How to wash your hands from walnuts: bleaching methods

Probably everyone who has ever peeled walnuts knows how difficult it is to wash yellow-brown stains off their hands. Just picking up and rinsing your hands under water with soap is absolutely inoperative.

Well, then we'll talk about how you can wash your hands from walnuts, what are really effective ways.

Note! Of course, there is no way to completely whiten the palms and fingers, but it’s better than walking around with dirty ones for a whole week.

Interesting! The use of citric acid, as well as the juice of unripe grapes and whiteness, is actually nothing more than a peeling procedure (a chemical effect on the skin that can cause burns), and the use of coffee grounds, sea salt, sugar - scrubbing (physical - safer).

In any case, after each of the procedures, you will need to apply on your hands moisturizing cream.

Lemon acid

Perhaps this is the most popular and simplest method, but by no means the most effective.First, you should wet your hands in water, dip in citric acid and rub (for a relatively long time). However, the method, although effective, but whitens hands rather weakly.

Therefore, you will have to wash several times.

Advice! Similarly, one can take fresh lemon, cut into slices (halves) and then rub your hands well with its juice.

This method is better for those who have enough sensitive skin, because if you rub it with citric acid for a long time (several times), then you can get burned.

Unripe grapes

Similar to lemon, you can take more unripe green (not colored, i.e. not collected sugars) grapes and rub your hands with his juice.

However! When you are harvesting nuts, then, most likely, the grapes are ripe all over, perhaps very late ...


It is believed that whiteness helps well, but after it the hands are very dry. And in general you need to be very careful not to get burned.

Coffee grounds, sea salt or sugar

So, first you need steam hands in moderately hot water, and then apply a scrub (for example, you can just apply coffee grounds, but it is more effective to mix it with shower gel or shampoo, you can also use sea salt, sugar and others abrasive substances).

Important! According to reviews, this method does the job. the best thingthough again you can hardly whiten your hands perfectly.

The most ineffective ways

Some mistakenly thinkthat after peeling the nuts, spots appear on the hands from the released from the peel iodine, which means you can try to clean your hands starch, eg, grate potatoes. But as practice shows, this method does not work at all.

The fact is that this is not iodine at all, but juglon, which is not removed by any starch.

You can also find advice on the Internet that a solution can be used to remove the juglone ammonia (ammonia), and hydrogen peroxide. However, again, this is a completely ineffective remedy for whitening and removing juglone.

Advice! In order not to suffer next time, just peel nuts with rubber gloves! Although even with gloves it is not always possible to keep your hands clean.

  1. Andrei :

    Hello. Everything is very simple, you need to wear rubber gloves when cleaning walnuts from green shells, which are used in the kitchen for washing dishes and disinfecting surfaces.

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Good afternoon! This is exactly what you need to do, I completely agree with you.

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