How to keep cut roses in a vase for the longest time: what you can add to the water to prolong their life

There is an extremely common misconception that a rose bought in a store is not at all a resistant flower that will wither literally the next day, no matter what you do. However, if you want to extend the life of your cut roses, then you need to take proper care of them, namely, create the necessary conditions, thanks to which they can give you tenderness and beauty for a long time. We will tell you about which roses keep freshness longer after purchase and what to do with them for this at home, in our article.

How to buy a rose that can be fresh for a long time

If you want roses to stand in your home for as long as possible in a vase of water and delight the eye with their remarkably healthy and vigorous appearance, then first of all, you need to follow certain rules when buying them:

  • You can check freshness as follows:take a napkin and rub the trunk (stem) of the flower with it... If there will be green footprints, then this is a clear sign that the rose - not the first freshness.
  • Rose in full bloom stand in a vase at all not for longwhatever you do (how often you change the water, add something to it). Here comes the rose with not blooming flower edges will stand much longer... Moreover, you cannot buy flowers, the buds of which are tied on top with an elastic band.

Worth knowing! Roses come in goblet and full disclosure.

  • It is worth giving preference to those colors in which green leaves under the buds most closely adhere to the petals.

What needs to be done with roses so that they stand longer: preparatory measures

Important! If you bought roses in the cold season (for example, in winter or early spring - on March 8), then you do not need to immediately lower them in water, but first put them on a horizontal surface for 30-40 minutes.

Before you put a rose in a vase, you must cut the bottom leavesso that they do not pull on extra moisture. In addition, if the leaves are under water, they will soon begin to rot, which will lead to the appearance of mold (the development of fungi) in the water (it will quickly deteriorate), and the flower will not be able to stay fresh for long.

Important! In addition to the lower leaves, you need remove and all thornsthat end up in the water.

Next you need update slice with a pruning shears or a sharp knife, making it at an acute angle (obliquely).Moreover, the cut must be made in a large area - 2 stem widths, stepping back a few centimeters from the past. But if you make it straight, then the end of the stem will simply burrow into the bottom of the vase, which means that the rose will not be able to receive food normally. As a result, a beautiful flower, after a short period of time, will rapidly wither.

Note! It is recommended to renew the cut under water (for example, in a wide basin) so that air does not enter the stem and clog the power supply to the rose.

Video: how to keep roses in a vase much longer - 6 rules

What vase to put roses in and how much water is needed

The recommended height of the vase is from 50-70% of the length of the bouquet. At the same time, it should be spacious enough so that the flowers do not stick too tightly to each other.

The vase needs to be filled so that the roses are submerged in water to the middle of the stem.

However, if you want the roses to stand in the vase as long as possible, then for this you need to add something to the water, and we'll talk about this further.

What water to put roses in so that they stand longer: what to add to it

Important! It is better to use cool water in the warm season, and at room temperature in winter. Moreover, it is advisable to use settled or distilled, rain / snow water.

To extend the life of roses at home, add to the water:

  • an agent that kills bacteria (water antiseptic);
  • top dressing.

Thus, you need to prepare a special solution that will help prolong the life of cut roses in a vase.

As a disinfectant, you can use one thing of the following:

  • apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter);
  • citric acid (a little, on the tip of a spoon or knife - 1 liter);

The water will be acidic and this will prevent the growth of mold, mildew and various bacteria.

  • aspirin (1 tablet per liter);

Remember! Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acidaccordingly, it has a similar effect, i.e. also creates an acidic environment.

  • whiteness (1 teaspoon per 1 liter);
  • ammonia (2-3 drops);
  • potassium permanganate (a couple of crystals).

Interesting! Some advise adding to water vodka or coca-cola, although a transparent sprite or 7UP (Seven Up) is better. According to their assurances, in this way the "queen of flowers" will stand for ages.

Thus, as an antiseptic, you can use: acids, chlorine-containing solutions, as well as alcohol + drinks (which are also full of preservatives).

As feeding ideally use sugar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter).

Important! If you add only sugar to the water, then it, on the contrary, will cause rapid growth of bacteria, so it can only be added in combination with one of the above antiseptics.

You can also use special chemical powders (floristic additives) for cut flowers, for example Chrysal, "Bud", "Vitant". They already contain both disinfectants and nutrients (that is, aspirin and sugar do not need to be added).

Video: how to revive a withered rose from a bouquet using krizal

Is it possible to put a rose in cold water: an alternative opinion

Interesting! Many florists will tell you that a rose needs cold water and a cold room for long-term preservation, because it is a shrub, not a flower. In other words, the rose needs to be put 80% in water, and the closer the water is to the base of the bud-head, the longer it will remain fresh. The plant must always stand at a temperature of 0 .. + 5 and, accordingly, the water must be cold. In such conditions, a cut rose can stand for about a month.

In what conditions should a rose stand in a vase of water

Observing the following conditions of keeping, your favorite flowers will be able to stand much longer:

  • Keep the vase of flowers away from sunlight.Especially should protect from direct sunlight.
  • The place should be the coolest in the apartment (it is recommended +2 .. + 5, but at home such requirements cannot be observed in any way, except that they should be put on a glazed unheated balcony or loggia in winter), but in no case there should be no draft.
  • Do not put roses in the same vase with other flowers, they do not like any neighborhood.

Important! It is impossibleso that the vase of flowers stands next to the fruit basket. Fruits are known to emit ethylene gas, which can adversely affect the standing time of roses.

How to care for roses in a vase of water: short answers to popular questions

Many typical questions arise from fans of a wonderful flower who want to prolong the charm of its flowering for a long time. The most common ones are:

How often do you change the water in the vase?

You need to change the water in the vase with roses as it becomes cloudy... In order for the roses to stand longer, the water must be clean, that is, it must be changed at least once every 2 days (or even better everyday), and also wash the walls of the vase. However, if you use an antiseptic + sugar dressing, then you can change the solution 1 time in 2-4 days (as of).

Advice!If you use distilled water, then the roses will stand long enough (2-4 days) and without adding antiseptics and dressings to the water.

How often should the slice be updated?

The frequency of the need to update the slice is, again, at least once every 2 days, in other words, changing water - renew and cut.

Note! If you update the cut (pruning) every day, then with constant thorough pruning, the length of the stem will hardly last for a long time, so you need to shorten it sparingly (for example, by 1-2 cm). Another thing is when you reanimate roses, then you will have to cut a cut by at least 5 cm and a larger area.

How often to shower or spray?

Periodically, again at least once a day (or even better several times if you have dry air), roses should be sprayed so that there is high humidity around them.

Important! When spraying, do not get on the buds so that they are not covered with spots and rot ahead of time.

How many roses can stay fresh in a vase of water?

If you follow all the rules, then within 2-4 weeks. Naturally, the duration is also influenced by the initial state of the flowers, therefore, if you buy a bouquet as a gift, then choose initially fresh roses.

Video: how to extend the life of roses - rules for caring for a cut flower

How to revive and save completely withered roses

If you got dull roses (the buds drooped and turned into bells, the leaves began to dry out), or you brought them to this state due to improper care and maintenance in a vase, then they can still be reanimated.

Actual question! Why do roses fade?

Because dehydrated, therefore, first of all, you need to restore their water balance. Also decreases sugar content in tissues, which means they also need sweet feeding.

Here's what you need to revive wilted roses at home:

  • prepare a solution (citric acid or aspirin, or whiteness + sugar, making one and a half or even double concentration, or use a special chemical powder for cut flowers, for example, "Chrysal");

Important! Water is needed warm, even hot, about 40-50 degrees.

  • update the cut, departing from the previous one by 5-6 cm, and making a new cut at a very acute angle and a fairly large area;
  • put in prepared water (solution);
  • sprinkle with water from a spray bottle (spray) to prevent moisture evaporation through the flower surface and to speed up "resuscitation".
  • put a vase of roses in a cool room.

Important! It takes time to "revive", you will see the effect in about 5-10 hours.

Video: how to revive wilted roses

Other ways to revive

The classic way! If you were presented with roses, and the buds look "tired" (they hung their heads), then you can prolong their life in a vase like this: just put for 2-3 hours (or even better for a whole night - 6-8 hours) in a bath with cold waterso that they absorb moisture and "come to life".

There is another way to revive wilted roses: renew the cut, then dip the renewed tips of the stems in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then place them in a bath of cold water for 6-8 hours (overnight). In a sense, it will be a kind of shock treatment.

Opinions are divided! Some believe that it is impossible to put the buds in water, others, on the contrary, if not completely, then it is quite possible, especially if this is an extreme measure for their resuscitation.

Video: how to revive roses in a vase

Another revitalization method, very similar to the previous one:

  1. Make a slice.
  2. Then dip in boiling water. Keep in boiling water until the bubbles stop coming out of the barrel (2-3 minutes).
  3. Cut again.
  4. Then, together with the bud-head, wrap it in a wet newspaper, put it in a deep vase and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  5. This can be repeated every night.

Important! The point of dipping in boiling water is to displace air plugs for the flow of water to the stems, the same effect is achieved when trimming the ends in water (you need to submerge and trim).

Exists very unusual, but, according to reviews, a really working method for restoring withered rosesHere's what to do:

  1. Shorten the stem by 1/3 (the cut does not have to be oblique).
  2. Using a hammer, beat off the base of the cut from both sides (2-3 cm long).
  3. Fry the broken base over a fire so that it is charred well (on a gas burner).
  4. Return back to the vase of water.
  5. Wait for the result (2-4 hours).

Note! If it seemed to you that the method was some kind of "comic", then this is by no means so.

If you are very fond of roses and want to keep a bouquet dear to your heart as long as possible, take a few minutes to care for the cut flowers: prepare the water in which you put the flowers, select the ambient temperature, find disinfectants that kill fungi and bacteria, top dressing, renew the cut, and also do a lot of other little things necessary to preserve the buds. And we are confident the result will be impressive.

Video: how to keep roses in a vase longer

By the way! You can grow your own bush in a summer cottage from a donated bouquet of roses, propagating it by cuttings, about which you can read in detail in this article.

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