How to get rid of snakes at their summer cottage: prevention and control measures

It is a reliably known fact that almost all gardeners and gardeners have problems with various pests (moles,ants, bear, Colorado beetles, click beetles and wireworms). But, perhaps, the most unwanted guests that may appear at your dacha are snakes, which can pose a serious danger to human life and health (only vipers). You will learn below about the reasons for the appearance of aggressors in the summer cottage, about measures of prevention and control.

Why snakes are dangerous: the difference between a snake and a viper and a snake

It's important to be able to distinguish between snakes.So, non-venomous snakes do not have a neck (the head is round), and poisonous snakes have a heart-shaped head (triangular), they have glands there, so they look much more beautiful and proportional, if I can say so about these terrible reptiles.

As a rule, in summer cottages and nearby you can find the following types of snakes:

  • Already Is a reptile with yellow spots (ears), and for humans it safe... Usually, around August, young snakes creep out of the mother's nests. Young snakes can crawl around your site, and then find their place closer to the reservoir.
  • The snake is a yellow-bellied reptile, it does not pose a danger to humans, since not poisonous.
  • Viper - such a reptile, as usual, has a pattern on its back (a clearly distinguishable pattern along the ridge), most often about 60-70 cm long, there is no more than 1 meter. Vipers without a pattern, as well as black vipers, are very difficult to meet. Viper bite not fatal, but still it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Important! The snake usually does not attack first, unless it feels threatened. Therefore, she can only bite in defense.

Video: how not to confuse a snake with a viper and what to do if she has bitten you

Simple advice! If you do not want to be attacked by a snake and bitten, then be careful and always watch your step.

Reasons for the appearance of snakes at their summer cottage

Where do they come from at all in our homestead plots?

As a rule, reptiles avoid meeting humans, as they are rather cautious creatures. But certain reasons can cause snakes to appear near people.

Food search

Everyone knows that snakes feed on rodents (mice) and insects, and they can also feast on bird eggs. So, if you have them on the site, then in search of food, reptiles can crawl to visit you.

By the way! The main indicator of the presence of snakes on the site is their shed skin.

Attractive place to stay

Snakes can crawl into your property in search of a new secluded place to live.

Note! Most often, snakes can be found in the fall, when temperatures begin to drop. Reptiles at this time are simply looking for a place for wintering. And by the spring, having overwintered, in most cases they crawl away.

Also, reptiles are very fond of settling next to covered with firewood, boards stacked in a dark corner, old rotten stumps and tree roots. They also like compost heaps, cesspits or garbage pits, tall grass, and dense, impenetrable bushes (for example, fromweeds). In such places, they can happily build their nests and begin to inhabit the area.

Naturally, if you keep the site in perfect cleanliness, then there can be no talk of any reptiles (at least on an ongoing basis).

Advice! If you are thinking about moving or cleaning the compost pit, then there is a high probability of bumping into snakes, so it is better to rustle and make some noise first to drive out uninvited guests.

Neighboring abandoned cottage and nearby forest

If there is an abandoned area next to you, and no matter how close it is (maybe through the house, and after 2), then in search of food snakes can look at your dacha.

Also, snakes can crawl from a nearby forest in search of food or a new place due to the beginning of deforestation or any action that destroys their natural habitats and forcing the reptiles to look for a new home.

By the way! Dangerous reptiles can be brought in with building materials.

Thus, if you do not want to accidentally meet a snake in your summer cottage, then initially do not allow the possibility of its appearance. After all, as you know, it is much easier to prevent an event than to deal with its consequences later.

Video: why snakes crawl to our homes, what to do when meeting with them

How to deal with snakes in the garden: ways to get rid

If you have already decided to fight snakes, tune in to the fact that you have to work hard, since by and large there is no one magic way. A balanced solution to the problem will be both the use of folk remedies and more modern means.

Chemical baits

Sometimes poisoned baits appear on the market, which, in theory, the reptile should eat and die. But reptiles have such a keen sense of smell that they have ways to feel that the bait was in the hands of a person and, accordingly, resist the temptation to try it. In general, judging by the reviews, such baits are not very effective in the fight against snakes.

There are also biological agents-repellents (made from a special mixture of essential oils).

Noise and special repellents

As you already understood, snakes are very afraid of noise (more precisely, vibrations, so they do not hear), so you can arrange around the perimeter of the summer cottage garden turntablesthat spin and make noise from the wind.

Also they don't like snakes lawn mower noiseso if you decide make a lawn in the countrythen do not forget to cut it. So the site will be neat, and you will not find unnecessary guests.

In general, if you often have fun in the country, listening to music loudly, you constantly hear human voices, then it is unlikely that snakes will be interested in your personal plot, but they can still accidentally wander ...

Especially effective ultrasonic scarers.

Video: scared away snakes

Pungent odors

Snakes do not like strong and pungent odors, both natural and chemical in origin.

Therefore, the smell of garlic, dry mustard, and burnt grass will help scare off the terrible reptiles. You can also plant pelargonium in a flower garden.

Advice! Plant garlic around the perimeter of the site, but do not dig, let it grow and multiply by self-sowing.

Or sprinkle mustard powder over the area.

As for chemical odors, the “aroma” of burnt rubber, perfume, gasoline, kerosene, naphthalene and diesel fuel will help you to rid the area of ​​snakes.

Advice! If you find a favorite place of accumulation of vipers, snakes or snakes, then just scatter next to them, for example, mothballs or a rag with gasoline or kerosene.

Important! Nevertheless, there is no need to overestimate the possibilities of such popular methods of fighting snakes, since it is hardly possible to completely rid the site with their help.

Natural enemies

Who is the main enemy of snakes? Of course, a hedgehog. If you have hedgehogs on your site, then do not rush to drive them away, but, on the contrary, try to feed them (lay out pieces of cheese or chicken meat with bones, but not milk, from which they have diarrhea), and then they will help you get rid of hated reptiles.

By the way! Cats and dogs (in particular the Yagd Terrier breed) can hunt snakes quite successfully. But it is hardly worth endangering your pets.

Important! This is Photoshop.

Snake control specialists

If you did not manage to get rid of snakes on your own, then you just need to turn to professionals, that is, to serpentologists. They will not only catch them for you, but will process the site and give valuable advice.

Thus, now you know what to do if snakes appear on your summer cottage. Take the time and effort, use old wise advice and more effective modern methods, and then you are guaranteed to be successful. How else!

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