How to decorate a classroom, foyer, school facade for the New Year: original ideas

School is not only a place where children gain new knowledge and learn socialization skills. The educational institution is also a place where schoolchildren and teachers celebrate holidays, have fun, make friends, show creative activity. The children’s especially favorite holiday is New Year. To make the holiday especially memorable, children and their teachers decorate the school. How can you decorate a classroom, foyer, assembly hall and school facade for the New Year, so that it remains in the hearts of students for a long time? Read about it below!

General tips and tricks for decorating school for the New Year

Every person, regardless of age, wants to be surrounded by beauty and harmony, especially on holidays. Stylish decor creates a festive mood and enhances the learning process.And so that you can decorate the foyer and facade of the school, classes for the New Year in an original and beautiful way, I advise you to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Next year will symbolize an interesting animal - the White Metal Rat, therefore, as a gesture of respect for it, it is recommended to decorate the room in the main colors of the rat - white, silver, gray, golden.
  • Since the main symbol loves fun, solemnity, sophistication, the classroom and school room must be decorated brightly, elegantly, but so that at the same time it must look stylish and elegant.
  • The White Metal Rat loves metal parts. Therefore, it is recommended to use themed decorations of the classroom and the school foyer for the New Year. Shiny and metallic will do. elements such as cones or wreaths painted in silver, snowflakes cut from decorative paper in a metallic color. The Rat will surely appreciate such offerings and next year will create a cozy atmosphere in the classroom, and the students will study more diligently and attentively.
  • Being engaged in a common cause strengthens relationships and makes the atmosphere in the team more friendly. For this reason, I advise you to make decorations for the New Year for the school and class with your own hands, and in such a way that all students and the teacher are involved in the process.
  • Try to keep the golden mean - jewelry should be interesting, impressive and beautiful for children, but at the same time, it should not distract from the educational process and be pretentious.
  • When decorating a class for New Year, the age of the students should be taken into account: for high school students something original, not trivial, is appropriate, and for students of the lower grades something cute and bright.

Advice! Each class can be decorated according to the subject of the subject, for example, if a foreign language is taught in the office, then you can make decor in the style of the holiday of this country, and if Russian and literature, then you can use the images of literary heroes, adjusting them to the New Year theme.

How to decorate a school class for the New Year

The school class is a study for the teacher and the forge of knowledge for children. The whole setting of such a room should help to concentrate and immerse oneself in learning. But for any holidays, such a room should turn into a place that also gives inspiration and a festive mood. Read on to learn how to decorate a classroom for the New Year.


Windows are the eyes of any building, through them we look at the world, being at home or in a school building. And if you beautifully decorate the windows in the classroom for the New Year, then you can admire them both from inside the school and outside.

There are many ideas for decorating windows for the New Year. And all these options are applicable for class and school windows:

  • Snowflakescut from white or colored paper. There are many stencils that allow you to cut snowflakes of various shapes and designs.
  • Garland - it can be either luminous or cut out of paper. In both cases, it will look spectacular.
  • Vytynanka - figures cut out of paper. It can be Santa Claus, a rat, a Christmas tree and other attributes.
  • Painting on glass - one of the most interesting types of window decoration. The painting enlivens the room and fills it with a festive atmosphere. You can draw with gouache, toothpaste. Winter silhouettes of the forest, New Year's attributes, the symbol of the year can act as an object of art.

By the way! IN this material collected ideas for decorating windows, photos, step-by-step instructions for making decorative elements with your own hands.

Photos of decorating classroom windows for the New Year for inspiration and original ideas:


Unfortunately, too little attention is paid to the ceiling when decorating the premises in the school, it remains without decorations and a hint of a holiday. It's in your hands to fix everything! After all, if the room in the school is decorated as versatile as possible, then the class looks more elegant.

The most successful and convenient options for decorating the classroom ceiling for the New Year are the following decorations:

  • Tinsel - it can be formed on the ceiling in the form of some interesting figure, for example, stars, snowflakes, or simply hang ribbons.
  • Shiny and bright rain - it will hang down in colorful stripes, like unusual vines from a fantastic and fairy-tale world.
  • Ribbons - wide ribbons of festive flowers can be hung around the entire perimeter of the ceiling, or you can frame only those places where the ceiling meets the wall.
  • Beads - you can decorate the classroom ceiling with them in the same way as with ribbons or tinsel.
  • Air balloons - the most standard decorative element that can be used for almost any occasion. To make such a decoration sparkle with new colors, you should choose New Year's colors - white, silver, golden, gray (in honor of the Metal Rat).
  • The letters forming the inscription "Happy New Year!" and stretched to the ceiling.

Also, ideas and photos of decorating the ceiling for a holiday in this detailed material... In the meantime, there is an opportunity to look at the photos:

School board

In the classroom, all the attention of the children is riveted on the blackboard on which the teacher writes the necessary information. So why not combine business with pleasure? If you beautifully decorate the blackboard for the New Year, then children will be able not only to gain knowledge, but also to admire the decor. Everyone will be in a good mood from this design, because pleasant thoughts about the upcoming holiday not only cheer up, but also increase educational productivity.

Consider photos with options for decorating the chalkboard for the New Year:

1) Nice and weather option - snowman and icicles on chalkboard... You can build a snow man, snow and icicles from cotton wool.

2) Snowflakes, beads and tinselframing the board around the edges look sleek and stylish. A paper-cut clock, symbolize the most culminating moment - the onset of the New Year.

3) Minimalistic and cute option - inscription or letters made of paperattached to the board. It's immediately clear what's what! Just do not forget to decorate the inscription with some bright detail, for example, tinsel, garland, sparkles, snowflakes.

Advice! You can draw thematic drawings on the board: White Rat, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Christmas tree.

Door and wall

To beautifully and uncommonly decorate the door and walls in the classroom for the New Year, you can use:

  • wreath from spruce branches (artificial or natural) with cones, acorns, bright beads, ribbons; also a wreath can be made from dry sticks;
  • poster with themed pictures, for example, a drawing of a White Metal Rat, a Christmas tree, a winter fairy-tale landscape, will look just great if the children themselves draw it using their imagination;

  • tinsel - from it you can make the inscription "New Year", "Happy Holidays!", Make a silhouette of a rat, or just elegantly attach around the perimeter.
  • garland - garlands cut with your own hands from colored and bright paper will look perfect, the shape can be whatever you like - a rat, a tree, an asterisk, etc.

And here are other options for a cute and original decoration of the door and wall in the classroom:

By the way! Here detailed information on how to decorate the doors awaits you, and here about decorating the wall.

Decorating the foyer and corridor of the school for the New Year

The foyer and corridors of the school (as opposed to a specific classroom) are a common room in which all students and teachers, school staff, and parents visit every day. Therefore, the school hall should be especially solemn!

Consider the ideas for decorating the school foyer and corridor that the entire school will be delighted with:

  • Christmas tree in the most overlooked place... The main attribute of the holiday in the school foyer will look amazing! And it doesn't matter if it is real or artificial.

By the way! Information on how to choose live tree, you can read here, but as artificial here... And how beautiful decorate the christmas treeyou can read and look at this material.

  • Rat toy... It will look harmoniously near the tree or at any other central point of view. You can buy it or make it yourself from paper, cardboard, fabric. By the way, around the white rat you can lay out a fake gift boxes wrapped in bright wrappers and ribbons.
  • Santa Claus - the main fabulous symbol of the holiday, standing in the school hall, will delight everyone (from first graders to eleventh graders). You can make it out of cardboard or dress up the mannequin accordingly.

  • Balloon symbols of the year - a very original piece of jewelry that will definitely be appreciated. The photos below show some wonderful New Year looks:

In addition to the above options, there are many other equally great ideas on how to decorate the school foyer, corridor and assembly hall in an original way. All their charm is best conveyed by photographs:

School facade christmas decoration

Few people dislike December, because the approaching holiday literally transforms the whole city - apartment buildings, shopping centers, hospitals, shop windows, schools. We'll talk about the latter. To decorate the facade of the school for the New Year, you can use large tinsel, beads, fabric garlands. Also, around the perimeter of the schoolyard, many will love to mold stunning snowmen and dress them up festively, for example, using tinsel as a scarf, and colored rain as a wig. It will be fun to hoist a bright shiny hat on top.

Havepainting the scene for the new year at school

If the school administration is loyal to the activity of students and encourages them, then they arrange festive-themed concerts that are held in the school's assembly hall, on stage. To make the school concert more artistic and memorable for a long time, it should be done at schoolstage decoration for the New Year. You can andUse a large Christmas tree in the middle of the stage, snowflakes, tinsel and rain on the curtain and fabric at the back of the stage. The inscription "Happy New Year!", Silhouettes of New Year symbols, cut out of paper will not be superfluous.

I hope this article turned out to be informative and useful for you, and also managed to inspire you to create the most beautiful design of the classroom, foyer, facade. I wish you a merry December, which will not only be held in pleasant, pre-holiday chores, but will also be fruitful.

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