in the bark, which will prevent the wound from healing.

Such mistakes can be made by both beginners and long-time practicing gardeners. They cannot be allowed, otherwise the event will not be useful, and maybe even harm.

Video: mistakes when pruning an apple tree in spring (useful for beginners).

Advantages and disadvantages

Having formed a tree according to the necessary rules, you can achieve a decorative appearance of the tree, as well as significantly increase the endurance of the trunk, strengthen the branches and get a convenient location.

If you do not do a garden event at all, or do it, ignoring the rules, you can provoke deformation of the crown and breaking off of branches under the weight of the formed fruits.

Benefits of pruning apple trees in spring

The main advantages of spring pruning of apple trees:

  • makes it possible to optimally form the crown;
  • promotes rejuvenation of old branches and significant strengthening of young ones;
  • is the prevention of the development of diseases and reduces the number of pest larvae;
  • helps to remove damaged and dry branches;
  • helps to get more fruiting branches;
  • increases the transmission of light.

The main disadvantage is that it is impossible to accurately calculate the timing of the procedure, you need to take the current weather and your own feelings as a guide.

Benefits of pruning apple trees in spring

The procedure is important for the development of the tree, it will help not only to increase the quality and quantity of the harvest, but also guarantees a long life of the tree. Carrying out it requires attentiveness and clarity of actions, otherwise all resources can be wasted. But in the end you will have a wonderful and rich harvest. Happy and tasty harvests!

  1. Valeria :

    where can you upload a photo?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      You can come here

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