Getting rid of dandelions in the summer cottage (on the lawn and in the garden): effective ways

It just so happens that no matter how carefully you follow your site, annoying dandelions still strive to get out somewhere in the wrong place, for example, on a lawn or in strawberries.

Indeed, dandelions are a real "nightmare" with a yellow tint for all lovers of a nice and beautiful lawn!

Next, let's talk about those several effective ways that will allow you to get rid of a dandelion on the lawn or just a summer cottage.

Is it possible to get rid of foreverdandelions

Unfortunately, you will hardly be able to get rid of dandelions forever, no matter what you do, all measures and methods are temporary, one gives a longer lasting effect, the other a shorter one.

The fact is that it is quite enough that only one plant appears somewhere nearby. After all, its seeds fly very well over long distances.

In other words, even if you pull up all the dandelions by the roots in your area, the seeds can easily fly to you from the neighboring area and you will have to fight anew (start all over again).

By the way! Dandelions are not only powerful (they can go to a depth of 20-30 cm), but also very fragile roots, so it is quite difficult to completely get them out of the soil.

Methods for dealing with dandelions on the site (on the lawn and in the garden)

Weeding (root pulling): manual and mechanized

If you want to get rid of dandelions in the garden (not on the lawn!)then you can just dig them out with a shovel... However, if this is a lawn and / or there are a lot of dandelions, then this trick will not work ...

Although, if you water the lawn abundantly, then after watering the dandelion and any other weed can be uprooted, more precisely, with a part ...

Important! It is necessary keep dandelions from blooming and spend timely weeding!

Too late ... I should have weeded earlier.

Advice! First, you just need to weed, and then mow the grass (cut it). Do not do the opposite, it will be very inconvenient later.

For example, many people advise to pierce the lawn with a knife and cut the dandelion root to such a depth that the cut was below the growth point of the leaf rosette... So the lawn will hardly suffer, and the dandelion will take a long time to recover.

Unfortunately, in the future, the dandelion will still recover, because the root will only be damaged.

Of course, you can just mow the dandelion along with the lawn grasshowever, this is a completely temporary measure, because the roots are intact, which means that after a while the dandelions will reappear on your lawn.

The main thing is to mow the lawn before the dandelion seeds ripen!

But, if you have a situation, as in the picture below, then, perhaps, this is the only option. Although here it is better to just put up with, so to speak, come to terms with the weed, after all, it is not so scary, but in general it is useful and even edible, it is not for nothing that "medicinal dandelion".

Special tool

To make weeding as efficient as possible, you can purchase a special "Root remover" (or they also say "Root remover"). For example, the Xact FISKARS root remover.

The tool is really expensive (in March 2020, the price for a standard one is from 3000 rubles, a lightweight one is from 2500 rubles, a telescopic one is from 3500 rubles), but the result will surely please you and in the end it will justify itself.

How to use?

So, the root remover needs to be inserted into the ground where the dandelion outlet is located, press the pedal and pull (remove) the plant completely from the ground, along with the root.

As you understand, everything is very convenient, there is a minimum of effort and no need to bend over.

But we repeat once again: the tool is not cheap (at least 2,500 rubles), but quite effective. Therefore, if you are really very sick of the dandelions, then you will have to spend money, so to speak, fork out.

In any case, this method of mechanical weeding is the most effective way to deal with dandelion on the lawn.

When pruning the root with a knife, the lawn will have to weed about 4-5 times per season, and when using the root remover - only 1-2 times.


Of course, it is even easier to use selective (not continuous!) Herbicides. Namely, spray them on dandelion plants.

In other words, special means for dealing with annual and perennial dicotyledonous (broadleaf) weeds are suitable for you.

Most gardeners tend to use the following 2 dandelion herbicides (the main active ingredients are indicated in parentheses):

  • Weeded (Dicamba and Chlorsulfuron (dimethylamine and dimethylethanolamine salts);

  • Lintour (Dicamba (sodium salt) and Triasulfuron).

You can also use other means to control annual and perennial weeds on the lawn:

  • Lontrel-300 D (Clopyralid);

  • Bis-300 (Clopyralid);

  • Gazontrel (Clopyralid);

Note! All of the above drugs have the same active ingredientClopyralid.

  • Deimos (Dicamba (dimethylamine salt).


You can also use more powerful drugs:

  • Roundup (Glyphosate (isopropylamine salt);

  • Hurricane Forte (Glyphosate (potassium salt).

However! These funds are herbicides non-selective (continuous) actionwhich literally "Burn out" all the weeds and including some lawn grains. Therefore, they need apply exclusively pointwise (with a sponge or brush), while selective herbicides can (in theory) be sprayed throughout the lawn.

Important! Read the instructions for use of each drug carefully.

As a rule, spraying is carried out on vegetative weeds.

Moreover, categorically people are not allowed on treated lawns for 3 days.

And if you have automatic watering, then it is advisable to turn it off for a couple of days.

Folk remedies

  • Spray vinegar (preferably 70% acetic acid).

Similarly, you can use hydrochloric acid.

  • Sprinkle on dandelions salt.
  • Douse the yellow weeds boiling water.
  • Burn the weeds by fire.

Important! Your actions should be targeted, in other words, aimed only at the weeds. Otherwise, you can ruin the lawn or destroy other plants in your area.

  • Anything cover the plants... Without sunlight, they will die.
  • if you have chickens or rabbits, let them walk on your lawn, very much love these pets feast on dandelions.

Well, getting rid of a dandelion on a plot and / or lawn is really very difficult, and it is almost impossible to destroy it completely, but you can fight it, and now you know how. Good luck in this difficult struggle!

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