What flowers can be grown on a balcony or loggia in summer: their names and photos

Even if you do not have a private house or summer cottage, you can enjoy the summer blooming of garden flowers at home, in an apartment, on a balcony, having broken your own city mini-flower garden.

Next, you will find out which flower plants are suitable for decorating a balcony or loggia.

What flowers can be grown on the balcony in summer

Plants and flowers for growing on the balcony must have the following characteristics:

  • have relatively compact size, i.e. the variety should be undersized or dwarf (ideally, if these are exactly ampelous plant varieties).

However! Compact = windproof.

If you see that the plant has very delicate flowers, then it is better to put the pot in a windless place (certainly not in the boxes that are displayed on the balcony fences).

  • maximally bloom long and profusely (optimal - all summer, so to speak, from June to August or even better - from May to September).
  • be unpretentious in care.

In other words, it is best to use it for summer landscaping of balconies and loggias. annual garden flowers.

Of course, you can take some indoor flowers to the balcony, but you need to be more careful with them, many of them will not like such conditions.

Now you need to figure out which side your balcony faces. If it is sunny (southern, eastern or western), then you can grow almost all flowers. If to the north, then only shade-tolerant.

However! If you are a resident of the southern region (Volgograd or Astrakhan region), then few flowers, in principle, can survive on a sunny balcony (they will burn), but in the North-West (in the same Leningrad region) they will be just right.

Thus, it is ideal if the balcony faces the south-east or west side (relevant for cooler regions), east or west (important for hot and sunny regions).

As for the features of care, you must understand that in pots (hanging pots) or balcony boxes, the soil in the open air, and even more so in the summer, will dry out very quickly and will have to be watered very often. Therefore, you should immediately attend to this issue (for example, add vermiculite to the soil, do drip irrigation - dig in the bottles).

Flowers for a sunny balcony (facing south, east or west)

Sun-loving flowers that will bloom beautifully only on a sunny balcony (alphabetically):

  • Petunia;

Video: the best petunias for the balcony

  • Ageratum;

  • Godetia;

  • Ipomoea;

  • Kosmeya;

  • Nemesia;

Flowers for a shady balcony (facing north, northwest or east)

The most shade-tolerant flowers that will not lose their decorative effect if you plant them in the balcony boxes located on the north side are (in alphabetical order):

However! All plants and all the more blooming ones require sun, so they will bloom brighter on the east or west balcony (northwest or east) anyway than on the north one.

  • Cornflower;

  • Fragrant tobacco;

  • Calceolaria;

  • Mimulus;

  • Primrose;

Indoor flowers, which can be taken out on a shady balcony (loggia) in the warm season:

  • Anthurium;

  • Coleus;

  • Cyclamen;

  • Fuchsia;

How to beautifully decorate a balcony or loggia: ideas

Of course, if you want to really beautifully landscaping your balcony, then you need to correctly combine and effectively place flowers, including choosing elegant containers for them (balcony boxes and pots).

Advice! The most sun-loving crops should be placed in the upper part of the balcony, and shade-tolerant ones in the lower.

Here are some ideas for beautifully decorating a balcony with flowers:

Well, now you know the names of suitable flowers, which means that nothing prevents you from arranging a blooming paradise right in the city, in your apartment, on the balcony. Good luck!

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