How to catch a perch with a jig in winter

According to many fishermen, perch is excellently caught with non-attachment jigs. In winter, it happens that the perch is either at the very bottom, or floats under the edge of the ice. And, despite the fact that this predator leads a sedentary lifestyle, fishermen especially like to hunt him with the most catchy jigs, and his appetite makes it possible for fishermen to return home with a good catch.

Winter perch on a jig

The specifics of fishing perch on a jig in winter

Catching perch with a rewinder in winter occurs almost at any time, but the catch of such a predator will depend on:

  • properly equipped bait;
  • fishing places;
  • weather conditions;
  • time of day.

Perch during the first ice period tries to move around the reservoir and look for food. There are a number of factors to consider to spot this striped robber:

  • reservoir temperature;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • the amount of feed in a given area;
  • oxygen level in the water.

Since perch is considered a light-loving fish, it is best to catch it in the morning until the first dusk. However, if the fish is full throughout the day, it cannot be lured to the place of fishing with any bait.

Worth knowing! A perch can peck at any game with a jig - you just need to decide which game suits him best: dynamic or sluggish.

How to catch perch in the winter with a jig

In winter fishing for perch on a rewinder, the good thing is that you don't need to tap on the bottom with a jig to attract fish. Guided by the basic principles, you can increase the effectiveness of the bait:

  • determine how deep the perch sits;
  • choose a certain game with a jig;
  • count the number of fish caught before the predator leaves the place of fishing;
  • pay attention to how the fish relates to complementary foods;
  • it will be equally important to use the correct size rod and line.

Features of equipment for fishing perch in winter on a jig

Important! If the equipment of the ice fishing rod for perch with a jig is assembled incorrectly, there will be no success in fishing.

Equipment for winter fishing for perch on a jig

When the appropriate fishing weather has been selected, you can start equipping the bait. It should consist of the following gear:

  • fishing rod. There are no basic requirements for it, the main thing is that it lies comfortably in the hand and does not freeze in the cold;
  • fishing line. Given the size of the intended catch, the line thickness should be 0.1 mm;
  • jig perch for winter fishing. The rewinder is just fine, since the jig will replace the hook. The weight should be approximately 0.3g;
  • nod. According to experienced anglers, it is better to take the material for it from hard boar wool. The color of the nod should be chosen so that it does not merge with the surrounding space. His actions should include: slow play with a jig, sufficient rigidity and maintaining the required amplitude.

Groundbait when fishing for perch with a jig

In winter rewinder fishing, bait is the highlight of fishing.

Note!It is worth luring the fishing spot if the bite is weak. The fish should also not overeat, otherwise it will leave the feeding place.

Groundbait for perch in winter

Anglers have many recipes for feeding perch to a jig in winter. The subtleties are in the following components of what fish prefers to eat:

  • maggot;
  • chopped dung worm;
  • bread crumb;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • pork blood;
  • millet or pearl barley;
  • fragrances with an animal smell.

This whole mixture can be made at home and frozen. But before fishing, you should add earth from the reservoir to the balls with bait. A couple of hours before fishing, you need to feed the place and start fishing soon.

How to choose jig when fishing for perch in winter

Going fishing, many doubt whether the right tackle is selected. Since mormyshless jigs are used for perch for winter fishing, you should pay attention to the material, size and color:

  • Material. A jig made of tungsten will sink faster, a lead jig will smoothly sink into the water, and from tin it practically does not sink.
  • The size. There are many jigs in fishing shops, and a more suitable size can be taken from 2 to 3.5 mm.
  • Colour. It is best to bring with you jig for winter fishing for perch of different colors, namely: black, white, silver and gray. As fishermen say: for cloudy weather, light tones of tackle are suitable, and on clear days - dark jigs.

By the way! If fishing takes place at depths of more than 4 m, then bright fluorescent colors will be required to pique the interest of the fish.

Today the market is filled with all kinds of goods, and in order to choose the best jig for perch in winter, you need to understand their characteristics. In addition, you can take a closer look at experienced anglers and ask which manufacturers are more relevant.

Perch jig for winter fishing

Among the catching jigs for winter fishing for perch use the following:

  • Uralka... She is one of the catching jigs for perch in winter. Most often it happens with a red or yellow bead on a hook. Great for beginners.The fish just greedily attacks it with a simple posting.
  • "Pellet". Made of tungsten with a black or white bead on the hook.
  • "Ant". Usually the smallest size of such a jig is used for perch for winter fishing. Fishermen use the bronze color "Ant" with brass soldering on the sides. It is used at a shallow depth of the reservoir up to 2 m.
  • "Ovsinka". Here, an important emphasis is placed on the hook. It should be large and sharp.
  • "Drop"... Suitable for rewinder when tilting. This jig can provoke the fish to attack by moving on the bottom.
  • "Devil". It has three hooks and is suitable not only for perch, but also for any predator. However, such a tackle will be too tough for a beginner, and you need to get a handle on fishing for perch in winter. Video on jig and fishing technique can be previewed on the Internet.
  • Eco Pro Deluxe. She has a lot of positive reviews, and those who do not know what jig the perch bite on in winter can always choose this option.
  • "Carnation". For those who cannot afford to buy an echo sounder to determine the presence of fish in the reservoir, this jig will perfectly replace it. Most often anglers use it to see if there is fish or not. The secret of catching perch on a jig in winter is that a brass ball is attached to the forend of the hook, which moves up and down, which is why such a movement provokes the predator to attack. Fishing for large perch in winter with a jig is not limited to such a bait, and even grayling can bite on it.
  • "Banana". This jig appeared on sale not so long ago and even managed to recommend itself among winter fishing fans. Playing with such a bait attracts the perch, and he grabs it without slowing down.

The color of the jigs does not play a special role, and they can be selected according to availability. And which jig is better for perch in winter now even a beginner can figure out.

Where and when to catch perch with a jig in winter

Among the fishermen it was noted that the places of fishing for perch in the winter with a jig are found by chance. This striped robber is usually found in:

  • snag;
  • flooded tree trunks;
  • places with underwater vegetation;
  • eyebrows;
  • pits and backwaters;
  • thickets of reeds.

IN December the perch is still active for several weeks. He does not go deep and tries to stay in the coastal zone.

When comes January, the perch turns into a lethargic creature. The schools disintegrate, and only about 10 fish remain, which will swim in the reservoir and search for prey or be in pits where oxygen is available. During this period, as well as throughout the winter, it is best to fish in the morning from 7 am to 12 pm with stable atmospheric pressure and in the evening from 4 pm to 7 pm. Usually fish are searched from the coastline, gradually moving to the center of the reservoir.

But in february, especially during the period of ice melting, the perch becomes active again and appears in the same places as in December.

The chosen body of water will depend on how to catch perch with a jig in winter. Its bite depends on three winter seasons and it is worth noting that it will vary.

First Ice. When the ice has hardened on the reservoir, the fishermen go out to fish. It is equally important to pay attention to:

  • blockages of stones;
  • driftwood;
  • areas near the coast with underwater vegetation;
  • depth differences.

It is in such places during this period that the perch are looking.

Deafness. Due to the fact that the ice has thickened and grown, the fish lacks oxygen, and it has to look for places where its level will be high. This should include such places as:

  • deep pits;
  • underwater channels with a weak current.

End of winter. The activity of the predator returns to normal again, and pre-spawning food begins. The fish moves through the reservoir and is found in places with melt water and near streams.

How to fish with a jig: tactics and technique of catching perch with a jig in winter

In the first ice, wilderness and at the time of ice melting, fishing with a rewinder is considered effective.During this period, anglers experiment with their tackle and try another technique for fishing with a jig in winter. Perch can peck frequently if played correctly. To do this, use the following scheme:

  • Stepped wiring. When the bait sank a meter from the bottom of the reservoir, the jig is shaken. Then they lower it to the bottom and stop it for a few seconds. The bite soon follows. This is worth repeating a few times.
  • High frequency wiring. The bait should be lowered to the bottom with short vibrations. When it hovers 5 cm from the relief, the steps must be repeated. Then raise the bait another 15 cm and repeat the small vibrations again. Usually the bite starts during pauses. What jigs to catch perch in winter can be found in the description of the best models of this tackle.

Winter fishing for perch on a jig

As tips for catching perch in winter with a jig, you can list the following:

  • when using a small jig, the vibrations should be frequent;
  • good play depends on the chosen bait and the skills of the angler;
  • when catching a striped predator, you will have to drill at least 10 holes at a distance of 10 m from each other in order to fish as many places as possible and check where the presence of fish is observed;
  • in the morning fishermen try to look for perch at great depths and gradually go to the shore;
  • if the weather is sunny, you need to go to the shady areas of the reservoir, since the perch does not like sunlight;
  • sweeping will have to be made sharp, but with playing it is better to act without haste;
  • all movements when swinging should be smooth;
  • in winter fishing, you need to have a large supply of jiggers, as the predator can be caught capricious. And which jig for perch is better in winter will depend on the preference of the angler;
  • who uses the bait while fishing can increase the number of bites;
  • when the prey is on the hook, it is better to take hold of the line with your hands and slowly lead the fish to the hole so that it does not catch on the edge of the ice.

Anglers are increasingly claiming that it's better to catch perch in winter than in summer. Guided by the advice of professionals, observing the fishing technique, you can achieve good results. Such fishing will not let anyone freeze and will require vigorous action during bites. This striped robber always attracts all fishermen and does not get bored fishing. And what jigs are better for catching perch in winter can be found in this article.

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