How to grow cucumbers in a barrel: planting and care tips

Cucumber is a crop that can be found in any home garden or summer cottage. But often the gardener is faced with the problem of lack of space, since he wants to grow a lot, and the site has certain limitations. Therefore, you can resort to more original growing methods. A kind of "innovative" method is the cultivation of cucumbers in barrels, which allows you to save space and get a good harvest from each bush.

Planting cucumbers in barrels

The advantages and disadvantages of growing cucumbers in barrels

The method of growing cucumbers in a barrel greatly facilitates the care of this crop, while saving the cultivated area and finances of the gardener. For small areas, this method has become a godsend, as it allows you to provide the family with fresh vegetables and makes it possible to place all the necessary plants.

Keeping cucumbers in a barrel is still considered somewhat "innovative", although it has long been successfully used. This is due to the fact that this growing method is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • one barrel of cucumbers replaces a 2 sq. meter, moreover, it can be located anywhere on the site;
  • plants receive uniform lighting;
  • the substrate in the barrel remains loose and breathable throughout the season, which contributes to the development of a strong root system, regardless of the amount and frequency of rain / watering;
  • economical consumption of fertilizers in comparison with the traditional cultivation method;
  • fruits remain clean in all weather conditions;
  • the risk of plant damage by pests and fungal diseases is minimized;
  • plant care becomes easier and easier;
  • at the end of the season, plant residues in containers are completely reheated and turn into a nutritious loose substrate, which is completely ready for further use.

Of the shortcomings method, it is possible to single out only that preliminary preparation of the container (barrels) for planting cucumbers is necessary, but this is nothing more than what is required from the gardener in the usual way of growing.

Growing cucumbers in barrels

It can be seen from everything that growing cucumbers in a barrel is a practical and convenient activity that allows the gardener to save energy, costs and time, which is so lacking during the season.

How to pick a good variety of cucumbers

Note! If you have not yet decided what exactly you want to plant, then the site has a number of articles aboutthe most popular and best varieties of cucumbers:

How to properly plant cucumbers in a barrel

Before proceeding with the process of planting cucumbers in a barrel, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this method and understand how to choose the right container, prepare the soil, and seed. And also it is worth understanding where it is better to place the structure so that it brings the maximum yield.

Barrel preparation

The best option is considered to be a 200 liter barrel, since it is the easiest to care for. However, smaller containers can also be used.

The material from which the barrel is made does not really matter, so iron, wooden, plastic containers are suitable. But in the latter case, it is necessary to make additional holes, which will improve air circulation and will help remove excess moisture.

Plastic barrel

Preparing a barrel for planting cucumbers should be done in early spring, when the snow melts.

After you install the container in a permanent place, a drainage layer in the form of pebbles and fallen branches over the winter must be laid on the bottom.

Further, to fill the volume, you can dump all plant residues collected after the spring cleaning of the site into a barrel: foliage, grass residues.

Also, all food waste, straw, sawdust, all that is able to overheat and give nutritious soil over time.

Iron barrel

The advantages of such a barrel filling:

  • in the process of decomposition, heat is released, which is so important for cucumbers;
  • the soil turns out to be loose and does not stray into one whole lump;
  • when the roots reach this layer, they will be able to absorb the resulting organic matter, which will be additional nutrition;
  • at the end of the season, the substrate can be used for other crops.

Note! Experts recommend shedding this layer of organic waste with a special preparation “Baikal EM ", which will facilitate the decomposition process, but at the same time prevent the development of various pathogens.

The filled barrel must stand 20 days in the sun, but at the same time it must be regularly moistened so that the decomposition process does not stop. At the end of the time, the mass will settle and will be ready for planting.

Video: preparing a barrel for sowing cucumbers

Soil preparation

In late April or early May, depending on the region of the country, a layer of nutrient mixture should be poured over the organic substrate, consisting of rotted manure, leaf and sod land. All three components should be mixed in equal amounts. In the absence of humus, it can be replaced by 1-3 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska or calcium nitrate.

The topsoil should be within 20-25 cm, which is enough for the development of cucumber roots. And in addition, a space of 15-20 cm should remain to the top.

To facilitate watering future plants in a barrel, it is worth digging a container in the middle. To do this, you can use:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • plastic bucket;
  • 3 bottles of 1.5 liters.

Moreover, in the bucket and bottles, it is required to make holes in the side walls around the entire perimeter of the containers, which will help to reproduce a kind of drip irrigation of cucumbers in a barrel.

Important! Three days before planting cucumber seeds, it is recommended to shed the soil in the barrel bright pink solution potassium permanganate or better yet Fitosporin, which will exclude the development of root rot in the future.

How to prepare seed

Before planting in a barrel, the cucumber seeds themselves must be prepared. First of all, they should be warmed up for a week at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. And then disinfect in potassium permanganate solution (0.02 mg per 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, the seed must be rinsed under clean water and dried to a loose state.

Seed treatment before planting

Also, to improve germination and activate growth processes 3 hours before planting, the seeds must be soaked in “Epine " (3 drops per 1 liter of water) or “Zircon " (0.025 ml per 100 ml of water). After that, the cucumbers should be planted immediately, so they are no longer subject to long-term storage.

Note! Seed with marking F1 you can only warm it up, and the rest of the preparatory procedures should not be used.

Where is the best place to place the barrel

Cucumber is a light-loving crop, and therefore, when grown in a barrel, the container must be lit from all sides. The best option might be south or southwest side of the siteprotected from gusts of cold wind.

Where to place the cucumber barrel

The advantage of this growing method is that the barrel can be placed anywhere - near a veranda, a terrace or not far from a fence.

Direct landing

It is possible to plant cucumber seeds in a barrel 2-3 weeks earlier than in open ground, that is, starting from the end of April. This procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • the day before planting, the soil in the barrel must be poured abundantly with settled warm water;Watering the soil in a barrel
  • along the entire perimeter of the surface, make pits 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;Pits for seeds or seedlings
  • put seeds in them and cover with a layer of soil (or plant seedlings);
  • cover the barrel with agrofibre or film and secure the cover with twine.Barrel shelter

Note! It is necessary to use a covering material until constant heat is established and the threat of recurrent frost passes.

Video: planting cucumbers in a barrel

Features of further care for cucumbers in barrels

When further caring for plants in a barrel, it is necessary to take into account some of the features of this method. To understand how to properly care for cucumbers, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance, which will help avoid possible mistakes.

Video: planting cucumbers in a barrel - the subtleties of care

Watering and moisture

Cucumbers are very demanding for watering and, with a lack of moisture, can significantly lag behind in growth, and a characteristic bitterness appears in the fruits. And since the barrel will constantly be in the sun, the water in it is able to evaporate much faster. Therefore, watering is recommended 3-4 times a week, using warm settled water at the rate of 3 liters for each plant.


In the case of using a container in the middle of the barrel, make sure that there is always water in it.This will provide the cucumbers with the required moisture without much effort on the part of the gardener.

Watering cucumbers in a barrel

Important! To reduce excess evaporation of moisture on particularly hot days, it is necessary to cover the soil surface with straw or peat.

Top dressing

The contents of the barrel serve as food for the cucumbers, but this will not be enough for the full growth of shoots and abundant fruiting. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out additional plant nutrition.

First time fertilizers should be used 2 weeks after removing the cover. For this, you can use a 1:10 mullein or 1:20 chicken droppings. This will help enhance green mass growth and prepare the plants for flowering.

Second feeding must be carried out just before flowering. Recommended to use 30-40 g superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 bucket of water.

During the period of mass fruiting, it is worth spending third stage dressing using the same fertilizers as in the previous time.


When the shelter is removed, it is necessary to drive in a 1 m high wooden support near each plant, which will further help support the shoots with fruits.

Tying cucumbers in barrels

If necessary, you can additionally pull the rope. And it is possible at all do not tie.

Cucumbers in barrels without tying

Video: garter and shaping of cucumbers in a barrel

Pinching and pinching

To get a good harvest, the correct formation of the bush (or, as they say, pinching or pinching cucumbers). There are two common ways: in one stem and bush.

The first option (forming into one stem) best used for hybrids that do not require bee pollination. In the nodes of the first five sheets, all flowers and stepsons must be removed. It is recommended to leave the ovary in the next five nodes, and remove only the lateral shoots. And only when the stem reaches a meter in length, it is possible to save several stepsons, which require pinching over 3-4 leaves, which will stimulate the formation of third-order shoots.

Second option (bush) more suitable for bee-pollinated varieties. It is necessary to pinch the main stem over 5-6 leaves, which will lead to the formation of stepsons. This procedure will stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, on which mainly female flowers will form.

Video: forming cucumbers in a barrel

Important! One plant in a barrel should be left intact to ensure the proper amount barren flowers (male flowers) to successfully set the rest of the bushes.

The method of growing cucumbers in a barrel is an original solution with which you can not only surprise your neighbors, but also get a good harvest with the least amount of time and effort.

Video: how to care for cucumbers in a barrel

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