How to keep bell peppers for the winter: the best ways

The bell peppers are still green, but they are about to start to blush ... what should be done in time? That's right, store it fresh. Although, even if it already acquires a characteristic color, it can be preserved by freezing.

However, not all novice gardeners know that bell peppers can be saved for the winter at home in many simple ways.

Next, we will answer all questions regarding the long-term storage of sweet peppers fresh, frozen and dried.

By the way! The site also has an article on how to store hot peppers in winter.

How to keep bell peppers fresh for the winter

When to remove bell peppers from the garden for storage

There are 2 stages of ripeness of all vegetables and fruits (including sweet peppers):

  • Technical... The fruits have grown to their maximum size, but have not turned into a specific color, i.e. the peppers are not yet fully ripe = green.
  • Biological... The fruits have acquired a color (red), characteristic for the full ripening of a certain variety.

Unlike with hot pepper, sweet needs to be collected for storage for another the stage of technical ripeness, when the vegetable has not yet been colored, i.e. not yet fully ripe (green or whitish).

When to collect bell peppers for storage

Advice! And when you need red bell peppers, all you need to do is move the green peppers from a dark and cool storage location to a warmer and lighter one.

Collection and preparation of bell peppers for storage

So, to collect the bell peppers for storage, you need to use a garden shears, cutting off the fruit along with the stalks.

Next, we come to a very important question: “Wash or not wash peppers before storing? " Some people believe that peppers should not be washed: this way they will be worse stored much more efficiently. It is enough just to wipe it with a cloth. However, if the pepper is dirty, then you need to peel it anyway. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the already clean fruits after washing.

According to the observations and reviews of gardeners, this, as a rule, does not affect the keeping quality of peppers, and more importantly - creates favorable conditions for storage.

It is quite obvious that for storage you need to choose peppers of the ideal shape, without any damage or defects. If the fruit has dents, it is best to use it for canning or making salad.

Preparing bell peppers for storage

How long to store bell peppers: the best storage methods

Ways to preserve bell peppers for the winter:

  • fresh in the basement or cellar;
  • in dried;
  • in the hammer;
  • frozen;
  • in pickled, canned.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Video: ways to store sweet bell peppers for the winter


Optimal conditions for long-term storage fresh sweet pepper:

  • temperature - 0 .. + 4 degrees;

Higher temperatures will shorten the shelf life.

  • humidity within - 80-90%.

In other words, the storage space itself should be cool, shaded, relatively dry and well ventilated.

As a rule, fresh peppers can be stored for up to 4-5 months, while ripe (red) fruits, i.e. in a state of biological ripeness, no more than 1-2 months.

So you can store the pepper as in a private house (basement or cellar)and in the apartment (in the refrigerator, on the insulated balcony or loggia).

Concerning storage containersthen you can put bell peppers in cardboard boxes, or even better in wooden boxes.

How to keep bell peppers fresh

Moreover, it is desirable put the peppers in 1 layer, preliminary laying paper.

Why is it better in 1 layer?

It's simple: so it is easier to visualize, in order to notice in time the fruits that began to deteriorate (rot).

Of course, if you have a lot of peppers, then there is nowhere to go: you will have to lay them out in 2-3 layers (and for example, sprinkle them with sand or pack each separately - more on that later).

In this form (already fully ripe), the peppers will lie no more than 1-2 months

It is also believed that peppers will be better stored if each of them pack separately in thick paper or a plastic bag with holes.

And of course, peppers can store in the sand (preferably calcined). Be sure to cover the bottom of the box with paper, and then sprinkle it with dry sand in layers.

The way to store fruits and vegetables in the sand is really effective, but ... how often does someone bother so much?

Shredded in the refrigerator without cooking or freezing

And a culinary blogger will tell you about this rather interesting method in the next video.

Important! Just remember to add 2 tablespoons to each jar on top. tablespoons of vegetable oil to prevent mold and better preservation.

Video: fresh bell peppers for the winter without cooking and freezing


Frozen peppers, like fresh ones, perfectly retain all their taste and useful properties.

For freezing, peppers at the stage of biological ripeness are suitable, i.e. fully ripe and colored.

General preparation of sweet peppers for freezing:

  • wash the fruits thoroughly under water, dry with a towel;
  • clean from the insides (remove the middle and seeds);

Further, you already decide in what form the pepper will be stored and act accordingly:

  • cut into slices, rings or half rings (for stews, soups, pizza), and then place in plastic freezer bags or plastic containers;
  • leave it whole (for future stuffing) - insert the fruits into each other as tightly as possible, so to speak, collecting a pyramid, which you then place in a plastic bag.

Advice! To make the peppers more flexible and easy to insert into each other, and not break and crack, they can be scalded (blanched), namely, placed in boiling water for no more than 30 seconds and then put the cooled fruits into each other.

Idea! Some housewives immediately stuff the peppers and then freeze them. It's so nice to get the fruits of autumn labors in winter, just defrost (pour boiling water) and cook dinner quickly enough.

Video: how to freeze peppers for the winter


  • Naturally, at the beginning you need peppers prepare, namely, thoroughly wash the fruits under water, clean from the insides (remove the center and seeds) and cut into pieces (strips 2-3 cm long, about 5-6 mm wide).
  • The most important thing - dry all the pieces well.

If some pieces are not completely dry, they cannot be sent for storage.

  • As for the method for drying peppers, this is best for this electric dryer, which will take 12-24 hours to dry. Or you can use oven (1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, slightly closing the door).

Do not be alarmed if, after drying, the pepper decreases in volume by 3-4 times, and dry skins remain together with dense pieces. This is normal.

  • Store dried peppers in a necessarily hermetically sealed containereg in a glass jar with a vacuum lid.
  • As for storage space, you can simply remove in the kitchen cabinet.

Opinion! Many people find that dried peppers are much less appealing to taste than fresh or even frozen ones.

However, dried peppers have a much richer aroma than frozen ones, and they take up much less space, which means they are easier to store.

  • Before using dried peppers, you need to soak them, pouring warm water for 30-40 minutes to restore to its original state.

Video: how to keep dried bell peppers for the winter


Of course, as in the case with hot pepper, sweet dried peppers can also be ground in a coffee grinder or blender, and then stored in a ground form, adding the resulting seasoning wherever possible.

Pickling, canning and preparing peppers for the winter

Undoubtedly, various preparations for the winter can be prepared from pepper, but it is better to talk about this in a separate article.

In the meantime, you can watch a very popular video on harvesting pickled peppers for the winter:

And also as an option for preparing for the winter, you can cook dried peppers in oilby looking at the recipe in this video:

Bell peppers are a delicious vegetable, a wonderful seasoning and aromatic spice for year-round use. You just have to learn how to properly procure and store it. Good luck and bon appetit!

Video: bell peppers - good storage methods

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