Kalina Buldenezh - planting and caring for shrubs in the open field

Kalina Buldenezh is an amazing plant in terms of beauty. Magnificent snow-white balls, strewn all over the bush, can hardly leave anyone indifferent. If you are not yet growing a beautiful shrub, then it's time to plant one in your garden. Read on how to plant Buldenezh viburnum correctly in spring and autumn.

General description of the shrub

The charming name of the viburnum has French roots - Boule de Neige translates as “snow globe”. And this is exactly the case when the name fully characterizes the appearance. The plant is valued not only for its flowers, but also for its beautiful leaves.Due to its beauty and sophistication, the plant is often used in landscape design and in ordinary summer cottages.

The average height of the shrub is from two to three or three and a half meters. Flowers can grow up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. With proper cultivation, regular and systematic care, the shrub can live up to fifty years.

The flowering period of viburnum is from late spring to early summer, blooms most often within two to three weeks. Due to the abundance of large snow balls, the branches become heavier, so in some cases they need to be propped up so that they do not break.

An interesting feature of the plant is that the flowers are odorless.

Planting and replanting Kalina Buldenezh can be either next to other crops or in splendid isolation. In both the first and second versions, it will look interesting.

Video: plant description

How to propagate viburnum Buldenezh

For those who are already growing a plant in their area, but want to increase the number of shrubs, it is important to know the methods of reproduction. One of the features of this plant is that the flowers of the decorative viburnum are sterile, so only vegetative reproduction is possible.

It can be propagated in three ways:

By dividing the bush

Propagation of viburnum Buldenezh by dividing the bush should be as careful as possible so as not to injure the root system. To plant Buldenezh, it is necessary to partially dig out the roots and delicately separate the young daughter shoot from the mother bush. This must be done so that both the first and the second part of the shrub normally hold the branches and roots.


The sprinkling method is a very simple and convenient way. The optimal timing for the event is late spring or early summer.

Reproduction by layering takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Under the bush, you need to make small in depth (up to ten centimeters), but long grooves.
  • Then the lateral shoots of an annual shrub are lowered to the ground and placed in these grooves.
  • The branches should be secured with hooks or staples.

  • After that, you need to fill the bends with compost, lightly tamp and moreMoisten the core with water of normal temperature. In the future, watering should be carried out in a timely manner.
  • When shoots form, hilling should be carried out to create a normal moisture level.
  • Separation from the main bush is carried out in the fall at the formation of roots, the bends are cut off with a sharp pruner. Then the young plant is dug up and transplanted into a container with soil. A transplant to a permanent place should be done when the root system is stronger (usually it takes about two years).

Video: reproduction by layering (for example, the usual viburnum)

By cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is considered a longer and more painstaking task. Despite the fact that the formation of roots takes a long time, and the process of survival sometimes ends in failure, this method is practiced. Performed during the summer when pruning. Suitable breeding material is young shoots with a pair of live, healthy buds.

The event is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, you should carefully cut off young shoots, it is necessary to leave one node with buds, and remove the rest of the foliage.
  • Then the shoots need to be placed for ten hours in a solution that activates root formation, for example, you can use the drug "Kornevin".
  • While the cuttings are in solution, planting beds should be made. For the beds, you need to make a suitable substrate: turf soil, humus, sand (the components must be in the same ratio).
  • Planting is carried out in a moist substrate. The cuttings are rooted to a depth of about two or two and a half centimeters.
  • After that, you should make a greenhouse: carefully cover with a plastic bottle or film.
  • Next, you need to regularly moisten the soil.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh in open ground

Any summer cottage event requires responsibility and correct actions. Planting this shrub is no exception. At the same time, having spent quite a bit of effort on rooting a bush seedling, in the future you will receive an amazing and original plant with excellent flowering. The photo below proves that decorative viburnum can turn any plot into a fabulous place:

When is it better to plant: timing

Many novice flower growers think about when it is right to plant Buldenezh viburnum - in spring or autumn? The timing of the event depends on the breeding method. If you plan to plant by dividing the bush, then it is better to plant in the fall, but if by layering, then it is better to do it in the spring. Moreover, in the fall, the event should be performed before severe cold weather and rains, otherwise there is a risk that the plant will not take root.

Optimal garden space and suitable planting soil

Choosing the right location plays an important role in successful rooting and growing. Therefore, when choosing where to plant Buldenezh viburnum, you should remember that direct rays can be destructive, and in a strong shade, the plant is unlikely to please you with beautiful flowering. Such a viburnum grows well in an area with partial shade.

The soil should be loose, moist, fertile, with good drainage properties. Kalina Buldenezh loves moisture, so places near water bodies, in lowlands, are suitable for her. But stagnation of moisture is also undesirable. You can also choose dry places, but then watering should be done often and generously.

Planting pit preparation

Before planting, you need to dig a planting hole. Its depth should be at least sixty centimeters, and its diameter should be about 60-70 centimeters.

If rooting is planned on heavy soil, then a drainage layer should be laid on the bottom of the pit, which will avoid stagnant moisture. To do this, fill it with rubble and sand.

It is recommended to fill the planting pit with a mixture of the following components: three buckets of compost, two glasses of ash and one glass of nitrophoska.

Direct landing

Planting viburnum Buldenezh is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • When rooting the planting material, the root collar should be three to four centimeters below the soil surface.
  • After planting, you need to lightly compact the soil.
  • Then water the planting site generously.
  • After that, cover with a mulching material - peat or humus. The mulch will help maintain optimal humidity and temperature.

How to care for viburnum Buldenezh after landing

The snow-white shrub is an unpretentious plant. But despite this fact, it still follows after planting in open ground and subsequently does not bypass the shrub with timely and high-quality care. It is necessary to regularly water, fertilize, cut, treat pests and diseases. Compliance with the basic elements of care will help to successfully grow Kalina Buldenezh.Let's consider in more detailhow to properly care for an ornamental shrub:


As mentioned earlier, the ornamental shrub is moisture-loving. It is important to irrigate on time and systematically. Young specimens especially need this. In summer and dry heat, the importance of watering increases many times over.

And generous watering in the fall before the arrival of cold weather will help the plant to overwinter normally and withstand bad weather. Also, before the cold weather, it is important to cover the trunks with humus. If the cold attacked the plant, then with proper care it can quickly recover.


Experienced growers advise to shorten the shoots of the plant by 1/3 when planting. In the spring, before flowering, all frozen, damaged, dry and weak shoots should be removed. But after flowering, it is necessary to thin out the center of the crown and reduce the side shoots. An adult plant should have no more than eight skeletal branches. At the end of the summer season, pruning is not carried out, as the plant must gain strength before the winter period.

Pruning viburnum Buldenezh is an essential element of caring for ornamental shrubs. The procedure is important to maintain a beautiful shape and to prevent the proliferation of pests (strong thickening can provoke this).

Top dressing

Top dressing allows you to achieve a luxurious and beautiful flowering. It is held in the second year after planting. In the spring, you can feed the decorative viburnum with mineral, organic fertilizers (for example, humus, ash, rotted compost). In the fall, you can apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizing.


Decorative viburnum Buldenezh can overtake a variety of diseases and pests. To prevent the harmful influence of unwanted "guests" of the garden, you should properly care for the shrub.

The following plant pests are distinguished:

  • The scale insect is a small insect that sucks out the sap of the plant, visually similar to a small tubercle. You can fight such a pest with the help of the drug "Aktara".

  • The viburnum leaf beetle is an extremely unpleasant pest that can eat large quantities of foliage, thereby causing its death. The bug has a shiny color. Against the viburnum leaf beetle, drugs "Fufanon", "Karbofos", "Fosbecid" are used.

  • Aphids are another equally unpleasant pest that can harm shrubs. Used against aphids wood ash, tobacco dust, drugs "Agravertin", "Aktara", "Inta-vir".

As for the diseases of the viburnum Buldenezh, the plant can be affected by powdery mildew. To prevent the disease, the shrub should be treated with infusion of onions, garlic, ash, tobacco.

Why a shrub may not bloom: reasons

Situations are possible when Buldenezh viburnum does not bloom. Why it happens? There may be several reasons for the lack of flowering:

  • lack of regular watering;
  • growing in direct sunlight or in strong shade;
  • lack of dressing for a long time;
  • invasion of pests, disease.

As you can see, viburnum may not bloom due to improper or inadequate care. If you correct this situation, then it will certainly delight you with a magnificent color.

Kalina Buldenezh is the best option for both landscape designers and ordinary gardeners. The plant is unpretentious, but requires full care. If you plant, grow and care for the plant correctly, you can get abundant and lush flowering in gratitude.

Video: snow balls or beautiful Kalina Buldenezh

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