Petunia flower beds: ideas for a beautiful design of flower beds (vertical and others)

Recently, vertical gardening of garden plots has become very popular everywhere. Much is given by the fact that petunias can be successfully grown in vertical flower beds, which it is not a sin to make yourself with your own hands from scrap materials. If you have enough imagination and patience, try experimenting with plastic or, what is much more environmentally friendly, wooden boxes, plastic pipes, pallets, tires, flowerpots and other unusual, but quite suitable for the role of a charming flower bed objects. However, you can beautifully arrange a petunia flower garden without resorting to vertical planting.

Pay attention to our article and find for yourself new ideas for decorating your summer cottage flower garden.

Popular varieties of petunias for flower beds

Petunias are usually subdivided into several groups of varieties:

  • Bush (Fantasy, Dream, Ultra, Titan, Polaris, Storm, Hit Parade);
  • Floribunda (Sonya Orchid, Daddy Orchid, Celebrity);

    Daddy Orchid
  • Cascading (Silver, Cherry, Rose, Ramblin, Typhoon or Tornado);

  • Ampelny (Surfinia, Lilac surf, Waterfall, Pearl surf, Wave of luck);

  • Calibrachoa.

Choose varieties and varieties of petunias depending on the size of the flower bed itself and what color scheme you want to create.

Video: varieties and the best varieties of petunias

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical flower beds

Naturally, vertical flower beds have quite significant advantages:

  • very beautiful and great for garden decoration;
  • save space, as they do not take up much space;
  • mobile - can be moved throughout the site.

But there are also certain disadvantages:

  • flowers will grow in rather unusual conditions with a lack of soil, therefore the following drawback appears from here;
  • regular watering and feeding are required;
  • the soil can be very frozen at low temperatures.

Nevertheless, vertical flower beds are an excellent design solution for decorating your garden and area around your home.

How to make a vertical flower bed for petunias: step by step instructions

In fact, any vertical flower garden is done in a similar way:

  1. The base and frame are created. If necessary, an irrigation system is created (for example, you can place drip irrigation inside the structure).
  2. The soil is filled up.
  3. Is landed seedling flowers. You can also plant marigold, verbena, Snapdragon and many other flowers.

For example, to create a vertical flower bed from a grid with your own hands, you will definitely need:

  • flower pot;
  • rigid mesh netting (metal or plastic);
  • screeds;
  • film (agrofibre or geotextile);
  • priming;
  • seedlings of petunias.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for petunias:

  1. It is necessary to make a metal frame from a mesh, and its diameter should correspond to the pot. The cylinder must be pressed down with ties around the entire perimeter of the connection.
  2. Further, from the inside, it is recommended to wrap the frame with a dark film.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to fill up the soil into the resulting tower, water it slightly and wait for shrinkage, and then fill it up.
  4. Sprinkle soil on the sides of the pot to give the tower more stability.
  5. Then you should make side cuts for flowers with a sharp knife crosswise.
  6. And then plant petunia seedlings in these incisions.

Actually, here is a step-by-step instruction for creating a flower tower with a photo:

Video: how to make a vertical flower bed and plant petunias in it

Different ideas for vertical flower beds for petunias

There is a fairly large number of various materials, from which any summer resident is quite capable of making vertical flower beds for petunias.

Depending on the design and the method of its attachment, the following types of such flower beds can be distinguished:

  • ground-based (placed directly on the ground);
  • elevated (installed next to the wall of the house or fence);
  • wall (hung on a wall or fence);
  • suspended (suspended).

Naturally, the shape and general appearance of a flower bed can be radically different, because all growers have different ideas for decorating a vertical flower garden.

Important! Whatever container or material you choose to create a vertical flower garden, do not forget to make drainage holes in it.

In a wooden box

A wooden box with a cascade of petunias on a personal plot will look quite organic. However, it is extremely necessary to treat it with a special solution that protects the tree from rot.

Initially, a wooden flowerbed structure looks like this:

Pot pyramid

Such a delightful pyramid of pots will help to cheer up remarkably. More detailed instructions with photos for creating a pyramidal vertical flower garden in pictures:

From bags

It is unlikely that such a vertical flower garden will be able to survive heavy rain or even more downpour, but it's worth a try.

By the way! In bags you can grow potatoes.

From plastic pipes

Someone might think that the plumber's wife lives here (in such a garden), but is that bad?

Such a long, colorfully elegant flower bed can be attached to the fence.

Or install directly on the wall of the house.

In such a bed-flower bed, you can plant and strawberry seedlings.

From pallets

Plant the petunia seedlings in wooden trays (near the edge) and simply stack them on top of each other.

From flowerpots

Take several different-sized flowerpots and place them on top of each other in descending order so that the structure is as stable as possible.

From tires

Good old tires, what kind of flower beds you can't make!

By the way! If you want to make flower beds from old rubber tires with your own hands, then read this article.

Photo gallery of beautiful ideas for decorating flower beds for petunias

An extraordinary solution would be to make a frame from an old rusty iron staircase, put wooden floors and put pots of petunias on them. So much for homemade vertical gardening!

You are free to make vertical a cascading flowerbed of pots on a metal frame.

If you have an unused one in your yard old baththen paint it in cheerful bright shades and make a wonderful huge flower bed out of it.

In your garden I was idle old barrel... Can't you make a flower garden out of it and plant petunias there?

Lay the barrel on its side and plant flowers in such a way as if they spilled out or poured out in a powerful stream! If there is no wooden barrel, then take an iron or regular bucket, just decorate it.

Will not harm nature, while giving a lot of pleasure to everyone around, ifold stumps with the help of flowers you will turn into colorful mushrooms.

It is the best to break a flower garden and in hollow of an old tree.

Making an extravagant bicycle flower garden is difficult, but possible.

Here's an idea for a simpler petunia bike bed.

Flowerbed of petunias and marigolds

By the way, as for the combinations, a flower bed with petunias and marigolds, which you can place in an old, heavy wheelbarrow, will look very beautiful.

Although in splendid isolation, these wonderful flowers in an old car will look quite original.

Of course, you can always make the most ordinary round flowerbed of marigolds and petunias.

In general, petunias are combined with most flowers and plants.

Video: petunia flower bed ideas

Thus, you have many ways to beautifully arrange a petunia flower garden. Of course, vertical flower beds will look the most interesting and unusual, but it is by no means necessary to get hung up on them, because there are so many other equally original ideas for decorating a garden.

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