How to pinch cucumbers in a greenhouse and open field: how to form cucumber bushes - instructions for beginners

Probably every gardener wants to get the highest possible yield. And in order for cucumbers to grow successfully in a greenhouse or in the open field, to bear fruit for a long time and abundantly, they need to be provided with full care at all stages (from planting seeds to harvesting). As you know, proper care for cucumbers includes the following agrotechnical measures: gartermaintaining the required humidity (in other words, correct watering) and regular feeding, as well as actually carrying out pinching and pinching (= formation of bushes).

About what is pinching and pinching cucumbers, how to properly carry out these procedures for the formation of cucumber bushes, read further in this detailed article.

What is picking cucumbers

Why do you need pinching and pinching of cucumbers

First of all, it is worth figuring out what stepsons are, what is the essence of the pinching procedure, what it gives.

Let's start from the beginning: stepson - This is an additional (lateral) shoot, which is formed between the main lash (stem) and the leaf, i.e. grows from the leaf axil.

Respectively, pinching cucumbers is a procedure for removing lateral shoots that form from the leaf axils.

So why (for what purpose) is the procedure for pinching cucumbers carried out?

Thanks to pinching, cucumbers do not spend extra energy on the formation of new lateral shoots (stepsons), a direct them to form and pour fruit, in other words, there is a redistribution of nutrients on the bush.

In addition, due to this procedure, cucumber bushes are better illuminated and blown out, which means that their yield increases and the risk of catching any disease due to excessive thickening decreases.

Thus, pinching cucumbers in the open field and in the greenhouse allows increase productivity from a bush.

Important! If you have branchy cucumbers, then their formation is required, if a hybrid or variety with limited lateral branching (more often, these are bee-pollinated varieties), then you can do without pinching.

How to pinch cucumbers correctly

How to pinch (shape) cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground: features and rules

Some kind of cardinal differences in pickling cucumbersgrown in the greenhouse or in the open field on trellises,no.

However, if you grow cucumbers outdoors in spread, i.e. do not tie, and they simply branch on the ground, then, naturally, their you can not form.

And here in the greenhouse you can't do without pinching, otherwise, due to the strong overgrowth, the bushes will simply begin to shade each other, which will certainly negatively affect both their fruiting, and can cause cucumbers to be affected by fungal diseases. In addition, harvesting will be extremely inconvenient.

By the way! Outdoors, usually grown bee-pollinated varieties, and in a closed (greenhouse) - parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) hybrids.

Basic tips and tricks for correct pinching and pinching (shaping) cucumbers:

  • When the stepsons are still very young, it is convenient to remove them (pinch) with your hands (nails), and after they grow up a little - it is better to do this with scissors.
  • The procedure for pinching cucumbers itself is performed in the same way pinching tomatoes, i.e. you must leave small stumps (0.5-1 cm).
  • Stepsons are formed in the leaf axils, in other words, in the leaf axils of the lateral (stepson's) shoots, stepsons will also form in the future (they are also called stepchildren of the 2nd order), from which you will also need promptly get rid of, i.e. pinch.
  • Minimize stress after each pinching and pinching you can by watering or liquid feedingas well as mandatory loosening (20-30 minutes after the procedure).
  • Mustache cucumbers it is not necessary to delete, this is even unnatural.

The point is that mustaches are your helpers. They help to keep the cucumber lash upright and do not interfere with the cucumber to give a wonderful harvest at all.

  • Usually, time of first pinning coincides with the moment you need first time tie up cucumbers to the trellis.

Formation methods and schemes

In general, the principle of formation bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) cucumbers are the same.

However, many gardeners and specialists over the years have developed various formation schemes (pinching and pinching) for different types and types of cucumbers.

Note! Often, on the back of a pack of seeds, a diagram is given for the formation of a particular variety or hybrid.

Consider next the classical scheme for the formation of cucumber bushes (it is universal, that is, it can be used for all types and types of cucumbers), and in the following paragraphs we will talk about some of the features of pinching bee-pollinated, parthenocarpic (self-pollinated)and in particular about the formation bunch cucumbers (with a bouquet type of fruiting).

The logic of the formation of cucumber bushes next: cucumber bushes load gradually (from bottom to top in ascending order), i.e. the higher, the more side shoots, leaves and ovaries are left.

To make it clearer, imagine inverted tree, this is approximately how cucumbers are formed (i.e. with a gradual increase in the load on the plant).

The classic scheme for the formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground on a trellis (with additions) is as follows:

Stepping and pinching perform in several stages, as it grows and develops cucumber lashes.

  • Stage 1 (0-50 cm, first 3-4 knots, "blinding" zone). After the plant will reach a height of 30-50 cm, in the axils of the lower leaves will begin to form stepsons (additional shoots) and ovary rudiments (future fruits-greens), they are necessary all delete, i.e. conduct blindness, while all leaves recommended leave.

Important! Blinding the bottom of the bushes is a must carry out for all types, varieties and hydrides of cucumbers.

This operation is very important perform as early as possible, and necessarily before blooming flowers in blinding knots.

Thanks to this manipulation, the plant will direct all forces to further growth, and not on the formation of stepsons and ovaries.

  • An intermediate stage. Now we are waiting for the plant to reach height 60-100 cm and will begin to bloom, i.e. will grow another 30-50 cm. By this time you will have to remove bottom leaves (whose stepchildren were pinched at the 1st stage), because the bush will in the future be provided with food already from the upper leaves.

Removing the lower leaves will improve the ventilation of the plant.

  • Stage 2 (40-100 cm). Now you need to remove all stepsons, leaving the main shoot for the next 30-50 cm 1 ovary per 1 sheet.
  • Stage 3 (80-150 cm). We are again waiting for the growth of the main shoot by 30-50 cm, and this time In addition to 1 sheet on the main lash, we also leave 1 sheet on the stepson (only 2 sheets), i.e. do not just remove the stepson, but pinch him (stepson's escape) after 1 sheet.
  • Stage 4 (120-150 and higher). We do not do any more pinching and pinching of lateral shoots, we let the cucumbers grow and bear fruit freely without our intervention. Unless we forget to quickly harvest and continue to look after the bushes - to water and feed.

Video: how to form cucumbers

Interesting! However, many gardeners continue to form cucumbers further.

  • Alternative 4 stage (120-150 cm and up to the trellis). We pinch all side shoots (stepchildren) on the main lash to the end of the trellis after 3 leaves (i.e., similar to stage 3, only you need to put 3 leaves, not 2).

And after the cucumber lash reaches the top of your trellis, you can choose one of the following two ways to finish shaping (pinching):

  • 1 way. Pinch the main shoot when it is already at a distance of 1 meter from the soil surface, while the lateral shoots (stepchildren) formed on it need to be pinched after 2-3 leaves.
  • Method 2. Pinch the main shoot after it grows 30-50 cm above the trellis, and pinch the lateral shoots (stepchildren) on it after they are 1 meter from the soil surface.

Video: the formation of cucumber bushes in a greenhouse

How to pinch and pinch bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) cucumbers

Formation into 1 trunk with the removal of all lateral shoots (stepchildren)

A rather interesting way of growing parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) cucumbers is to form them into one trunk, in other words, you guide only the main stem, leaving only leaves and ovaries on it, while removing all stepchildren.

This method is often used on an industrial scale, as well as in dense (frequent) planting, i.e. plants grow in height (length), in contrast to the classical method - a lush bush upwards.

Video: forming cucumbers into one stem

Important! It is not recommended to form bee-pollinated varieties in 1 trunk. "Why?" Read on.

Features of the formation of bee-pollinated cucumbers

Often, most gardeners do not form bee-pollinated cucumbers at all, because they are usually grown in the open field in spreading.

However, if you grow bee-pollinated cucumbers on a trellis or in a greenhouse, then one important feature should be taken into account when forming them.

The fact is that most of the old varieties on the main whip in the axils of the leaves formed mainly male flowers (barren flowers), while female ones are formed on lateral shoots (stepchildren), in other words, if you want to form cucumbers in 1 main trunk, you can simply be left without a crop.

This is clearly shown and told by a popular gardener blogger in the next video.

Video: the formation of bee-pollinated cucumbers in the greenhouse

Therefore, bee-pollinated cucumbers always form into several stems... For example, as an option, after 5-6 nodes (leaves) are formed on the lash, you can pinch the top (upper growth point), and then the plant will direct all its forces to the growth of stepsons - lateral shoots from which you will harvest (female flowers with an ovary will form on them).

Naturally, do not forget about the blinding zone, while only 1-2 lower nodes (leaves) can be blinded.

Features of the formation of parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) cucumbers

Since parthenocarpic hybrids have only female flowers, which means that there is a very high load on the bush, such plants must be formed without fail - rationing the number of fruits, blinding the lower nodes, removing and pinching the stepsons.

How to pinch cucumbers in a greenhouse correctly

However, as mentioned earlier, the principle of pinching all cucumbers is the same, so you can use the classic formation scheme (with additions), form into 1 trunk, and if you have parthenocarpic cucumbers with a bouquet (bundle) type of fruiting, then apply one of the schemes which will be suggested in the next section.

How to form bunch cucumbers: schemes

Advice! About, what are bunch cucumbers (+ review of the best varieties), written in detail in this article.

Cucumbers with bundled ovaries are mandatory Porder requires shaping, which can be carried out, for example, according to the following scheme:

  • from 0 to 50 cm (zone 0 or "blinding", the first 3-4 knots) - hold blindness those. you need remove all the rudiments of lateral shoots (stepchildren) and ovaries up to 4-5 leaves, while the leaves must be left.

Important! Blinding the lower part of the bushes must be carried out for all types of cucumbers.

Moreover, this operation follows perform as early as possible, required before blooming flowers in blinding knots.

  • From 50 cm to 1 meter (zone 1, next 3-4 knots) - you need remove all side shoots, leave 1 ovary (bunch) for 1 sheet (not an escape, but a leaf).
  • from 1 meter to 1.5 meters (zone 2, next 3-4 knots) - pinch all the following side shoots after 2 leaves, i.e. each should have 2 leaves and, accordingly, 2 ovaries (1 ovary = 1 sheet).
  • from 1.5 meters to 2 meters or to the end of the trellis (zone 3) - pinch all side shoots after 3 leaves, i.e. leave 1 ovary (bunch) for each 1 sheet, i.e. in total there should be 3 bundles and 3 sheets.
  • from 2 meters (from the end of the trellis) and to the side (zone 4) - similar to the 1st zone, the main lash needs to be pinched after 3-4 sheets, leaving 1 ovary (bunch) for each leaf (3-4 bunches and 3-4 leaves).

Important! The producer of seeds on the package may suggest a different scheme for the formation of cucumber bushes. This is what you should stick to.

Alternative schemes for the formation of cucumbers with a bouquet type of fruiting:

By the way! The following schemes are more suitable for superbundled cucumbers, in which more than 8-10 ovaries are laid.

And in the next video, the author shares another scheme for the formation of bundled cucumbers.

Video: how to form cucumbers with bundle ovaries

We hope that now you understand how to pinch cucumbers correctly, and that the procedure for forming cucumber bushes is a great way to increase yields.

Video: shaping cucumbers

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