How to sow asters correctly in the fall before winter: terms and rules for winter sowing

Many growers are afraid to sow asters before winter, because very often the seeds end up disappearing (they germinate during the autumn thaws and die with the return of frost or cannot break through in the spring due to too heavy soil).

Therefore, below you will learn all the secrets of the correct winter sowing of asters, so that it is guaranteed to rise next spring.

Why sow asters in the fall before winter: what are the benefits

Some gardeners strongly advise sowing asters just before winter, because these flowers are often affected by such a serious disease as fusarium wilting (fusarium rot). The disease manifests itself in the fact that during flowering, the buds of asters begin to fade.Moreover, if you closely follow, then it all starts with yellowing of the lower leaves, one-sided blackening or the appearance of spots (on one side) on the lower part of the plant trunk. And podzimny sowing can significantly reduce the likelihood of disease. Therefore, sowing asters before winter is not only possible, but also necessary if you want the flowers not to get sick.

Fusarium aster

By the way! Another way to avoid fusarium wilting is to plant asters in a new place every year.

In general, the main advantages of podwinter sowing of all crops (including asters) are:

  • plants will have better health (due to natural stratification) and become more resistant to return frosts in spring;
  • seedlings will be noticeably earlier and, accordingly, the harvest (for vegetable crops);

But asters planted directly in the ground in winter or spring, on the contrary, sprout and bloom a little later, but longer.

  • saving precious spring time.

By the way! Other flowers can be sown before winter: carnation, cornflowers, escholzia, white alyssum (annual), rudbeckia, echinacea, cosmea, calendula.

What varieties and seeds of asters are suitable for winter sowing

It is believed that pompon-type asters are more often affected by fusarium wilt, so it is better to plant them before winter. And for example, needle-like ones are smaller, respectively, they can be left for planting in spring.

Important! The most important thing is that aster seeds are fresh, old - very rarely and do not germinate well.

Don't forget that you can use own seeds.

When to sow asters before winter: optimal timing

The most optimal moment to sow asters before winter comes when more no thaws expected, which meansthere is a stable subzero temperature and the ground is frozen.

Of course, depending on the climatic characteristics of the regions, the exact dates will vary significantly, so you can only name an approximate time when you can sow asters before winter. So, in the middle lane - this is the second half of October-November, in the Urals and Siberia - the end of September-October, and in the South of Russia - not earlier than November. But first of all it should track the weather forecast.

Important! Only such conditions will allow the seeds to normally go into winter. If they (seeds) wake up and hatch due to the thaw, and then grow, they will certainly die when the frosts begin, and will no longer rise in the spring. Therefore, it is best to sow as late as possible or in the spring.

It is also believed that asters can be planted in winter - from December to February, again in pre-prepared grooves.

How to sow asters correctly before winter: tips and tricks, as well as a step-by-step guide

In order not to waste time, in addition to suitable timing, for winter sowing of asters, you should first of all choose the appropriate place for planting.

Sowing place

When choosing a place for sowing, it is worth knowing that asters need a lot of sunlight for good growth and flowering, which means that the site should be open.

Important! Even if you sow asters before the winter for the purpose of subsequent transplantation, in a more open and sunny place they will rise faster.

Preparing the beds (furrows) and land

The acidity of the soil should be neutral (pH 6-7).

Advice! If the soil is too acidic, you need to deacidify it, for example, by digging wood ash, lime or dolomite flour.

It is also very important that the soil is loose and without stagnant moisture, that is, it must be well drained.

Attention! It is the stagnation of moisture that provokes fusarium wilting.

In order to disinfect the earth and try to rid the garden of the spores of the fungus of the causative agent of fusarium wilting, a fire can be made at this place in order to warm up and roast the soil as much as possible.

Further, the ash remaining after the fire must be leveled over the garden bed, but only along the "steamed" (disinfected) places.

Then draw shallow (1.5-2 cm) grooves directly over the ash.

If you have no problems with fusarium asters, it is still recommended to sprinkle the grooves with ash - to improve soil fertility.

Important! The tool with which you make the grooves should also be disinfected, because it may have the same infection (fungal spores) from which you previously disinfected the garden.

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing asters before winter:

  • Buy seeds for winter sowing or prepare your own.
  • Prepare the beds in advance: disinfect the soil and cut the grooves.
  • Wait until the ground is frozen enough and the threat of thaws has passed.
  • Sow dry seeds thickly into the grooves.

Advice! When sowing any crops in winter, it is recommended to increase the sowing rate by 30-50%, because it should be understood that not every seed will be able to germinate, because the weakest will certainly die.

  • Cover with pre-prepared loose and warm (not frozen) nutrient soil (garden or purchased).

Note! In the spring, a crust may form, and the seeds simply cannot break through, so it is desirable that the earth be very crumbly (loose), that is, river sand or peat (black) should be added to it. You can also fall asleep with excellent humus.

Video: planting asters before winter

Further care for asters after sowing them for the winter

When shoots appear in the spring, and then the plants will have 2-3 true leaves, it will be possible to plant (dive) young aster seedlings, transferring them to the flower garden (to the flower beds). Or leave in the same place, removing the weakest. And then already carry out standard care: watering, feeding.

Advice! To accelerate the growth of young seedlings of asters in the spring, when it is not yet warm enough, it can be covered with a film by making a mini-greenhouse (by pulling the film over arcs).

Why asters, planted before winter, may not rise in spring

There may be several reasons:

  • Old = too weak seeds.
  • Incorrectly chosen or guessed sowing dates, for example, the weather has changed and thaws have come (if you sow too early, then the seeds can get wet, germinate and die).
  • Unsuitable soil (it must be loose, including the one with which you fill the seeds, without stagnant moisture).

Thus, there are no difficulties in sowing aster seeds in the open ground in the winter. The main thing is to observe the basic rules: choose the right moment, prepare the grooves in advance and cover with loose soil.

Video: how to sow asters before winter

Note! In addition to asters and other flowers,before winter you can sow vegetables — carrot and beets, of course, winter crops garlic and onion, and varied greens — dill, parsley, sorrel.

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