How to make a snowman or snow woman out of snow

The tradition of making snowmen came to us from ancient pagan times, the snowman was treated with respect as the spirit of winter and asked that there be no prolonged, severe frosts, rather spring would come. European peoples always have a male snowman, but snow women and snow maidens were invented by the Russian people. During pagan times, it was believed that winter natural phenomena (blizzards, snowfalls, blizzards) were controlled by female spirits. Therefore, in order to appease, to express their respect to them, they molded snow maidens, snow women.

But all this was long ago and everything is now forgotten. Now the snowman is a symbol of winter holidays for children and New Year's holidays for the older generation. Thanks to him, winter fun for children and adults becomes more interesting! How to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands

What weather will make the best snowman

It would seem, what's so great about making a snowman? I went outside in winter and blinded me.The main thing is that there is a lot of snow. But not everything is so simple! Some weather is needed to get good snow sculptures and play fun.

Snowman with a cat

If it is severe frost outside, the snow becomes crumbly, it does not mold at all. It's not like a snowman, it's hard to make a snowball here! The most ideal weather, when it froze, snow fell, and the next day the frost dropped to 0 ° C. FROMthe neg is melted, but without an ice crust on top. Here is the ideal weather to get together with the kids, go outside, make a snowman, a snowman and have a small family party in the fresh air.

How to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands

To make winter fun for children and adults a lot of joy, you need to choose the right, comfortable, preferably waterproof clothing. Keep in mind that you will be moving a lot and may sweat, so your clothes should be light. The most suitable option is a ski suit. You need to have a pair of replaceable mittens with you, or even better - wear waterproof gloves.

It is better to wear a hat with ears, it is needed to protect from the wind and from flying snow, started by your beloved relatives, because playing snowballs is just as important as the process of making a snowman.

Video: how to make a huge snowman with your own hands.

How to make a snowman

What kind of snowman will be depends only on your imagination. You can mold a classic of three balls or just two balls, where one elongated one will be the body, and the round ball will be the head. You can, in general, blind a whole family: a snowman, a snow woman, a snow maiden, a snow cub. Thanks to this, winter fun for children and adults will become even more interesting!

Instructions on how to make a snowman and a snow woman with your own hands

Choosing a place for a snowman

Choose a place preferably even, where there is a lot of snow, your snowman should not bother anyone. For example, leaving a parking lot or garage is completely unsuitable for the permanent residence of your snowman and snow woman.

DIY snowman

We sculpt the torso

If you will sculpt the classic figure of a snowman, you need to roll up the largest ball, which will be the belly. It is important to remember that this round is the basis of the entire structure, it must be especially durable.

How to make a snowman out of snow

Step-by-step instructions for sculpting the torso of a snowman.

  1. The whole process of making a snowman begins with a snowball: make a large, dense snowball, put it on the snow, start pushing it in front of you. The wet snow will gradually stick and your snowball will start to grow. Roll the ball in different directions, otherwise you will end up with a snow log. The longer you roll your lump, the more plump the snowman will turn out.
  2. After you roll a snow globe of the size you need, install it on a flat area, smooth out all the bumps and irregularities with your hands. The ball should be smooth and beautiful.
  3. In the same way, do the second, third lump, only the second should be less than the first, and the third, respectively, less than the second.
  4. The large ball has already been firmly installed, now we place the middle ball on top. This will be the chest of the sculpture, we also align it so that it is beautiful.
  5. Finally, we install the smallest ball. This will be the head. That's all your torso is ready!

How to make a snowman out of snow

Important! Sticking a straight stick into the snowman will help your snowy friend not fall apart quickly. The length of the stick should be from the ground to the top of the head.

Video: how to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands.

We sculpt arms and legs

Hands can be fashioned out of snow: roll 2 snow balls, attach well to the body. Or take two branches and stick it into a snowman. These are the hook hands.

You also roll your legs out of the snow - attach them to the body. It's a good idea to draw laces in gouache, or even better, take your old sneakers and give them to the snowman. Let it wear on health!

DIY snowman modeling

Create a face

Probably all the snowmen who have ever been shown in cartoons have a carrot instead of a nose. So your snowman can be made carrot nose, bumps or simply sculpt out of snow. Eyes are made of coals, pebbles.

How to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands

A snowman's mouth can be made from viburnum or mountain ash berries. If you don't find berries, then stick in the embers... Just make sure you smile at the snowman! Let him smile at everyone! For completeness, make him ears.

It's a great idea to take paint - just draw a face, then you will have a unique snowman.

How to make a snowman face out of snow

Dress up the snowman

The snowman must be dressed, he will not stand naked. On hands - twigs put on mittens, wrap a beautiful scarf around your neck, attach beautiful buttons to your chest.

Snowman clothes made of snow

You can decorate it with paints, drawing clothes for him to your taste and color. On the head can I wear a hat, every self-respecting snowman must wear a hat! Well, bucket will do too. You can push dry grass under your hat, then it will turn out with a hairstyle.

How to dress a snowman

Add accessories

After the snowman is completely molded, proceed as desired to add different accessories. Surely, you have things at home that you don't need, and you can't throw your hand away, and that's where they come in handy.

If your snowman is wearing a hat, instead of a scarf, you can wear a tie and a jacket... Of course, there is always the opportunity to add anything to the image, whatever your imagination tells you. Do not forget to hand him a broom, according to legends, a snowman disperses clouds with a broom and this contributes to the arrival of good weather.

How to make a beautiful snowman out of snow

If you want to pair your snowman with snow snow woman, it can be dressed up in a beautiful scarf, elegant apron. Put on her beads and earrings, make up... Let your snowman and his companion - the snow woman be the most beautiful!

How to blind a snow woman

How to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands

How to make a snowman out of snow

Making the snowman stronger

To keep your snowman from melting longer, you need to make it especially durable. To do this, spray it with water from a spray bottle (it is better to do this several times). TWhen the ice crust formed is thicker, which means the snowman will be stronger.

Video: modeling a snowman from snow.

What else to blind from the snow

If your snowman is already ready, and you and your children do not want to go home at all, then you can make many small snow sculptures with your own hands.

  • It is very easy to sculpt animals: it can be a bunny, a hedgehog, a turtle.
  • Make a ladybug, centipede, butterfly out of insects.
  • Make different cartoon characters, for example, smeshariki.

Video: here's what you can make of snow in winter.

Snow hare you can do it yourself as well as a snowman, but only from two lumps of snow, make the lower one elongated, it will be the body, and the smaller one will be the head. Stick big ears on your head, insert a mustache made of twigs, eyes-buttons into the muzzle. You can draw a smiling mouth, give a carrot to the hare's paws.

DIY snow hare

DIY snow bunny

To do snow hedgehog do it yourself, you need to roll the middle ball, cut off the excess snow from the base, which should be flat, even, and set the base on the ground.

Then mold 4 small balls and attach to a large ball on four sides. You made the paws. Now form a nose out of the snow, make eyes out of pebbles, and stick many, many sticks into the back. Your hedgehog is ready.

DIY snow hedgehog

DIY snow hedgehog

Centipede build from a large number of small balls stuck to each other, from sticks make legs, antennae, eyes can be made from buttons, large beads. To make the centipede fun, paint it with watercolors or gouache in different colors.

By the way! To make the paints easier to use, dilute gouache or food colors of different colors in plastic bottles at home. You need to pierce small holes in the caps, so you will be able to water your crafts directly from the bottles.

It's very easy to make a magic flashlight out of snowballs... They put a candle on the snow, lay snowballs around it, you should get a small needle. The larger the circle diameter, the larger the flashlight will be. When everything is ready, remove one snowball so that you can take out and put the candle back inside the flashlight.

DIY snowballs lantern

DIY snowballs flashlight

You can make such a lantern in several floors, where the diameter of each upper floor is made smaller than the lower one.Light small, flat candles and insert inside. Your magic lantern is ready!

Video: how to make a snowball lamp with your own hands.

Photo gallery of sculptures and figurines made of snow for inspiration, you can make them yourself:

DIY snow cat

DIY snow figurines and sculptures

DIY snow figures

DIY snow figurines

Building a snow fort

Another fun entertainment - building a snow fort do it yourself. But this requires a lot of snow and preferably a large group of like-minded people.

How to build a snow fortress with your own hands

Step-by-step instructions on how to build a snow fortress with your own hands.

  • To build a fortress out of snow, you need to roll a large number of balls of different sizes. The bottom row should consist of the largest lumps, they are laid out along the perimeter of the future fortress, it can be round, or maybe rectangular.
  • After laying the first row of the snow fort, start the second. For the second row, the balls should be smaller so that you can place them on the bottom row.
  • The third row of the snow castle is made of even smaller lumps.
  • When all the rows are installed, the gaps between the balls are covered with snow.
  • If desired, cut the loophole windows in the walls.

Note! Pour water on your fortress from snow, and then it will be more reliable and will stand longer.

DIY snow castle

DIY snow fortress

To make the snow fortress even more beautiful, you can tint the water and make the fortress colorful... It is better to water in the evening if you know for sure that there will be a hard frost at night. When the snow castle is well frozen, you can split up teams and play the well-known game: the capture of the fortress.

How to mold a beautiful snow fortress with your own hands

If you don't want to sculpt a fortress out of snow, and there are still paints in the bottles, you can just draw summer in the snow. Draw bright flowers, butterflies, rainbows, all sorts of animals, but whatever comes into your head! This kind of creativity on the snow fortress will really please children, even the smallest.

Video: building a snow fort.

When everyone is tired of building a snow castle and, most likely, they are soaked to the skin, or they themselves have become like snowmen, you take your good mood and return home with it. At home, you need to change into dry warm clothes and be sure to drink hot tea with raspberries. This will help keep you from getting sick.

Video: how to build a snow fort.

What if the snow is loose and not sticky?

The weather doesn't always favor us. Unfortunately, in winter there are also such situations - I want to go with my whole family or friends to make a snowman, have fun, enjoy the winter. But the weather is such that the snow is loose and does not mold at all. What to do in such a seemingly hopeless situation? There is an exit!

How to make a snowman if the snow is loose and does not mold

  1. You can draw hot water into a large spray bottle and spray it on a snowball, rolling it along the way.
  2. Or you can take a bucket of hot water and gently moisten the lump.

Of course, making a snow friend in this way is more difficult and tricky, but you do not have to wait for the right weather and you can make a snowman at any time when there is snow on the streets.

Video: making a snowman out of loose and non-sticky snow.

Making a snowman and building a snow fortress are wonderful activities that will help parents to have fun with their children outside in winter. After all, when the whole family has fun together, it stays in the memory of parents and children for a long time. When the years pass and the children grow up, it is precisely such days spent together that everyone remembers with joy.

1 Comment
  1. Natalia :

    Thank you very much for the GORGEOUS MATERIAL !!!

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